I smiled as I reached the platform, hugging Stan's arm to me, "Oh, can you believe it? Joey's final year is over!"

Stan laughed, "Hard to believe, I know, love."

It only was a few minutes of waiting on the crowded platform, but the train pulled in like always. And after a moment, our youngest child came bustling out, a pretty black haired witch holding his hand.

"Mum!" Joseph called, pulling the girl with him. "Dad, this is Jessica Biers." His sandy hair flopped in his eyes and I smiled at the girl. She shyly smiled back.

"Nice to meet you, dear," I said kindly. Stan nodded, offering his hand.

"Oh, it's great to meet you, but there's my Mum. Write me, Joey!"

"Will do," Joey called before facing me. "Well?"

"We'll talk," I told him, taking his trunk.

Stan laughed and took the trunk from me before apparating. I took Joey's arm and apparated myself.

"What's wrong with her?" Joey asked as soon as we reached the house. "She was perfect! She is perfect..."

I grinned, "Well, I don't know." I turned to Stan, "Did you get the same feeling I did?"

Stan nodded, getting what I was playing at, "Yeah, she was just..."

"Perfect," I said to Joey.

"But, come on! She was perfectly polite! And she looked nothing like Amy! And - wait, what?"

I grinned, "There's nothing wrong with her. Not that there was with any of the other girls... but well, this one you actually have feelings for. How long have you been dating?"

"Almost a year. Starting dating summer of last year."

I glanced at Stan, winking, and then faced Joey, "Is she a Gryffindor with you?"

Joey swallowed hard, "Ugh... well she's a Slytherin."

I pretended that the word Slytherin didn't repulse me. "And her blood status?"

"Halfblood," Joey said, biting his lip nervously.

I exhaled in relief, "Wonderful. I say we have her over for dinner soon. Say... next Friday?"

"Really?" Joey gasped.

I nodded, "And Harriet's coming with Paul, so she'll get to meet us all at once."

Joey groaned, "But Harriet's so embarrassing!"

Stan shrugged, "Or we could just have it Saturday, when your grandmother comes here."

"Oh, no, Friday's perfect!" Joey cried. He kissed my cheeks and hugged his father, "Thanks, guys!"

"Be safe!" I called after him.

"Mum!" he whined.

I turned to Stan, "Think we did good?"

"Scared him to death, yeah," Stan agreed. "I don't think I could handle more than two kids."

"Me neither," I agreed, kissing him soundly. He chuckled, "Harriet's getting married, Joey's in a stable relationship. I think its time to retire."

"Sounds great to me," I agreed whole-heartedly. "They'll take care of us and we'll just lounge around complaining about the neighbors being too loud."

"Sounds like a plan," Stan agreed.

The End:) Ahhh, finally, it's over! Sorry for taking forever! Hope you loved!
