So here's the alternate ending I've thought up for this story, hope you guys like it ;) It's gonna start out like the last chapter of the story but it will change as it goes on.

God, Zach was really starting to worry me. He kept muttering under his breath, and time was running out. With only 60 seconds left to go, Zach finally cut one of the wires. It wasn't the blue one in case you guys were wondering. The beeping from the bomb increased and it got faster. We barely had the time to look at each other before we were running for our lives. We dove for cover behind one of the metal boxes that were down there. After doing it, I realized it wasn't one of the smartest things to do. We waited for the explosion to come. I checked my internal clock, according to what I knew about bombs, you had at least thirty seconds before it went off. (A/N Once again I have no idea if it's true) And well, more than thirty seconds have passed. I looked at Zach and he looked back at me. We were about to breathe a sigh of relief, when a light explosion shook the bottom part of the building, causing a small fire to start burning. We both sprang into action at the same time, Zach getting the fire extinguisher and me going to deactivate the fire alarm before it had a chance to ring. "Liz, I need you to hack into the school's security system so I can gain access to the fire alarm." I instructed. "On it" Liz responded and I could hear her tapping into her laptop. A minute later the sprinklers in the basement activated, successfully putting out the fire. "We have to get this out before they find out" I said gesturing to the wreck that bomb had left behind. He agreed for once not being his cocky self and started picking up fragments of the bomb and other stuff that got mixed with it.

Finally, after we finished cleaning the basement and ourselves up, we went back upstairs to where the dance was still going on, nobody noticing what had happened downstairs. Not that I blamed them, I mean who wouldn't with the vibrations the loud music was causing were enough to not notice a small earthquake. DeeDee came up behind us then.

"Where have you guys been, I've been looking all over for you!"

"We were just out taking some fresh air" Zach winked at her, as if to say 'you know what I mean'. I blushed, probably just proving his point further, since his smirk got even bigger, but I mentally rolled my eyes knowing that whatever she was thinking couldn't be further from the truth. Then again she'd never know, so what was the point. "Oh!" she gave us a knowing smile. I buried my head in Zach's neck going along with his little lie. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me tighter against him. "You know what Zach, I'm really tired, can we go back to school?" I asked him in the sweetest voice that I could. "Of course we can." He said. I turned to DeeDee who was just standing there awing at us. "Thanks for inviting us DeeDee, it was very nice of you." I said while giving her a hug. "Say bye to Josh for us" I called over my shoulder, before walking down the street holding Zach's hand.

When we reached the corner I let go of his hand and got into the awaiting van with our school's crest on it. Grant was in the driver's seat, while Bex was next to him in the passenger's seat and Jonas and Liz in the back with their laptops open in front of them, Macey was just sitting there filing her nails. We sat down next to them, Jonas and Liz momentarily glancing up at us before going back to whatever it was that they were doing. We were barely buckled in before Bex pounced on us. "What the bloody hell happened in there?" she demanded, her British accent thick on her tongue. "Well not much, the bomb went off." Zach said with a shrug of his shoulders , brushing it off as if it were nothing. "NOT MUCH? HOW IN THE BLOODY HELL IS THAT NOT MUCH?" Bex practically blew our ears off. "Well nobody got hurt, so I don't see the big deal" Zach said once again brushing it off. "Zach, a lot of people could've gotten hurt if the bomb wasn't as small as it was. What if we weren't there for damage control, huh? What do you think would've happened. But that's not our most pressing matter. What we should be worrying about is that there has just been a terrorist attack at the Roseville high school, which has never happened before, we have to go to my mom, we need answers." And with that the rest of the car ride to the school was silent, everybody lost in their own thoughts.

We all rushed up the stairs to my mom's office, "Come in" she said before we even had the chance to knock on her door. I swear she must have really well hidden cameras or something, because I have no idea how she does that. I opened the door and all of us came piling in to her office. "Mom, we have bad news and good news," she nodded at me to continue, "The bad news is that the bomb went off but the good news is that nobody got hurt, they didn't even find out. But mom please tell us what's going on, this has never happened before, I think we deserve to know." My mom sighed and motioned for us to sit down, which we did. "Recently it seems that a criminal organization has been targeting select public high schools for an unknown reason. We are speculating that it has something to do with drug trafficking, that these schools have some students that consume and since they haven't payed up, it seems they're planting small bombs as a warning. We fear that it will only get worse." There was a stunned silence after that, not knowing what to say we just stared at her. "Ok, but what do you want us to do about it?" Bex asked the question we were all thinking. "Well, tonight's mission was a test run to see if you kids were capable of handling this, it seems that you are but you also need some extra lessons in the bombs and fire arms department for all of you to be completely and utter experts when it comes to these kind of missions."

"Wait, so are you trying to say that you're sending us on more missions?" I asked my mom. She just nodded and handed us some files. "You will all be split in two; you get to choose your partner, you will have to memorize your legends and be careful. All of you will be normal high school students, which will be one of the things you will have in common, the rest is up to you to figure out." And with that we were dismissed from her office.

I took out my legend from the folder it was in, glancing at the papers that were inside.

Cover: Vanessa Anderson

Age: 16

Eye color: Hazel

Hair color: Brown

Height: Average

Personality: Shy, but outgoing around her friends, serious when needs to be but likes goofing around. Leadership skills but doesn't really like using them. Breaks the rules if the situation calls for it, nice, loyal to her friends, warm hearted and smart.

Parents: Shane Anderson and Katie Smith

Friend(s): to be decided

Boyfriend: to be decided

School: Los Angeles high school for the Arts (A/N totally made up)

Hometown: Los Angeles, California (never lived anywhere else)

Having memorized my cover I looked up to see that everyone else had finished theirs as well. "Time to pick our partners I guess." Liz said. Bex and I locked eyes with each other coming to a silent agreement well that was before Grant ruined it by dragging Bex with him, she glanced back at me mouthing the words 'I'm sorry' to me. I glanced around, the only ones left were Macey and Zach. I looked over at
Macey and was about to step towards her when Zach came towards me. "So, Gallagher Girl I guess we're partners." He smirked. I rolled my eyes, "Why is it that I always end up getting stuck with you ?" I asked out loud, his smirk just got bigger and he shrugged.

"So, friend or boyfriend?"

"Do you seriously gotta ask me that?" he raised one eyebrow

"Guess not," I shrugged "You ready for this?"

"When am I not?" shaking my head I left him by himself in the hallway, walking to my room to pack my things for the next few months.

And I guess I'd tell you the rest but that's a whole other story, trust me I got a feeling that it's gonna be a long ride, especially when your partner is a certain Zachary Goode.

Now that has gotta be the longest chapter I have ever written on fanfic, I'm not really sure where I went with this but I was running out of inspiration for this so…. I'm sorry I took so long in writing this chapter but I've been very busy lately, but thanks to anyone who actually reviewed for this story. I really appreciate it, it's always very fun to read your reviews so once again thank you and I apologize if this chapter made no sense whatsoever but I finally finished this story for good no more chapters, maybe I'll start a new story, who knows? Anyway, I'll really appreciate it if you left a review ;)