The Plan

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

A/N: After a pretty short hiatus, I am back. Hope you guys stick around for this one. ;) Enjoy.

Chapter 1

Hermione Granger walked through the hallways of Hogwarts in a huff. The younger students now knew that one of the ways to survive in the school was to not get in the way of an angry Hermione Granger. The huge crowds parted quickly to make a path for her. If she wasn't so mad, Hermione might have noticed it. She might have even been amused. But her anger was just so consuming at the moment that she couldn't focus on anything else. All that was in her mind was the want to get away from the mindless chatter of everyone around her. That, or chucking something forcefully out of the window. Something big.

"What has got you in a funk this time, Granger?" a lazy drawl greeted her as the portrait to the Heads' dormitories swung softly behind her. Draco Malfoy looked up from the book he was reading on the couch, his legs stretched out in front of him, occupying the whole thing. Hermione gave a huff and threw her bag down on the stone floor. Draco raised an eyebrow at her and suddenly smirked. He threw his head back in laughter, "Don't tell me this is about Measly again?" Hermione slapped his legs off the couch and sat down tiredly opposite him. She tipped her head back and closed her eyes, "Shut up." He laughed at her again. Not unkindly. Times were peaceful now, and together with The-Boy-Who-Lived and the other members of "The Golden Trio", The-Boy-Who-Defected was now also a celebrated member of the magical society. Not that he enjoyed being in the limelight. After all that happened during the war, Draco Malfoy wanted nothing more than a quiet and peaceful life where he could spend his inheritance and do whatever he wanted in peace. Being an orphan and living in a huge manor house filled with horrible memories tended to do that to a guy.

"What did he say this time?" Draco aired his question, not even bothering to look away from his book. It happened all the time, Granger and Weasley's squabbles. It was a constant record of Weasley's immaturity and Granger's patience. Recently, their little quarrels occurred more frequently. And Draco could see that Granger was reaching the end of her rope. He looked up when he didn't hear a reply. She just sat there, opposite him, with a blank look on her face.

"How many years has it been, Granger? When are you going wake up and see that the two of you won't end up walking into the sunset together?"

Hermione glared at him, but wasn't able to stop the blush that crept up her face. She knew that. But that was just her brain talking. She sighed, "You have no idea how much I wish that I didn't feel the way I do." Malfoy sat up from his lounging position when he heard the sudden sobriety in her voice. "Do you believe that it's possible… that one day you would wake up and all of a sudden… you lose all the feelings you have for someone?" Draco thought about her question for a while before answering, "Yes."


Draco shrugged, "Sure. It happened to me." He grinned at her, "Not exactly in the same context, of course."

"I wish that would happen to me too."

"Maybe you just need a distraction from him."

Hermione sighed, "I know. I'm trying to just fully immerse myself in my school work, but it doesn't really work. I still see him every day."

Draco rolled his eyes. How can someone this naïve be a war hero? "I actually meant a guy, Granger."

"Like there's any guy here who's interested in me."

"You look at yourself too poorly, Granger."

She was surprised when he chuckled. "What?" she asked him. Despite her mood, she found that her lips were curling up into a smile. It happened a lot when she heard him laugh.

"Nothing. Just an errant thought."

"What is it?"

"If you could make him, would you still want him to notice you?"

"I... I guess so," was Hermione's confused reply.

Draco grinned at her, "I think I have a plan."

A/N: And what could that plan be? *laugh* I'm still thinking this over in my head, but tell me what you think about the first chapter anyway. Thanks guys!