A/N: Wow it has almost been five years since I've updated this story... I'm so so sorry for that... I lost the notebook to this story and my muse has been on a strike on everything accept for Harry Potter and Sons of Anarchy but hey I'm back with a new chapter for you all...

Disclaimer: I don't own Beverly Hills 90210!


Brenda couldn't help but smile at the picture that Dylan made holding Dana in his arms like he was. She had always known that he would be a great father and this just proved it to her. She had always made sure that she told Dana about her father even though at the time she was hurt and pissed about what she thought Dylan had done to her once again. She bit back a sigh and shook her head as she thought about just how much damage Kelly has caused. She could only hope that both her and Dylan could get over this and finally get to where they should have been. She had no doubt that if everything hadn't happened that happened eighteen months ago that more than likely by now her and Dylan would have been husband and wife. Her smile grew when she heard Dana laugh as Dylan tickled her stomach. "You are great with Dana, Dylan."

Dylan smiled and looked over at Brenda with love in his eyes. "It isn't hard to be great with her, Bren. I may have just found out about her but I love her something fierce already. I'm just sorry that I've missed so much of her life and seeing you pregnant with her."

Brenda shook her head and ran a hand through Dylan's hair as she said "You have no reason to be sorry, Dylan. Kelly did her damndest to keep us apart for reasons only known to Kelly. We're back with one another and that is all that matters. As for seeing me pregnant with her ask Iris for all the pictures that she took while I was pregnant and the videos she took. She knew that eventually we would find our way back to one another so she made sure to take a lot of pictures and videos so that you could see how I looked while I was pregnant with Dana. I should have come back sooner but by then Derek somehow wormed his way into my life and wouldn't let me do what I wanted and needed to do. I have to say that in all honesty I think that I knew by bringing him here that I would finally be able to get away from him. I knew that Brandon would see that something was not right immediately and step in to get me away from Derek."

Brandon who had been listening stood up and walked over and sat on Brenda's other side and grabbed her hand in his. "You are home and where you belong now, Brenda. I don't give a shit what Derek thinks or wants. If he even tries to come after you again he will wish that he never stepped foot Beverly Hills or L.A. I'm just happy that you are home and that I get to meet the niece I never knew about. Damn, sis, you and Dylan know how to make a beautiful baby."

Brenda laughed for two minutes straight. She finally calmed down enough and squeezed Brandon's hand. "Dylan and I do know how to make beautiful babies, Brandon, but I have a feeling when you finally get married that you will be able to make beautiful babies as well. After all we are twins. I'm sorry about you and Kelly, Brandon. I never meant for you to get hurt in all of this."

Brandon sighed and shook his head. "You have nothing to be sorry about, Brenda. If anyone has a reason to be sorry it is me. I'm sorry that I didn't see what she was doing. I'm sorry that I ever got engaged to her. How could someone do even half of what she has done to you and Dylan and not realize just how much in the wrong they are? I don't get how she can think that I would still want to be with her after everything she admitted to doing. I don't see why she felt like she had a right to keep you and Dylan apart. Anyone with eyes can see that you two belong with one another. Anyone with eyes can see that you aren't complete unless you are together. Why couldn't I see what she was doing? Why didn't I know that she was enjoying causing you pain? I'm so fucking sorry, Brenda."

Brenda shook her head but before she could say anything Donna cut in and said "Brandon, you can't blame yourself for any of this just like Dylan and Brenda can't. None of us saw just how far Kelly was willing to go in order to make sure that Brenda and Kelly stayed apart. I really don't know what is wrong with Kelly and at this point I don't want to know. I thought that I knew her but apparently she kept her true self hid away so that none of would see what she was capable of doing. Everything that has been done is nobody but Kelly's fault. We can't play a guessing game or a what if game here. All that matters is that we all now know the truth so that we can finally move on from it. Kelly is the one who caused the pain you, Brenda, and Dylan are feeling, Brandon. None of what we found out today is anybody's fault but Kelly's."

Brenda shot a smile at Donna before she turned her head to look at Brandon again. "I have to say that I agree with Donna, Brandon. None of us could have predicted that Kelly would make it pretty much her life's work to keep Dylan and I apart. It isn't your fault that you didn't see what she was doing. One thing I have to say about Kelly is that she has always been good at hiding her thoughts and feelings from everyone. She is going to eventually learn that she has nobody but herself to blame when she finally realizes that she is alone and has nobody to lean on. Kelly made the choices that she did without thought to the consequences of her actions. She now has to lay in the bed that she has made."

"B, Bren is right in what she just said. We can't take any of the blame onto ourselves for what Kelly has done. She did what she did and we may never know the full reasons as to why. What we do now is move on and be the family that all of us were supposed to be years ago. Brenda is finally back where she belongs and now we have a baby around to spoil. I for one am done wishing that things were different. We can now make up for all the time that we have all lost by starting where we stopped years ago." Dylan said with a smile on his face. He couldn't quit smiling not that he really tried. He had way too many reasons to be happy.

Brandon looked at Brenda's, Dylan's, Donna's, David's, Steve's, Iris', and Erica's face and saw that they all agreed and finally nodded and smiled as he reached over and ran a hand through his niece's hair. "Alright we move on from here and be the family that we should have been all along. You know the only thing that would make this family better is if we had Val and Andrea here."

Brenda smirked at that. "Well then our family will be complete come tomorrow. Andrea, Valerie, and Valerie's husband are all due in town tomorrow morning. I was going to surprise everyone but I figured I better let you know before one of you decided to call and invite them here."

