We were sitting outside of the Cullen's house. Everyone was just laying in the sun, even I. Though, why, I didn't know. I wasn't a vampire like them, so I didn't sparkle. I guess they were trying to get me to tan.

"Oh my!" I heard Esme exclaim. We all bolted up and I saw an owl swoop down and drop something in my lap. Just as I was about to reach for it, Edward grabbed my wrist.

"It isn't safe."

"It was a messenger owl, Edward. It's perfectly fine," I reasoned. He let my wrist go and I grabbed the piece of parchment.

Miss Shunpike, it started.

My breath hitched. No one except my friends back home knew my real name, let alone that name.

Death Eaters are coming for you. They have decided to take Harriet with them to use to you as bait. Do not fall for it. The Order is on their way. So be prepared. McGonnagall.

I ripped it up in little pieces and shoved it in my pocket. "I'll show them. I'll show all of them!" I mumbled under my breath. No one stole Harriet! No one used her as bait!

"What did it say, love?" Edward asked.

"We're having visitors soon. Any minute now. Two groups. We have no choice in the matter. Alice won't be able to see them. One side is good the other wants to kill me. And they have Harriet."

"Who's Harriet?" Edward asked. I didn't make an effort to answer. Then, "Who are coming? Why won't Alice see them?"

"McGonnagall is bringing the Order here, she's in charge since Dumbledore died. The Order are following Death Eaters. They are-"

"Witches and wizards," Carlisle broke in. "Dumbledore was a good friend of mine. I attended Hogwarts in my human years."

I smiled. "What house were you in?"

"You go to Hogwarts?" Carlisle askd.

I laughed. "I graduated about five years ago! I'm really twenty two. I'm here to hide from Death Eaters. It obviously isn't working. So you never answered my question."

"I was in Gryffindor!"

"Me as well, unlike my sister. I trust you've heard of Harry Potter?"

He nodded. "The Boy Who Lived."

"You might meet him if he comes," I explained. "He's a good friend of the family."

"Who the hell is Harriet?" Emmett shouted.

I sent a pained look to Edward. "My daughter."

"Your. . . daughter?" Edward asked, his expression pained.

"I am married in the wizarding world, Edward. Well, I was married."

"What happened?" Edward asked, seeing my crestfallen expression.

"You-know-who, I mean Voldemort, killed him. He killed my husband and I kept Harriet in Sirius's home, for the house elves to take care of, but that must not have worked since Sirius is dead too."

"What was his name?" Edward asked, trying to control his anger.

"Stan Shunpike. A year older than me, since he was born in seventy four, but I was born in seventy five. Worked on the Knight Bus. . . Anyways, Death Eaters and Order members are coming. We need to get ready for them. Death Eaters can kill you and they will if they want to. So dodge any spells they send. Order members are-"

I saw white lights cascading from the ground and I saw Mad-Eye first.

"Moody," I greeted. "Where's my sister?"

"Right here!" I heard a voice cry right next to me. I laughed. Tonks reminded me of Alice in many ways. I hugged her, my hair turning violet.

"Shall we confuse them, dear sister?" I asked, my British accent returning.

She laughed. "I think we shall, young sister of mine."

We turned into each other and I heard Edward make a coughing noise. "Oh, right!" I exclaimed, seeing the Order members standing about. "Cullen family, these are Order members, the good guys. This is my fabulous sister Nymphadora Tonks-Lupin, but call her Tonks, Mad-Eye Moody, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Remus Lupin, my sister's husband, McGonnagall, Dedalus Diggle, Elphias Doge, Hagrid, Hestia Jones, Sturgis Podmore, Arthur Weasley, Bill Weasley, Molly Weasley, Charlie Weasley, and, yes, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron and Ginny Weasley. Order, this is Carlisle, Esme, Jasper, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, and Edward Cullen. You all know who I am, so onto what happened. McGonnagall, care to explain?"

"Sirius's home was broken into a few weeks ago. Kreature was found dead when we went there, so he must have put up a fight. He only did ever listen to you anyway. Harriet was taken and in replacement was a note stating that they were coming for you, they knew where you were, and that if they saw reinforcements when they came to take you, they would kill Harriet. She's been taken care of, pretty well considering the circumstances. Severus told me that Narcissa was taking care of her like her own child." I nodded.

