So, hi guys! You are all probably wandering what happened to me, but you all know how incomperative life is. University is killing me slowly and painfully and I had a project to finish but I read UK's review and I went like. This one actually read my whole story and here I am, working on some project in the hope of gaining extra points for my finals. So I went like, f*ck it, I'm updating this. Luckly for you guys I managed to find my beta's (wander if she still will be) corrections on the chapter so I worked on that. The next update won't be until a long time. Finals are in three weeks... THREE WEEKS?


When Peter woke up that morning, he thought that it would be like any other morning he had been living up until now. He laid in bed for a while, too lazy to get up, but started preparing himself when his 'mom' called him. He changed quickly, grabbing his school bag on the way out, trying to remember if he was forgetting anything. He didn't think so.

He had reached the kitchen, were his 'mom' was making breakfast and his father was deeply absorbed by the morning paper. Berwald was an old-fashioned man, preferring the feeling of paper in his hand more than the sight of a hologram. He explained that those things were bothersome, and he sometimes had problem reading the news, since the holograms were slightly transparent. It had really started as a normal morning.

Then his father folded the newspaper and turned towards him, watching him with an expressionless face. At least, that was what it seemed to an untrained eye, but Peter quickly noticed his dad's unease. He wasn't about to tell him some good news.

His 'mom' placed his breakfast in front of him and then sat down beside his husband. Yep, that definitely was a sign for bad news.

"What's wrong?" the young boy asked, playing with his food. He wasn't that hungry anymore.

Looking at each other, Tino nodded at Berwald, who then handed over the paper to his adopted son, showing him the front page. This was going to come as a shock for him.

Blinking, Peter looked down at the paper, reading the headline. The 'Untouchable Wolf' is back. Who was this 'Untouchable Wolf'? Looking at the picture of the headlines, the answer was simple enough.


Blinking in surprise, he looked up at his parents, waiting for some sort of confirmation that what he had just read wasn't some result from his overactive imagination. Both of them nodded gravely, not knowing what to say.

What do you say to your child when the person who could take him to his brother was in prison?

They had next to no idea.

Peter, from his part, didn't know how to react. Should he shout? Scream? Find some way to get into contact with his brother? Looking at the clock, he noticed the time for the first time. Some part of his brain noted that he had to get going if he didn't want to miss the bus, and following his instinct he got up and grabbed his things, moving in a way that was borderline mechanical. "Excuse me." He walked out, taking the newspaper after a second of hesitation.

Closing the door behind him, he opened the newspaper and looked for the pages that talked about the headline in detail. He started reading about the attempt of a group of Hybrids in breaking into the prison (apparently there were two of them) when he kind of walked into someone. Stumbling in surprise, he looked up from his paper, meeting the eyes of a young Asian woman.

"Excuse me," he said and nodded towards her direction before continuing on his way. He had more important things to think about.

The Asian woman watched him go, blinking in surprise. She had never thought that she would see anyone else wearing that pair of eyebrows... Blinking some more, she returned to her walk. She had more important things to do.

Walking into the library, the young woman looked around. Finding the head desk, she made her way there, a charming smile in her lips. "Hello, I was wondering if I could possibly use one of your computers to print something?"

The librarian returned the smile, even if it seemed a little bit strained. "Indeed miss. All you have to do is pass your ID card through the scanner over there. Once you are done you simply have to come back and pay. So if you could excuse me." The librarian quickly left, probably to admonish the young children that were running around in the kid's section.

The Asian woman didn't waste any time. Passing her ID card without problems she quickly found a free computer. A quick search proved itself useful. Finding the documents she was looking for she printed them. Papers were hardly used anymore, except for important documentation and such things. People these days were getting a little too talented with computers. Remembering the next steps she deleted them completely from the hard drive, making sure that nothing was left.

Walking back to the head desk, she picked up her papers, looking over them quickly. Everything had turned out alright. "Anything else you may need miss?"

Smiling at the librarian she shook her head. She paid for her papers and quickly left, not wanting to stay in there more than was needed. "Have a good day Miss Chen."

Leaving the building, Miss Chen looked around herself. Nothing caught her eye and she discretely made her way to the forest. She wore a mandarin styled shirt and a pair of pants, along with a one shoulder backpack and a cap. Everything she wore was of different shades of green, but always staying in dark shades. When she reached the forest, she easily disappeared in it, becoming almost invisible to the untrained eye.

From there she started to run. She slithered through the flora like a snake, with speed and precision. Her ponytail whipped behind her like a snake's tail when they are about to strike their prey. The cold wind hit against her face and caused her to shiver constantly (she hated the cold so much) but she didn't stop running until she had reached their own headquarters.

