Disclaimer: No profit is made from the story and all CIS characters do no belong to me.

The story contains violence, mild use of language, drug addiction, torture and all the good stuff you don't want your parent to find out about. So be warned.

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Saving CSI Ryan…

Prologue: His chance

President Lincoln wrote a heart-broken letter to a mother that lost five sons in the Civil War. The letter is famously known as the Bixby letter.

Freedom is not free and the price is offer beyond the comprehension of a common individual. It is when one buried its child that the anguish of that lost is appreciated. Mrs. Wolfe buried her husband soon after the birth of her second child, Ryan. Her first son died in an illegal sport car race. Her second son, Ryan, was now missing.

She knew something was not right when she couldn't reach Ryan three days in a row. It wasn't like her son to ignore her and his OCD made him return every phone call even if it was a telemarketer.

A hand lied on her shoulder caused her to look up into the eyes of Lieutenant Horatio Caine, Ryan's boss. There was nothing but determination in Horatio's eyes. If anyone was going to find her son, it was this man.

"Lieutenant…please bring him back." The request was simple, the task was demanding. How could Horatio deny a mother's plea? If the table was turn and it was Kyle on the other end, he would have asked the same thing.

"I will" Horatio answered with certainty. Dead or alive, he would bring Ryan back. If not to comfort the mother, it was for his owe redemption. After all, it was Horatio that sent Ryan into the undercover operation. If anyone had to take the responsibility for the result, it would be Horatio.

Natalia walked up and guided the mother towarded a waiting officer.

"What is his chance 'H'" Eric asked as he witnessed the whole exchange.

"I am not sure Eric, but I know his chance increases with every effort we make." Horatio answered.

"Then we better get started." Eric said.

"You got it Eric."

If I die today, will you lay the flowers on my grave?

Will you say the prayers for the brave?

If tomorrow will never come, how will you live your last day?

How will you face the sins of yesterday?
