Disclaimer: I Do Not Own Naruto... Sadly...

Hello~! I'm Back~! Hehe! Anyways, I just want to let everyone know that this story is dedicated to my sister! Also, (Hopefully) I can get some of my other stories done this summer! I want to say a quick thank you to all my fans and that I hope you like this story! ^^

Sorry For Grammar Mistakes... I do them a lot. -_- But! Nobody is perfect!

Chapter One: The Beginning

Dear U. S.,

I found a letter addressed to you in my new house. My dad thinks the person who use to live here meant to send it to you, so here it is. I thought it would be impolite to send it without a letter of my own. I mean, who knows how long it's been here, Right? Anyway, I hope you get it. Oh! And I didn't read the letter. That would be wrong...

Their isn't much more to say.


From, U.N.

Dear U. N.,

Thank you for sending the letter to me. It was a very important letter. I have to give my gratitude to you for not opening it. Also, do you know you wrote the wrong "there"? It's t-h-e-r-e not t-h-e-i-r. "There" indicates a place. We also use it to signify the existence of something. "Their" simply refers to possession. You do know that, right?

I can only hope.

From, U.S.

Dear U. S.,

There was so much in your letter that I didn't like! Here I am being a nice person and sending a letter, that I found for you, to you. Do you have to be an asshole? And, yes, I do know the difference between 'there' and 'their'. Excuse me, for writing the wrong one!

From, U.N.

Dear U.N.,

I'm sorry that there was so much in my letter that you didn't like. However, there was something I didn't like about yours. It's not nice to call someone an asshole. Also, I'm glad you know the difference between the two. Use it wisely.

From, U.S.

Dear Bastard,

I think that name fits you better. Don't you think so? By the way, this place is really boring. Is there anything to do here?

From, U.N.

Dear Idiot,

Bastard? Whatever floats your boat. Oh, that's a saying.

There is nothing to do in this so called "city", which looks like a deserted town or something. The only good places are the bowling ally and the ice rink. At least to some people think they are the best places. You're new though and an idiot. I suggest you just stay inside.

From, U.S.

Dear Bastard,

I know that's a saying! God! You make me sound like an idiot!

What do you mean by the "I suggest you stay inside". Huh! What are you! Five!

From, U.N.

Dear Idiot,

I didn't mean anything by it. I'm sorry it offended you.

I'm not five. I just turned seventeen.

From, U.S.

Dear Bastard,

Can I ask you something? I mean... I don't know what I mean. I just need someone to talk to.

From, U.N.

Dear Idiot,

Hn... Sounds serious. Are you sure you want to tell a complete stranger something serious? I don't want you to do something you will regret later on.

From, U.S.

Dear Bastard,

Um... Have you ever felt like your life could only get worse and it does? After one tragic ends, another begins. It feels like your body is holding so much weight that you want to do anything to release it. And, even though your life keeps getting worse you want hide it under a facade because you don't want to hurt the people around you. Have you ever felt like if you weren't here people would be happier? Have you ever wondered why you were born? Why it was you instead of someone else? Have you ever wondered why these things crossed your mind?

From, U.N.

Dear Idiot,

Idiot... to be truthful, you sound like you want to kill yourself. I don't like it. Where's the Idiot I'm slowly getting to know? Don't do anything stupid. In darkness there is always a light. You've just got to wait until you find it. You'll see, things will get better.

From, Bastard.

Dear Bastard.

In darkness there is always a light? Thanks. You've really helped me. It's amazing that in just a few sentences you could do that. I'm sorry for acting like that. I just really needed to let those feeling out.

You said in a few letters ago that you just turned seventeen. Happy late birthday. I guess. You're going to be a senior, right?

Sincerely, Idiot.

Dear Idiot,

Your welcome and thanks for the Birthday wishes. If you ever need to let those feelings out again just tell me. I'll figure out a way to help you.

Also, I'm going to be a senior. What about it?

Sincerely, Bastard.

Dear Bastard,

It's amazing how just getting a letter now can make me smile. Sorry, I just had to let that out. I was just wondering because I'm one too. A senior, I mean. Well, I'm going to be one when school starts.

Can I ask you a question?

Sincerely, Idiot.

Dear Idiot,

You can ask me one question as long as I can ask you one. What do you say?

Sincerely, Bastard.

Dear Bastard,

Fine! Um... What are you like?

