Christmas in July

Alas, Christmas comes but once a year. And since December is far too far away for my liking, I decided to give you a little gift now.

Disclaimer: I don't own them. But, I figured that while nobody else was playing with them I would slip them out of their box and make a break for it. Maybe if I got lucky no one would notice till I had had my way with them.

Chapter one:

Angela sat at her desk, deep in thought. Once in a while her eyes would light up and her fingers would fly madly over the keyboard in front of her, the smile on her face growing. Another idea came to her, this one brought with it a little chuckle and her fingers typed madly once again.

"Angela!" She was shocked back into the present by the exasperated words of her friend. "Are we going out to lunch today or not?"

She glanced up at Brennan sheepishly. "Sorry Sweetie, I didn't realize you were waiting. Let me grab my purse and I am good to go." She jumped up, grabbed her purse and they started wandering in the direction of the diner.

"I have been trying to get your attention for the last 5 minutes," her friend informed her bluntly, "What were you working on so intently? I didn't realize that any of the current cases required so much of your time."

Angela chuckled to herself, she could understand her friends confusion, it certainly wasn't like her to be so caught up in her work that it took away from her break time. But then again, this wasn't work that was filling her head.

"Ange?" Brennan asked again. "Are you going to answer me?"

"Sorry Sweetie, I have just been a bit preoccupied today." She was reluctant to share the details of her little plan just yet. She knew that Brennan would not share her enthusiasm and wasn't ready for the buzz kill just yet. She wanted to plan things out a bit more carefully and make sure things were well underway before she told Temperance what was going on. That way she would have no choice but to join in the fun. Another smile flashed briefly across her lips as she though of just what fun this could be.

"I can tell you're preoccupied, I was requesting to know why," her friend pushed.

"Just something I am working on."

"Yes, I assumed that much, I am asking what you are working on."

Clearly the evasive answers were not going to get past Brennan. She should have guessed that much. She considered spilling the beans, but she didn't want to risk being talked out of her grand plan, or worse still give her friend time to find an excuse not to participate.

"I was just planning a little party," she confided eventually.

"A party?" Brennan was confused, "But there are no birthdays coming up or any special occasions. I would know about it if there were."

Ange chuckled to herself again, Brennan did not know everything. Well at least she didn't admit to it if she did. When it came to the 'just partners' relationship between Temperance and her man candy partner, Special Agent Seeley Booth she was positively clueless.

"Why does there have to be a reason to have a party?" she asked her friend. "I just thought is might be nice to have a little fun."

Another smile flashed over Angela's face, and the little glean in her eye was not missed even by Brennan.

"What are you planning? Please don't tell me this is another one of your setups? As much as I appreciate your concern I am quite capable of meeting people and arranging dates without reliance on your assistance.

Angela silently cursed Booth for teaching her friend to be better at reading people. "Nothing like that Sweetie," she promised. "Just a little party for some of our friends. Just trust me. Please? It will be fun."

Brennan sighed once more. Arguing with her friend when she was on a mission like this was clearly fruitless. She would let it go for now.

Later in the day Angela spotted Hodgins working alone in his office and went about putting the next part of her plan into action.

"Jack, I need you to help me with something." The tone of her voice immediately alerted him to the fact that this was not a work related favour she was asking.

"Ange, what have you done this time?" he asked, his attention still on the samples he was analysing. Then, looking up he saw the look in her eye and amended his question. "Scrap that question. What are you about to do? And why does it need to involve me?"

Angela laughed. He knew her too well. Momentarily her mind drifted back to the stolen moments they had shared in any and every private place they could find in the lab. Pulling herself away from the memories she brought her focus back to the task at hand. "I'm organising a Christmas party and I need your help."

"Um, Ange, you do realize that it is July don't you?" Hodgins was bemused. "Surely not even one of your parties takes 6 months to plan?"

"It isn't going to be in 6 months." was Angela's reply, looking at Hodgins as though this should have been obvious. 'I thought we could have a Christmas in July party. December is far to long to wait and I need an excuse for a party."

"Right," said Hodgins, taking in the excited look on her face. The sparkle in her eye told him this was about far more than just a party. "And what else is this an excuse for?"

Angela cursed him silently. Damn him for knowing her so well. He could always tell when she was up to something. "I just thought is would be good to get everyone together outside of work. Things have been so hectic lately. And what better way to relax than a nice party?"

"But why a Christmas party?"