Iris chuckled and then smirked. "Actually, Brenda, they will be here in about five hours. I called Valerie's husband and let him know what happened and he decided that he would move their flight up. You should know by now that Valerie's husband is protective of you. In fact he is so protective of you that he is bringing another friend out with him, Val, and Andrea."

Brenda's eyes widened but before she could reply Brandon asked "Valerie's married?"

Brenda laughed. "Yes, Brandon, Valerie is married. She also has a three month old son with her husband. And before you ask it will only be Andrea coming at least for a couple of weeks and then Hannah will fly out to be with Andrea. I'm not sure if you know it or not but Jesse and Andrea have divorced but they remain good friends."

Brandon nodded. "I knew that Andrea and Jesse divorced. I do still talk to Andrea quite regularly. Who did Valerie marry, Brenda?"

Brenda grinned and shook her head. "I'm not telling you who she married. The only thing I will tell you is that you all know him. Now I think I would like a pain pill because my hand is throbbing and I let it go too damn long."

Donna jumped up and walked into the kitchen, got a glass of water and the pill bottle and headed back into the living room. She handed the glass of water to Dylan to hold and quickly opened the pill bottle and pulled one of the pain pills out. She passed the pill to Brenda who put it in her mouth and then took a drink of water from the glass that Dylan was now holding to her lips. She couldn't help but smile at the picture that they made. "So will you be moving back here full time, Brenda?"

Brenda smiled as she looked at Donna. "That is my plan, Donna, even if I didn't tell Derek that. While I loved London I missed home."

Donna smiled and nodded but before she could say anything a knock sounded on the door. She shot a look at the others before she headed over and answered the door. Her eyes widened at the sight that met her eyes. "Can I help you, Officers?"

One of the officers stepped forward and said "Hello, ma'am, would it be possible to talk to a Miss Brenda Walsh please?"

Donna swallowed hard but stepped back and motioned the police officers inside. She closed the front door and then led them to the living room. "Brenda, these police officers are here to talk to you."

Brenda looked up and with wide eyes she said "How may I help you, Officers?"

"My name is Officer Henry Watson, Miss Walsh, and I'm sorry to have to inform you that Derek Thompson was in an accident this morning. Unfortunately he was dead on arrival at the hospital. You were listed as his in case of emergency contact and this address was on a piece of paper in his wallet. Can you tell us your relationship to the deceased man please?" Henry told the young woman that was sitting down on a couch between two men.

Brenda sighed. "Derek is actually my ex fiance as of last night, Officer Watson. As you can see by the cast on my arm and hand he was abusive. He threw me through a coffee table last night in this very house."

Henry's eyes flashed even as he said "I'm sorry to hear that, Miss Walsh. I know of your injury because it came across our desk last night but I didn't know who caused it. The doctor forwarded the report to us because of the signs of previous abuse that had been inflicted on your person. I would ask for you to file a report but there really isn't any reason for you to do so now. I'm going to leave you my card if you need anything be sure to let me know. Do you know what you would like done with Mr. Thompson's body?"

Brenda shook her head. "In all honesty I don't really care, Officer Watson. If I was in a forgiving mood I would claim it and bury it but I honestly don't think that I should have too. Derek treated me like shit and wouldn't let me do anything that I wanted to do. He felt like he had the right to control me and when I tried to do something he didn't like he would hit me. I will come in and I.D his body but then I want it cremated. If I'm not mistaken he should have money that can pay for it so that I don't have to do it myself."

Henry shook his head as he walked over handed Brenda a card with his information on it. "If you want to I.D the body that will be fine. There are funds that can pay to have him cremated. I can't say that I don't agree with what you have said. I'll call you once the M.E finishes the autopsy and let you know that it is time for you to come and I.D him. While he had the I.D on him it wouldn't hurt to have a physical I.D done on him also. I'm sorry for your loss, Miss Walsh."

"Thank you for coming to let me know, Officer Watson. I'll wait for your call but if I need anything or have any questions I will call to let you know." Brenda shot a small smile at Henry and his silent partner and watched them leave. Once the front door closed she couldn't help but break down in tears. She leaned into Dylan who pulled her into his arms after handing Dana to Brandon. "Is it bad that I actually feel relieved that Derek is dead? I feel like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders."

Dylan shook his head as he ran a hand up and down Brenda's back as he kissed her head. "You are not wrong to feel that way, Brenda. Derek has made your life hell for however long and now you know that he can't hurt you any longer. You know that you won't have to look over your shoulder all the time to make sure that he isn't behind you to hurt you. You are safe now, Bren, and he can't do anything to hurt you any further. Just let it out, baby."

Brenda sobbed into Dylan's chest as she finally let her fear, anger, and pain that Derek has made her feel out. She no longer had to hold it back. She no longer had to be afraid that he would make good on his promise and make her wish that she was never born. She no longer had to worry if he would ever do something to hurt Dana. She let her tears fall as she finally felt free for the first time in several months. She cried long and hard and finally fell asleep with her head on Dylan's chest with his arms around her holding her to him tight while the rest of their family watched on in silence just letting her know that they care and love her by their silent support.

A/N 2: Wow what a chapter to type... LOL... I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter... Now before someone asks yes Derek really is dead... The reason for this is because I also wanted to focus on the Kelly problem more... Now don't think that from now on everything is going to be smooth sailing because it isn't... Click the button and let me know what you think!