Sincerely, Idiot.

Dear Idiot,

I'm intelligent, hard working, and naturally good looking. What's your name?

Sincerely, Bastard.

Dear Bastard,

-Snorts- You conceited bastard! I don't mean like that. Look, I'll tell you what I'm like. I'm short, don't you dare laugh at that. I'm blond, naturally, with blue eyes, and three whisker-like scars on each cheek. Don't ask. I'm an anime, music, and movie buff. I hate horror movies, but I love comedy. My favorite color is orange. My favorite food is ramen. I... hate being alone. I need to have something, like a memento, to prove that something is real. Yeah... So, answer like I did!

My name's Naruto Uzumaki. Yours?

Sincerely, Naruto.

Dear Naruto,

-Rolls eyes- Whatever. I'm average height, but next to you I'll probably look tall. I have black hair and black eyes. I'm into writing and English class as you may have noticed. It makes me laugh when you say that you hate horror. It's my favorite genre. My favorite color is blue. My favorite food is sushi.

Naruto Uzumaki. Huh... I kinda like the sound of it. As for my name... I'm not going to tell you. I did say one question didn't I?

Sincerely, Bastard.

Dear Bastard,

I really want to smack you. You sound totally... I don't have a word for it. As for the name part, you really are a bastard. It's unfair! I told you about myself and I gave you my name! And... What did you mean by "I like the sound of it"? You- You sound like you... You know!

Sincerely, Naruto.

Dear Naruto,

Sorry that it took me a few weeks to write back. I've been a little busy lately.

Naruto, could it be that you liked it when I said that? -Smirks-

Sincerely, Bastard.

Dear Bastard,

No- no! You're a guy, right? Isn't that kinda wrong?

Sincerely, Naruto.

Dear Naruto,

Do you feel like it's wrong? We've been sending letters for over three months. How do you feel Naruto?

Sincerely, Bastard.

Dear Bastard,

It took three days to get your letter as always. I've had a lot of time to think since then. I know we've been sending letters to each other for over three months. It killed me when you didn't send a letter for two weeks. I'm just slightly confused with my feelings. How can I like someone without knowing who they are in real life? It scares me, but I have this, this growing need for you, to hear your words of advice and just to hear from you. It feels kind of stupid, but it doesn't feel wrong at all.

I-I really like you, Bastard.

Sincerely Yours, Naruto.

Dear Naruto,

It is scary sometimes, not really knowing who you are talking to. It does feel stupid but in a good way. It doesn't feel wrong at all. Every time I get a letter from you, I feel- this may sound stupid- but I feel complete. I want to help you no matter what.

I like you, too.

Yours Truly, Bastard.

Dear Bastard,

I can't help but read your letter over and over again. It makes me smile. I'm such a softy.

Um... School is starting in a week. Are you going to tell me who you are? So we can hang out during school and you know... get to know each other better.

Sincerely Yours, Naruto.

Dear Naruto,

I think we should make this fun. If you find out who I am by the end of the school year than I'll give you a little surprise. If you don't find out who I am by the end of the school year, you won't get the little surprise. There is one rule to this little game.

Just be careful.

I don't want you to get hurt. If you trust me, then follow the rules, okay? Do you trust me?

Yours Truly, Bastard.

Dear Bastard,

Fine, I'll definitely find out who you are before the year ends. However, what do you mean by the rul- never mind. I'll follow the rules. I trust you Bastard.

See you at school... maybe...

Sincerely Yours, Naruto

P.S.- I wonder what the surprise is -Wink-

Naruto grabbed Lucky Charms off the shelf throwing it into the shopping cart. Going shopping with his dad was something he hasn't done since, well, ever. It was something he only did with his mother. It was their bonding time. Since his mother died a year ago, Naruto hasn't gone shopping at all. It surprised his dad, Minato, greatly when he agreed to go with him to get groceries.

Minato watched his son in awe. Naruto, on the other hand, was trying to abstain himself from breaking down in the middle of Wal-Mart crying. He didn't want his father to worry again.

He looked at his father, who was trying to decide between Frosted Flakes and Fruit Loops. His mother always choose between the two at first, but in the end she always chose Frosted Flakes.

The blond couldn't help but cringe at the memories that came back to him. He sighed walking to his father. He reached over Minato's shoulder and grabbed the Fruit Loops box throwing it in same way he did with the Lucky Charms.