"There is just something about the holidays. Lots of food, alcohol, presents, mistletoe…"

"I see." Things suddenly made sense to Hodgins. Well as much as Angela's plans ever made sense. "And how exactly are you going to use a Christmas party to get Dr B to realize that she is madly in love with Booth and throw herself into his arms?

"I don't know what you are talking about. I just thought that it would be nice…"

Hodgins cut her off. "Angela, don't play dumb with me. I know the way that mind of yours works. If you want my help you had better come clean with me. Starting by telling me how exactly my services are required in this little scheme of yours."

Angela chose to ignore the first part of his statement and focus instead on the favour she needed. "I was hoping that you would let me host the party at your house. You have so much more space than I do and there is just such a nice feel to your place." Her mind again drifted back to some of the very nice feelings she had enjoyed at Jack's house, waking up with his arms wrapped around her, waking him up by…

She snapped herself out of it once again. What was going on with her lately? She really needed to stop thinking about him like that. They had chosen to go their separate ways. Back to just being friends. And anyway, this wasn't about her, it was about her friend, and her friends hunky, sex on a stick partner, and helping them realize they were more than just friends.

Jack's words brought her back to the conversation. "So you want to throw a Christmas party, this month, and somehow use this to push Booth and Dr B together?"

"I want to throw a Christmas party, at the end of this month, the 25th, and at your house yes," was her response.

"And what else do I have to do?"

"Nothing. I promise. Just let me use your house and I will be eternally grateful. I will take care of everything."

Knowing she was close to closing the deal a big smile spread over her face, and this was all it took to break him. Damn her and her smile. She knew he had a soft spot for that gorgeous grin of hers and the wide, sparkling eyes that went with it. "Okay," he conceded, "You can use my house. But, don't expect me to take the fall for what ever else you are up to. If Booth comes after me with a gun I am sending him in your direction lady."

"Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!" came the response as she threw her arms around him in a brief hug, before she rushed out of his office beaming.

Hodgins was left standing, shaking his head. He knew he was probably going to end up being blamed for a good part of whatever it was that his gorgeous colleague was up to. But, if it got him more of her time and attention, and more hugs like the fleeting one he had just received, then he would go along for the ride.

Back in her office, with the venue now confirmed, Angela continued her planning. They were going to need food, and alcohol, lots of alcohol. And decorations, she would have to make things look nice and festive. And presents, it wouldn't be Christmas without gifts. Maybe they should do a Kris Kringle. If she teed it up just right she could perhaps make sure that Brennan and Booth ended up buying gifts for each other. Bones wasn't a big fan of the holidays, but she loved presents. This gave Angela an idea and an audible laugh escaped her as it occurred to her the lengths she could push Bones into going in order to get her gift. A perfect rouse to get her to play along.

"Something amusing?" enquired Cam entering her office, "Or don't I want to know?"

"Oh, um, nothing, well I am just organising a little party," Angela stammered. "At Jacks place, July 25th. You have to come, so mark it in your diary."

"Any occasion?"

Angela had recovered her composure. "I thought it would be a bit of fun to have an office Christmas party."

"In July?"

Why did everyone keep asking her that? "Yes, Christmas in July. It seems to be all the rage at the moment and you know I will take any excuse to party."

She had a point there, and the idea of unwinding and having a few drinks did have its appeal, so Cam agreed to keep the evening free for the party before turning the discussion back to more work related topics.

Her plan was coming together nicely, but her work was far from done. She glanced at the calendar. It was the 8th of July. That gave her a little over two weeks to pull this off, and while she now had a venue and two confirmed guests, the hard work was still before her.

Picking up her phone, she dialled Sweets extension. As much as she was hoping that Daisy, the insanely chatty intern that the young psychiatrist had hooked up with was unavailable, she knew she had to invite them. She couldn't claim it to be an innocent office Christmas party if she didn't.

"Hey Sweet's," she said as he picked up. "Christmas party at Jacks house, July 25th. I will get your invite to you soon, but keep the date free, and bring Daisy."

She was about to hang up when Sweet's challenged her. "A Christmas party? In July?"

Ignoring the question she was sick of being asked she decided to bait the young doctor instead. "Come on," she encouraged, "Wouldn't you love a chance to observe our favourite 'just partners' in action once they get a bit of alcohol into their systems?"

Sweet's chuckled, she had him there. He assured her that he would be there and promised to check with Daisy and let Angela know if she was free.

Secretly hoping the Daisy was otherwise engaged for the evening Angela mentally checked two more names off of her list. Four people down, two to go. And this was where it became a bit more challenging.