Their headquarters were deep within the forest, an old SA HQ that had been long forgotten and used for themselves. It had been abandoned after a successful Hybrid attack and Nature had over-powered it. Even if the inside hadn't suffered much damage from Nature's hands, the outside was another story. One could hardly tell that a building existed there, due to the fact that moss, leaves and all sorts of wildlife had covered the surface.

It had been the perfect hiding place and the only way in was through the door, that was constantly guarded by some Hybrid. Knocking on the door three times, two quick and one slow, the door opened for her.

"Anh, you are back. Come in." The man up on guard was no other than Carlos, a Boa Constrictor Hybrid from Cuba before he managed to run away and land himself in America. He had a cigarette hanging from his lips constantly and a serious disregard for rules. He was tanned, which made it difficult for others to see his scales. His eyed were a dark brown, but were slitted like those of a snake. He was imposing with his presence and fearsome with his size.

Anh smiled at her fellow reptile. "Know where Yao's pack is? I have something for them."

"I think they are in the Computer room. Jenny said that she had something to show to Kiku."

"Thanks," the young woman nodded, walking towards her destination. She crossed from time to time another fellow Hybrid, but they had little time to chat. The situation was just getting more and more dangerous and they had no time to waste.

Reaching the Computer room, she tapped down the code and let the machine take a drop of her blood, waiting for it to recognize her from the main database. While they weren't as proficient in technology as humans, they had their fair share of computers and their own technology. Theirs was more rudimentary and simple, having nothing in the wilderness that could actually last much.

When she entered the room, the first thing she noticed was flaming red hair. Jenny was leaning against a wall, right beside Kiku, who was hunched over his computer. Walking in, the female Cat Hybrid was the first to notice her. Rather than disturbing Kiku in the middle of his work, they nodded at each other before Anh made her way to the bathroom. The makeup was starting to itch.

When she came out of the bathroom, her flawless skin had disappeared, revealing a scaly surface. Her eyes resembled those of a snake, and when she smiled, she showed a pair of pointy teeth that hadn't been present beforehand. This was the reason why she was always chosen to go outside and mingle with humans. Her outer appearance could easily be hidden, making her look like any other person when she walked around the city. That and she was a master of camouflage, along with a certain talent for sneaking around without being noticed.

Smiling at the bored looking Cat Hybrid, she brought out the papers Kiku had asked her to get, placing them beside him. If Kiku noticed her presence (which he probably did) he gave no sign of having done so. His attention was completely consumed by his present work, which from what Anh could tell (she had a certain talent with technology as well, even if she was nowhere near Kiku's level) consisted of hacking within a program. Raising an eyebrow, Jenny made a sign with her hand, telling her that she would explain later.

When Kiku finally looked up from his work, Jenny and Anh had decided to start a card game in the floor, having nothing else to do. Before Kiku even opened his mouth, Anh had already talked. "They are right beside you," She said without looking up, an intense look in her eyes. "Got any sevens?"

"Go Fish."

Sighing, the only male in the room picked up the papers, sending a quick look at his computer's screen. He had installed a program that would normally break through the disk's firewall. The disk Jenny had nicked during their last mission (when she should have been staying on guard in front of the door) was quite important, if the protections installed in it were anything to go by. Now all he had to do was wait.

Looking over the papers, he started organizing them. The active agents were placed in one stack, the scientist on another one, the ones who were incapacitated at the moment in another and lastly one for every person that worked in the SA's prison. Looking over the different guards who formed part of this last group, Kiku faltered at a moment. Indifferent olive green eyes stared back at him, a bored, almost tired look in the man's face. Heracles Karpusi. Greek. No older than twenty-two. Cell guardian. Efficient and talented.

He was brought out of his musings by his computer. He had been able to hack trough the disk's system. Placing the sheet beside him (almost regretfully) he looked over the disk's contents. Snooping around, he finally found something that seemed worth looking at.

His gasp was enough to catch both Anh's and Jenny's attention. Forgetting all about their game both women got up, hurrying over to the screen.

"What is it?" the red head asked, her eyes skimming through the information in front of her. It looked like blueprints of some kind with lots of text below it.

"This is their next plan..." Kiku managed to whisper, his eyes looking at the screen without taking anything in.

"And so what?"

"Extermination and Domination." Anh was the one to answer, having understood to a certain extent the blueprints. "That's their next step. They are creating control chips to turn us into slaves, into their perfect, little, brainless soldiers. See this?" she pointed at a specific part of the text. "This is the resume of their failures. They have been using their prisoners for this!"

