I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in a couple of days! I just keep putting it off cause it's hard to come up with an idea of what will happen next.

DISCLAIMER: You would know if I owned iCarly, there would be Seddie all the time!

Chapter 6: Carly POV

I turned the TV off and sighed in happiness. Watching the Twilight movies always puts me in a good mood. I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and stepped on something pointy.

"Ouch!" I whisper-yelled. I turned the light on and saw that there was a fork on the ground. Spencer was building some sort of fork sculpture, and now I was finding forks in all sorts of strange places. It's a good thing that Spencer's night-fishing with Socko tonight, otherwise he would've worked on his sculpture all night and kept me up. Only Spencer gets "Creative-ness Inspiration" in the middle of the night.

I poured my water and yawned. I guess I should go to sleep now, it's already one in the morning. I think Sam and Freddie are asleep, I heard yelling coming from upstairs before and now it quiet. I was considering intervening in their argument, but I decided that it's just better to let them handle it themselves. Plus, I didn't want to miss Taylor Lautner shirt-less.

I walked into the iCarly studio, and it was pitch black. I didn't want to wake up Sam and Freddie, so I turned around dimmed the lights on the switch.

I turn my gaze back to studio, only to see Freddie and Sam cuddling on a sleeping bag! What. The. HELL? Wait… are they… did…. WHAT HAPPENED! Just an hour ago I heard them screaming their heads off… and hear the are sleeping together! This doesn't make any sense!

I wanted to wake them up right now and ask what was going on, but when I looked at their faces, all I saw was comfort and happiness, so I didn't bother them. But… were they dating now? Was Sam cold and Freddie was just warming her up? Wait that's impossible, it's over 95 degrees outside. And they took my from my room without even asking, how rude!

But with the wind from the fan blowing their hair and the smiles on their faces, they looked absolutely adorable together. I still don't see how this happened though, and I intend to tomorrow morning. I went to my room to get my sleeping bag, which nobody had bothered to bring in for me.

The Next Morning (Still Carly POV)

"Carly. Carly, wake up." I grumbled in response and stuffed a pillow over my head. Sam did this at every sleepover. "Quick! The cops are outside, and they have a warrant!" I sit up and give her a look.

"Sam," I whisper, "I'm not your mom!"

She smirks and says, "Well, it woke you up, didn't it?"

I rolled my eyes and get up to stretch. "C'mon, I'll go make you your bacon breakfast now."

"As great as that sounds, Fredbag is still sleeping, and if we eat now there won't be any left for him." Oh, right, I forgot Freddie was here too. I looked over at him, he was in his boxers (tee hee) hugging a pillow and he was no longer smiling… the image of Sam and Freddie cuddling came into my mind. I remembered what my mission was, to find out what was going on between them.

"Okay… then we can just go downstairs and watch some Girly Cow 'til he wakes up." We walked down the stairs and I tried to come up with questions to ask Sam that would give away what's going on.

I plopped down on the couch and turned the TV on while Sam raided the fridge. Our usual routine. After a couple of minutes of watching Girly Cow, I finally get the nerve to ask Sam a question.

"Hey Sam, can I ask you something? And you HAVE to answer truthfully."

"What's up?"

"Well, um…" I was interrupted by Feddie coming down the stairs, now wearing pants, with his hair sticking up from being slept on.

"Hey…" He mumbled.

"Yo, Frddork. Grab me a cream soda, will you?" I watched them for odd behaviors that would give any hints, but this conversation happens between them every day.

Freddie handed Sam her cream soda and sat on one of the armchairs. We were all sitting in silence for at least five minutes. Something inside of me snapped. All of the tension and curiosity that was built up in my body burst out before I could even think about it.

"OKAY, I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF IT!" I screamed, jumping off the couch.

"Carls, what do you mean-"

"You guys both know what I mean! Don't pretend you don't know!"

They looked at each other with confused faces. UGH, how clue-less can they get?

"HELLO! You guys don't think that I saw you cuddling last night? I heard you guys screaming and then an hour later your sleeping next to each other and smiling? What's going on! And you have to tell me, we all swore no more secrets!"

Freddie sighed and looked at his feet while Sam pretended that the ceiling was the coolest thing in the world.

"Erm, well, you see… last night we… um, kinda sorta confessed our love for each other… and yeah." WHAT! How.. could… this… WHAT!

"B-but, how could you guys LOVE each other! You've always hated each other! I always have to break up your fights, and-"

Freddie interrupted me and said, "Don't you see? That's just the way we are. She insults and hurts me, and I take it and enjoy the physical contact. I guess we have a "love-hate" relationship going on."

Oh my God… I sit down and start fanning myself and trying to calm down. Sam brings me a glass of water and I gulp it down in one sip.

"Feeling better?" Sam asks.

Freddie smirks and says, "Are you jealous Carly?"

"Ew, no! Uh, *ahem* I mean… I'm just upset that I'll be the third wheel now."

"What? No way! We'll save all of the lovey stuff for when we're not with you. We'll act the same when it's all of us together." Freddie reasons.

"Okay, good. So… you guys are boyfriend and girlfriend now?"

Freddie smiles and nods and Sam says, "Nope." Freddie's face falls and my mouth opens in shock. What's wrong with her!

"Sam!" I hiss.

She shrugs and gives a small smile. "Well, we aren't dating because he still hasn't actually asked me yet."

Freddie rolls his eyes in an affectionate way and walks over to Sam. He grabs her hand, gets down on one knee and says, "Sam Puckett, will you do me the great honor of being my girlfriend?"

Sam smiles and yells, "Of course, you nub!" I wipe imaginary tears from my eyes. This is so beautiful! It's almost as romantic as Twilight!

Freddie jumps up, grabs Sam by the waist and captures her in a kiss. Okay, it's not so beautiful anymore. You would think the same if your two best friends were making out in your living room.

"Guys! You promised to keep the lovey dovey stuff away from me!"

They mumble their apologies and step away from each other. Freddie's head shoots up all of a sudden. "I have to go, my mom's calling me."

"Really? I didn't hear anything." I say, confused.

"I heard the whistle!" Jesus, his mother is a lunatic!

He runs upstairs and collects his stuff, and is out the door in less than ten seconds. That whistle must hurt his ears or something.

Sam stretched out on the couch and returned to watching Girly Cow as if the whistle wasn't weird at all.

A little while later, Sam leaves 'cause her mom needs her to help get rid of their old stove. Which meant beating it with a baseball bat. But I knew that that wasn't the reason she left so early. It must've been Freddie, texting her to come over while his mom's at work or something.

Sure enough, I hear them talking at his door then go inside, where I'm sure plenty of kissing is going on. Well, as long as they don't do that around me, I'm okay with it.

A/N: That, my dear readers, was the final chapter of iWatch You Sleep. Thank you for sticking with me through the whole story and supporting me, I appreciate it! And I know someone's gonna tell me to continue it, but I think it's a nice place to end it. I might write a sequel to this later, so keep your eyes peeled!

Oh, and I'm sorry if the characters were a little OOC at times. And the "it's almost as romantic as Twilight!" qoute I just said cause it seems like something Carly would say, since she likes Twilight and romance in this story. But I don't agree with it AT ALL!

And since this story is done, I'll be working more frequently on iGo To Six Flags. I also have a one-shot and a multi-chapter idea that I might write soon.

Review, it's the last time you'll get a chance to for this story! You don't want to miss THAT opportunity! ; )