"Narcissa was always a good witch. Alright, so they are coming here? We know for sure they- Nevermind," I stated as soon as I saw that there were black marks in the sky. I turned towards the Cullen's, pulling out my wand. "Stay hidden. We can take care of this. Do not even think about trying to fight with us."

They landed and Bellatrix withdrew her mask from her face. "Wow, I daresay, we said no reinforcements," she cackled. "Hello Dora, Delphinus." I hated it when she used my real name and I knew she knew that.

"Aunt Bella," I said icily. "Are you the leader now that Lucius is in prison? Seems fitting. You always did run away from a fight."

She growled. "How dare you!"

"Or did you get Voldemort in bed?" I taunted. "Is that what happened? You got him in bed and gave him a good fuck?"

Tonks grabbed my arm, telling me I was pushing it. I heard the Cullen's gasp at my language. I didn't care. They needed to attack first and that's why the Order always let me do the talking. I knew how to push people's buttons.

"You dare speak his name, you filthy little halfblood!" Bellatrix shouted.

I smirked. "So you did fuck him."

"Did we not kill your darling little Stan? And now we have you Harriet. I wouldn't taunt me, child, or you may be the only left in your little perfect family."

My smirk vanished immediately. "I would say the same to you, but we haven't killed anyone in your family yet. Yet being the keyword. You see, Bella, you don't want this life, because you don't want to be . . . used, do you? Thrown away when this all ends. Trash."

She snarled and raised her wand. "Stupify!" She shouted. And the fight was on. We dodged spells, shot them back, and I kept the Golden Trio in my sights at all times. They weren't allowed to be taken. I was hit with a stupify and I shot backwards hitting a tree. I groaned and got up. "You'll regret that," I muttered. I pointed my wand at Dolohov. "Levicorpus!"

He shot in the air, clearly not expecting it. "Avada Kedavra!" I shouted, as he fell from the sky. He was hit squarly in the chest and was dead before he impacted with the ground. I rolled my eyes. "That felt good."

My aunt was facing off Tonks and then I heard something. Something I wanted to hear, but not in this situation.

"Mama!" I heard Harriet shout. I spun around and saw my daughter. Her dirty blond hair, straight and nicely brushed. Her rosy cheeks bright red. Her eyes red ringed from crying, a piercing green.

"Harriet!" I whispered. I was aware of the fight behind me, but I was no longer apart of it. Only my daughter mattered. I started toward her, but someone shot out from the trees in front of her, causing me to stop.. "Rodolphus, let my daughter go," I growled.

I saw a flash of white and then Rodolphus was dead and Harriet was in Rosalie's arms. "I'll keep her safe. Get back to the fight."

I sighed in relief. "Thank you so much, Rosalie."

She smiled. "It was nothing. He never stood a chance. Go back to fighting. Esme and I will keep her safe."

"I owe you so much," I told her before sending a spell at Bellatrix, who just missed it. Tonks sent me a grateful look before returning to the fight. I had taken down Dolohov, and I needed to take down at least one more. It was my goal.

"Well, well, well," I heard a chilling voice sound. Harry froze instantly so I knew who it was. All the Death Eaters stopped fighting instantly, causing the Order members to follow suit. We all turned towards the voice and I saw a snakelike creature. "If it isn't Delphinus Tonks. Or do you go by Shunpike nowadays?"

"Fuck you," I growled.

He curled his lip back. "Are you offering?"

"So immature! And these people follow you?" I growled. Tonks sent me a fearful look.

"How dare you speak like that to me!" He shouted. Order members were apparating away. I sent Tonks the signal telling her to leave and take Harry and the other Golden members with them. She took off and apparated away. Only Mad-Eye, Lupin, and I were left, along with Bellatrix, Rabastian, and Greyback.

We were outnumbered, if you didn't count the Cullen's.

"So, Delphinus, why are you here?" Voldemort asked. "Why are you in this place, where no one lives?"

"To get away from you and your lazy ass. Because isn't it strange how you randomly attack my family? Why do you hold a grudge against me? Is it because I refused to join you? Or how Stan broke from under your spell?"

"Because you are wanted by Bellatrix. Then you disappear. That wouldn't happen if you didn't have something to hide."

"Like I said, fuck you," I said calmly.

"Whatever you wish. Or I could do this." I braced myself. "Crucio!"

I fell to my knees and screamed. The fire was boiling in my blood. My bones felt like they were cracking in pieces. It hurt worse than when James bit me! I let out another piercing scream. The spell released and I was panting.