His father frowned slightly but he understood where this was coming from. He feels the same way as Naruto, but he needs to keep a strong face. He doesn't want his son to see him as weak, and he didn't want to set a bad example. He wants to show his son that people die and it isn't the end of the world, you need to be strong and keep on moving. The only problem is that Minato doesn't know how long he can keep this facade up. How much longer can it last?

"Dad?" Naruto asked in a soft voice.

Minato looked at his son wondering if this was too much for him. "Naruto, are you okay? Is this too hard?"

He felt his eyes water as he took a deep breath. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just going to get some ramen, okay?"

Minato rubbed his son's back and gave a tiny smile. "Okay, Just search for me when you're done."

Naruto nodded not being able to speak. He walked away from his father, away from the memories of his mother that flooded back to him. He walked until he found an aisle with nobody in it. Naruto slowly sat on the floor, his back against the shelf. He took deep breaths. He needed to calm down, needed to think of something good, like the bastard.

He felt his lips turn upwards showing a tiny smile. He should be getting the bastard's letter Tuesday. Thinking about the bastard make him suddenly wish that he had him here. He needed his advice right about now.

He was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't even notice a raven haired man standing in front of him. The black haired man, however, was fully aware of Naruto.

The raven haired man, also known as Sasuke, couldn't believe he had actually found the idiot. He didn't think he'd see him before school started. He was confounded. Naruto looked nothing like he pictured in his mind. He looked way better and dare he say it, even though the idiot would smack him, he looked cute. Just by looking at him, the dark haired man knew that if Naruto stood up, he would be, at least, as tall as his neck, maybe a little bit shorter.

Sasuke couldn't help but smirk. "You know," The blond's head shot up to look at him as he spoke, "you should really slide over just a little bit."

Naruto stared at the boy confused, but he still slid over. He watched as the other boy kneeled to get a bag of chips that he was previously sitting in front of. The blond took this opportunity to look at the boy's appearance. His hair style was a little weird but, to be honest, Naruto felt jealous. The way his black hair framed his face perfectly. His onyx eyes, his pale skin that brought out all his features. He was drop dead gorgeous. Naruto couldn't help but think that the bastard would want someone more like this guy in front of him instead of Naruto himself.

"Why are you staring at me?" Sasuke asked after a minute or two.

Naruto felt his face heat up causing the other boy to smirk. "Sorry," he apologized.

"It's okay," he shrugged. "Do you want to tell me what you're doing here?"

"Shopping at Wal-Mart..."

Sasuke growled. "Not that you idiot!"

Naruto glowered at the other boy. "Don't call me that!"

The pale boy's voice softened as he spoke, "I meant, why are you sitting here in the aisle crying."

"I'm not crying." Naruto stared at the floor as if it was interesting and couldn't help but tense as a pale hand gently wiped away his tears.

"Sorry," Sasuke muttered softly.

Naruto let out a small smile. People in this town are really nice, he thought to himself.

"You should be careful shorty."

Maybe not. "Don't call me short!" the blond yelled as he got up and quickly walked away. "Damn stupid asshole," he muttered until he found his father.

"Is everything okay?" A concerned Minato asked.

Naruto shrugged. "Yeah, I'm fine."

His father raised one eyebrow at his son. "Uh huh. What happened to your Ramen?"

"I decided not to get them," Naruto lied. He had totally forgot about them.

Minato smiled light heartedly. "Ready to go?" His son nodded his head. "Ready for school tomorrow?"

"Yes and no."

Dear Bastard,

I know I should wait until I get your letter Tuesday, but I can't. This morning I was at Wal-Mart, and it was very hard for me. Do you remember when you said that when I feel like saying something to tell you? Well, being at Wal-Mart was really hard for me because it brought up memories that I don't want to remember. I really wanted you to be there. I needed you. That isn't the main reason why I'm writing this. The main reason is that I met the biggest prick at Wal-Mart and because of him as soon as my dad and I left Wal-Mart all these questions popped into my head. I mean, what if you don't like me? I mean, the way I look, because seeing this guy so perfect and handsome just gets me wondering if you would like me because I look nothing like him. I don't look perfect, and I am definitely not handsome. Another question that popped into my head was, what if my dad disapproves of me? What should I do? I could really use your advice.

Yours Truly (even though I don't know why), Naruto

Thank You So Much For Reading!