And then there were two.

Angela debated in her head the best way to confront the next obstacle. In the end she decided that over the phone was the way to go. Less chance of Booth gut catching her out that way.

Booth was confused to see Angela's number showing on his cell. There was no active case that they were working on and that was generally her only reason for calling him.

"Booth," he answered.

"How is my favourite, spunky FBI Special Agent going? She enquired, trying to sound casual.

Booth groaned silently. He knew she didn't mean anything by it, but Angela's insistence on objectifying him was really getting old. That, and she was being overly perky, even for Angela. His gut was already sounding a warning as he returned her greeting. "I am fine thanks. What can I do for you?"

Angela jumped at the opening. "You can come to my Christmas party," she told him, continuing before he could ask her why like everyone else had done. "It is a Christmas in July party, Jack's place, July 25th. I will get your invite to you soon, just make sure you keep the date free."

"I'm not sure that I'm free sorry Angela," Booth lied, "I think I have Parker that weekend." He knew he didn't. That was Rebecca's weekend. And normally he had no issue with socialising with the squints, but Angela was up to something, his gut was sure of that much, and he wasn't going to dive in head first until he worked out what it was.

"Well change weekends." Angela was not going to be put off that easily. "I am sure Rebecca will be able to do you a swap. I can even ring and ask her for you if you want me…"

"That won't be necessary," Booth interrupted. "I am quite capable of handling discussions with Rebecca myself."

"Great, I will mark down that you are coming then."

"I didn't say that," Booth protested, but it was too late. Angela had already hung up the phone. Booth let out an exasperated groan. Just what was she up to? He would have to speak to Bones and see if she knew anything more about this little get together.

It was now or never. Angela knew it wouldn't take Booth and Brennan to swap notes about her planned get together. She had to act fast and talk her friend into it before the two of them had a chance to talk each other out of it. She jumped up and made a beeline for Brennan's office.

"Okay Sweetie, the party I told you about is at Jack's place, July 25th," she informed Brennan without waiting for her to look up from her work. "I will get the invites out ASAP, but we are having a Christmas in July theme and it is going to be awesome. So mark the date in that little planner of yours and we will go shopping soon and find something gorgeous for you to wear."

Brennan quickly processed the information Angela had imparted and interrupted her in her attempt to turn and flee the room. "Wait, Ange. Why Christmas in July? Christmas is in December. And why do you need a theme anyway?"

"Yes, I know Christmas is in December but I thought it would be fun. And why not have a theme. Besides, I have already told everyone else that is was a Christmas party and they all loved the idea and agreed to come."

"Everyone agreed?" Brennan asked with eyebrows raised. "Based on the impossibility that you could have actually invited 'everyone', whom does this guest list include?"

"Myself, Hodgins of course, although I guess that much was a given since we are having it at his house and Cam, and Sweets and Daisy. Well actually I am not sure about Daisy yet, but definitely Sweets. And Booth said he would be there. And you."

"Booth agreed to your premise of celebrating Christmas at a time other than when his religion accepts it to be?"

"Booth said he would be there," replied Angela. "He didn't make a big deal out of it being a Christmas party so I don't see why you should have any problem with it. I just thought it would be a bit of fun."

Angela was looking at her friend with pleading eyes. "Come on, you owe me."

"I owe you?" Brennan asked eyebrows raised once more. "I am not aware of any such debt that I have outstanding. What are you asserting that you are due repayment for?"

Damn, Angela was hoping that she would just let that one slide. "Um, well…"

Brennan couldn't help laughing at Angela grasping for an explanation. She was up to something, that was clear.

"For being such a good friend, and for looking out for you, and making sure that you get out of this lab once in a while. Please? Just say you will come."

"Okay, if it means that much to you I will be there," Brennan conceded. She had not forgotten Angela's behaviour earlier in the day, and she was becoming quite certain that there was more to this party than just the 'bit of fun' that Angela claimed, but she would go along for the ride.

Angela squealed loudly, launching herself towards Brennan. "Thankyou Sweetie! We will go shopping later in the week and find you something stunning to wear."

"I am sure I can find something perfectly adequate to wear from the items of clothing that I already own Ange."

"We will go shopping later in the week," Angela repeated, and left her friend with a broad smile before retreating back to her office. It was all falling into place nicely.


Please review, please, please, pretty please. I am new at this so any feedback good or bad would be appreciated in order to point me in the right direction and make this more enjoyable for all.