"Tell me where Potter and his friends are."

"I don't know! I don't know!" I pleaded. I hated being weak but i didn't want to go under the Cruciatus spell again. "Lupin, Moody, go, please. I'll handle this. You won't survive if my powers get the best of me and its starting again. Leave and tell them all I'm safe."

They seemed hesitant but left. I faced Voldemort, my eyes red, hair bright orange. I was slowly bubbling up on fire, not literally, of course.

"What are you doing?" He asked, slightly afraid.

"What should have happened long ago."

"Where does the Order reside?"

"Like hell I'd tell you!" I shouted.


I fell to my knees, screaming again. I felt my inner demon come out to play. My eyes turned white, along with my hair. I wasn't fighting it and it leapt out at Voldemort just then. I growled. "You messed with the wrong girl!"

Bellatrix stumbled back. "My Lord, we must leave. She'll-"

I rose into the air and then crashed into the ground, hearing my arm snap. Great, just what I needed. I looked at Voldemort and his followers, but they were gone. I felt my anger subside and I was panting, cradling my arm. I stood up and saw the Cullen's staring at me. "They are either dead or gone. They won't mess with me or Harriet again. Thank you, Rosalie, so much for saving her."

Rosalie handed me Harriet and smiled. "You have so much to live for, and you were going to throw it away to become one of us."

"I-I thought that if I was a vampire, I'd be able to help Harry take on Voldemort, protect him. I guess I was wrong."

"What was that?" Edward asked, in awe.

I laughed darkly, wincing in pain as I moved my arm. "That was the result of being Crucioed when you are a little girl. Bella was the worst babysitter ever."

"Is your name even Bella?" Jasper asked.

I shook my head. "That was my disguised name. My real name is Dephinus Corona Tonks-Shunpike, or rather just Tonks now. Carlisle, I think my arm's broken, if you could take a look at it. Other than that, Edward, I'm fine."

"That is a strange name," Rosalie murmured.

Carlisle gently proded at my arm. "Well, in my family, all pureblood families really, they name their children after the stars or myths. Something that is ancient. Like Nymphadora and Bellatrix. My mother's name is Andromeda, and her sisters are Bellatrix and Narcissa. How Bellatrix can be related to two caring woman is beyond me, but it happened. My mother married a Muggleborn, or a normal human that has magical powers. My father's parents are like Charlie, completely nonmagical. Um, but my grandfather and most of the Black's were named after constellations. It's not so weird, after a while. I think Constellation names are beautiful."

"You arm is broken," Carlisle confirmed. "Come on inside, I'll fix it up."

I shook my head. "No need. Now that you know what I am I can whip up a quick potion and it will heal."

Carlisle laughed. "A bone healing, I forgot about those. Very easy to make."

I nodded. "I learned them by heart while I played Quidditch."

"What's that?" Edward asked.

"A wizarding sport," I informed him.

Emmett laughed. "Bella - or whatever her name is - plays sports!"

I laughed. "Just call me Core. It's my middle name shortened. Or Del, that's what most call me. My sister goes by her last name so I can't do that."

"You're sister looks great. I'd love to meet her under less-stress related circumstances," Esme remarked.

I smiled. "I'm sure she'd love to meet you as well, Esme."

"Do you want to make the potion in my office? Or. . ." Carlisle trailed off.

"If its not too much trouble, you're office will be fine. I should probably get my ingredients," I mumbled.

"I always keep a closet full of ingredients in my office. You can use mine."

I smiled. "Thank you, Carlisle."

Rosalie came up to me. "Can I take her? I'll get her fed and changed, because she seems a little dirty."

I seemed a little hesitant and she saw that. "I'll explain in a minute why I'm acting like this."

I nodded, handing Harriet over. "Be good for mommy's friend, alright?"

"Yes, Mommy," Harriet smiled.

Rosalie ran off and Carlisle led me to his office. I skimmed his shelves for the potions book I was looking for and pulled it down. "What do you need?" Carlisle murmured.

I showed him the book and conjured a cauldron. He set an armful of ingredients on the table in front of me. I followed the instructions perfectly, Edward watching me curiously. I looked at Carlisle when it was finished. "Here goes nothing. If this goes dreadfully wrong," I told him, "Tonks is the godmother of Harriet."

Carlisle laughed. "You did the potion perfectly. I doubt things will go that bad."

I shrugged and took a vial of the potion. "Cheers!" I said, rolling my eyes. I downed the foul tasting potion in less than three seconds. I set the glass down and grimmaced. "Oh, yes, that's foul. Just like I remembered it to be."

Carlisle chuckled and I cleaned up his office with a wave of my wand and followed everyone to the living room.

Rosalie was playing with Harriet, Alice was online shopping for Harriet, Edward was glaring at Rosalie, Emmett was watching Rosalie with loving eyes, and Jasper was just watching TV. Esme came into the living room with two plates of food. One for me and one for Harriet. I can't believe they're still nice to me after all I've put them through.

"So, Bella," Carlisle said, I nodded at him to continue. "Care to explain to everyone?"

I nodded. "So I was born in 1975. My mother was disowned by her family upon marrying my father. My mother had to go away for a while so she sent Tonks and I to Narcissa's. Upon there, we were introduced to Bellatrix, who had a holiday giving me the torture curse until I was near insane. That's how I got my powers you saw back there. I'll explain that later. My sister is two years older than me. She always brough the cute guys home for us to share." Emmett's laughter shot through the house. "Anyways, one day, in her seventh year, my fifth, she brough home Stan, who was a sixth year. He didn't want my sister, and he wanted me. He was cute. Had dirty blonde hair, green eyes, tan skin, was beater on the Quidditch team. He was in Hufflepuff, my sisters house. I was completely in love with him by the end of the weekend. We just talked and learned about each other. That was it. Anyways, it was winter break then." They all looked amused. "What?"

"It's strange hearing you talk like that," Jasper said. "With an accent."

I switched my voice to Americanized. "Fine, this should be easier. Well, after break, he asked me out and I of course said yes. We were going out for three years by the time he proposed. We had a small wedding, just family and friends. I was nineteen, he was twenty. Anyways, I got pregnant with Harriet about three months later and had her. Last Christmas, on Christmas Eve, Stan was coming home from the Knight Bus, a bus that picks up stranded magic folk. Bellatrix found him and brought him to the Dark Lord, aka Voldemort. The Dark Lord placed him under the imperious curse, which is like a controlling one. Stan fought it and came home that night, not under his control. Voldemort realized that and attacked Christmas morning. Stan had me and Harriet apparate, but he stayed behind to try to fight him off. That stupid fool," I muttered, trying to fight tears. Jasper sent me calming waves and I relaxed a little. "Thanks, Jasper. Anyways, everyone knows that if you fight Voldemort you die. He didn't remember that. I went to Sirius's place, and gave Harriet to Kreature. I told him to take care of her and guard her with his life. This was before Dumbledore died, so he sent me here, telling me he'd keep Hare safe.

"Well, I woke up about three weeks into my stay here at Charlie's house with an owl in my window. It said that Dumbledore was dead, Snape took over the school, and Harry was off searching for something. Those fools! Now Hogwarts is controlled by Death Eaters, the Order has no place to meet, and we are screwed, not you guys, I am. They know I'm here. How? I have no idea."

"So, you never loved me?" Edward asked.

I bit my lip and looked at the ground. "I'm sorry, okay? I didn't plan to do this, especially after Stan died so suddenly. I barely had time to attend his funeral. I'm not in love with you, but I like you. I just don't think it will ever work out between us. I'm sorry if I'm being too honest, but its how I feel. If I didn't say it, Jasper would have."

"And what are you going to do now?" Rosalie asked.

I shook my head. "I have to go back. I have to fight in this war! I have to help my friends before things get too bad here. If the war comes here, the American Ministry will get involved and they don't understand really what's going on."

"What about your daughter?" Esme asked.

I sighed. "I'll have to take her with me. I can't leave her again. No matter what. She needs me with her. Living with a house elf for almost a year is damaging to a child. I just couldn't risk her." My hair turned electric blue and Edward sighed.

"How do you do that?" he asked.

"I can change my appearance into whatever I wish it. My hair, I usually keep it blue or green, since they're my favorite colors. But I am a metamorphagus, as well as my sister. If Harriet shows any magic by next year, she'll be on the Hogwarts waiting list. She should be an metamorphagus just like me. If we can, I'd like to teach her to be an animagus, which is where you change into an animal, as soon as possible. It will help us hide."

"What animal do you change into?"

I smiled faintly. "A wolf. Fitting, seeing as how Jake likes me, right? Well, I learned with Sirius, my uncle. He died about two years ago. He was a dog." I shook my head. "So anyways, I have to leave in the morning. I can't risk the Death Eaters coming back here."

"The guy I killed. Who was he?" Rosalie asked.

I laughed bitterly. "Rodolphus Lestrange. My uncle, but honestly, good kill."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

I shook my head. "I'm glad he's dead. He was nothing but an ass to me. Oh, sorry Esme."

Esme laughed. "Don't worry about it. I can't believe you're going to leave. I'm going to miss you."

"After all the lying I've done to you? You still will miss me?" I asked, incredulous.

"Of course! You'll always be like a daughter to me!" Esme smiled.

I frowned. "I'm sorry. I really wish I could stay. You all have been so great to me. I need to get back, though, I'm sorry."

"It's fine. Where are you going? Maybe we'll chose to live there next."

I smiled. "I'm going to London. I'm taking Sirius's place, possibly, as my own until I find my own place. Who knows? Maybe when this war is over, we can meet up again."

"Do you have any pictures of Stan?" Alice asked. I smiled and pulled Harriet's locket off. I opened it and there was a picture of Stan, Harriet when she was one, and I laughing and in each other's arms. I showed her. "This was last year, around summer time."

"Oh, he's kind of hot," Rose commented. Em pounted. "But you're way hotter, Em."

Emmett broke out into a smile and I stretched my now healed arm. "I should go to Charlie's now. I don't want him to worry. And I'll say I'm babysitting until I erase his memory. I'll see you guys soon, okay?"

Esme hugged me. "Oh, dear, I'm going to miss you so much. Please talk to us, call us often."

I nodded. "I will."

Carlisle was next. Then Rosalie. "I'll come by tonight to talk to you. Keep your window open."

I smiled. "Alright."

Alice hugged me. "I've been shopping for Harriet, so you need to tell me your address and I'll show up with her clothes."

"Alice, you really-"

"I know, but I did anyway."

I laughed. "Only you, Alice, only you."

Emmett gave me a crushing hug, to which Harriet protested to. She said, "Stop it! You're going to crush mommy!"

I rolled my eyes as Emmett let go of me. "I don't put it past you, but I am still human, even in the slightest degree."

Jasper even gave me a hug, which surprised me. Edward didn't even make an attempt to approach me, which I suspected. "Bye, Edward."

He nodded in response and I picked up Harriet, putting her locket back on. "Bye, you lot. I'll see you sooner than you expect."

I apparated before they could decide against me leaving and I landed outside. I saw my truck in the driveway, and knocked on the front door. I made sure I looked like Bella Swan before the door opened.

"Bella! What are you doing outside so late? And who is this?"

I smiled. "I'm babysitting for Rose's cousin while they go shopping. I hope its not a problem. I offered and Rose and her cousin were going to be shopping over night."

"No, that's fine. If you want, I think I still have some of you baby things in the garage."

I shook my head. "It's fine. I don't mind sharing a bed with her."

"What's her name?"

"Um, Jesepia."

"Interesting. Well, come on in! You don't want to get her sick."

I brought her inside and turned to Charlie. "I'm going to bed. See you in the morning!"

I ran up the stairs, shutting the door behind me. I collapsed on my bed and set Harriet next to me. "Mommy, who was that guy?"

"That is just some Muggle. Don't worry about him."

She nodded and I fumbled with the trunk underneath my bed for something to put her in for bed. I found an old T-shirt, that was clean, and it was way too small for me. I slipped it on her and found a blanket in the closet for her to sleep with, in case she got lost underneath the comforter. "So, Hare, how was Kreature?"

"He was funny! He made me laugh."

I smiled. "And Aunt Narcissa? Was she nice to you?"

She nodded. "She let me help her make cookies! And this one time, Aunt Bella came in and we had a fight with the white powder stuff!"

That surprised me. Aunt Bella and her got along? "Aunt Bella played with you?"

She nodded. "We were making cookies again and she grabbed the white stuff and threw it at Aunt Cissa! And then Aunt Cissa threw it back, laughing and then they threw it at me. We all were laughing really hard."

I laughed. "Aunt Bella never was like that when I was little. You are a lucky girl."

She giggled and leaned against the wall. "Mommy, where's daddy?"

I bit my lip, tears in my eyes. "He's not coming back, baby. But he loves you very much."

"Where did he go?"

"He went into the land of spirits."

"Tell me about him," she whispered.

I pulled her onto my lap as I relaxed against the headboard. "When I first saw him, it was like it was only him. It was just him that existed. It was him that I was created for. I fell in love with him immediately and after school, we got married and we had you. I remember the day you were born. He never left my side when you were in my arms. He loved you so much. He kept telling you that while you were sleeping-"

"What did Daddy look like?"

I smiled, wiping a tear from my cheek. "He had your blond hair, green eyes, and the absolute loveliest tan. You look just like him, honestly. He was strong, funny, had the most adorable accent. If he heard me say that, he'd be like, 'Adorable? Darling, I'm more than adorable.' Oh, I miss him so much," I whispered.

The window opened and Rosalie and Alice jumped in.

I wiped my tears quickly. "Hey."

Alice held her arms out and I shook my head. "She needs to sleep. Sorry, Alice."

Alice nodded and sat down on the foot of my bed while I set Harriet next to the wall, so she wouldn't fall off. Rosalie sat next to me and hugged me to her, which surprised me.

"It's hard, losing someone you love," she murmured.

I choked back a sob. "Stan was my everything. When he died, he took a part of me with him. He'll always have that part."

"Is that why you don't like presents?" Alice asked.

I nodded. "It was Christmas morning, when he died. We were opening presents when he came in. That was the day that Hare got her locket. It was Stan's gift to her. Stan and I agreed not to get each other anything. All we would ever need were each other. It was all we wanted to get for each other. And its all we needed. I can't do presents anymore, because it kills me knowing that I never got Stan one last thing before he died. He never opened what I got him. I don't even think he got me anything. I didn't care. No ones been in the house since his death."

Rosalie hugged me closer. "It's okay. You'll find someone that you will love for good one day. And when you do, you'll always feel this way towards Stan, but its a part of you the new guy will love about you. Believe me. I think its time I told you my story."

I looked at her confused. "You're story? You mean like when you were human?"

She scowled. "Yeah, when I was human." She proceded to tell me about Royce King, how he raped her and left her for dead. It was tragic. "I've always wanted children and when I saw Harriet in the clearing and how you started to go towards her and that man! I just couldn't let her die and I had to protect her. I killed that man just like I killed Royce and it brough me so much relief. When I had Harriet in my arms I felt like the mother I wanted to always be. That's why I did that. I always wanted children and even if it was just for one minute, I'd do anything to hold a child."

I turned to her. "I'm sure there are spells or potions that will change you into a human, at least momentarily."

Rosalie grinned. "Really?"

I nodded. "While I'm in England I'll look into it, okay?"

She bit her lip. "I want to come with you, keep you and Harriet safe. I already told the family, that if you agree I'll happily come with you."

"Rosalie, you've already done so much for me already."

"I want to do this, if not for you, then for me. I have to keep you safe, its the least I can do for you if you awaken that mothering instict in me again."

I smiled and gently picked up Harriet, placing her in Rosalie's arms. "I can't take you away from your family, Rose. I really can't."

"I'm coming with her. Jazz and Em said they would keep the family safe and together while we're gone. I already told them that there's no way out of it. The vision is set in stone," Alice said stubbornly.

"Alice, your visions won't work in the wizarding world."

"They don't know that," Alice grinned.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine, since there is no way to change your minds. You can come with. I'm leaving at six in the morning, before hardly anyone is up. So, if you-"

"We'll be here at six in the morning sharp, our bags ready."

I nodded. "Alright. Go on, I'll keep this house safe until then. I really hate to do this to you guys and your family."

"Esme was going to come, but Carlisle talked her out of it," Rosalie laughed quietly. "But you'll be fine with just us. We can keep you safe."

"I don't doubt you I just hate to take you away from your family."

"Nothing you say is going to change my mind," Alice said firmly.

"Mine either," Rosalie confirmed.

I sighed. "Alright, alright. Now get the hell out of my house. I need my sleep."

They laughed and Rosalie had Harriet back in her place before ducking out the window, Alice on her heels. I shut the window, placed a safety ward - one where I would be immediately woken up if someone walked near them, human or not - around the house, and packed my things into my trunk, getting rid of anything that might make Charlie suspicious. I fell into a deep sleep, dreaming about my last morning with Stan.

Review! The first ever Stan/Bella story! Suck that bitches! I feel honored and I hope you like it!