"No..." Jenny's eyes widened, taking in the extent of the danger. Anh nodded.

"Then comes the 'Extermination' part. Remember what we have seen about World War Two? With the concentration and extermination camps? This is the same thing, only that there is no 'concentration' part. Once they have perfected the chip, all those who were created would be exterminated, under the watchful eyes of the controlled Hybrids, who have been controlled since the moment of their creation. None of us survive."

While the information settled in, they all felt as if their world was coming to an end. Up until now the war that had been going on between them and humans had been simple and 'normal'. It was some sort of civil war, but this new information changed everything. Things were going way out of control.

"When would this be finished?" Jenny asked, pointing at a blueprint showing the Extermination camp.

"It already is." Anh's answer was borderline robotic, simply stating a fact. "They are planning on moving the current prison to that place. From what this thing says they are going to be moved in a month's time at the latest."

"We have to inform the Council."

When Alfred said that he would have no problems looking after Arthur, he actually believed it. Because hey, how hard can it be to take care of a Bunny Hybrid? An adorable, cute, innocent teen that wore a really short shirt?

It was seriously hard, let it be said.

For who knows how, Alfred wanted to hit his head against the table. Having no experience on babysitting, he thought that it would be a smart thing to watch a movie to pass the time. He had let Arthur chose one when the younger teen had told him that he had been taught how to read, so there shouldn't have been a problem.

Except that some movies were in the top shelf. When Arthur had first tried to get a movie from that shelf, his shirt had ridden up. Technically it wasn't his shirt, since it belonged to Alfred when he was younger, but it was the smallest thing he could find, and he had no shorts that would actually be of use. The shirt was big enough to cover all the inappropriate places, and Arthur didn't seem to mind.

Of course that living in the wild, the options were kind of limited.

But we are getting off topic aren't we? The problem was that the shirt was short, considering that any extra movement would ridden up the shirt, making it indecent for use. Something that Alfred was quick to realize. When he had seen the shirt rise, he had quickly offered his services on bringing the movies down, keeping his eyes away from the view like a real gentleman.

The sad thing was that Arthur didn't see it that way. He took the offer as a personal offense, making him all the more determined to do it without help. Alfred had then made the mistake of offering him a chair to get higher, which only inflamed his anger. The younger teen insisted on his capacity of handling things himself and refused.

So it was much to Alfred's horror -joy- that he watched the Bunny Hybrid work. Arthur would jump from time to time giving the young American a quick view of his round, graspable, delicious, fine and absolutely fucka-

"I'm going to go prepare the snacks!" he shouted as he got up and ran to the kitchen. Arthur watched him go, bushy eyebrows frowning slightly. What was that all about?

Leaning against the counter in the safety of the kitchen, Alfred started counting to ten. Realizing that it wasn't helping his problem, he decided to count until thirty. When he finally felt relatively calm, he kept his eyes closed and didn't move.

If he was checking out a young male teen, it definitely was a sign that he needed to find someone. He had been away for three months, and he supposed it was completely natural for him to react that way. It most likely was only his body talking, reminding him of his needs. Yeah, that was probably it. It was a simple, hormonal reaction. Nothing else.

Because he really liked girls. Nice, slim women with a nice set of breasts and a perky bottom. Although Arthur was quite slim and he had a nice bottom. Sure, he didn't have any breasts, but he had to admit that the bunny ears and tail more than made up for that...

Alfred's eyes widened in horror as his thoughts registered in his mind. When he did so, he came face to face with Arthur's beautiful emeralds, looking at him with concern. Well, shit.

"Are you alright?" his soft voice murmured, as he leaned forwards against his body. Double shit.

Receiving no answer, Arthur rose to the tips of his toes, placing his hand against Alfred's forehead. Weird, he was quite warm, but didn't seem to have a fever or anything. Meanwhile, Alfred gulped. The only thing going through his mind was something like, shit shit shitshitshit... What did a guy do in this kind of situation?

"Let's go see that movie should we?"

Arthur didn't get the chance to say anything, before Alfred had already left the kitchen. Blinking, the younger teen followed him. Alfred picked up a movie at random, placing it on the DVD before a word could be said.

Arthur frowned, a pout appearing on his lips. How come he didn't get to choose the movie they would be watching? For him, things like computers, cell phones and television were a luxury. It was hard to walk around unnoticed, due to their condition. In fact, the only ones that were able to do that were the reptiles, since they had no extra appendages... for the most part. But he was determined to have a good time. Alfred had promised to help him get out Adolf and everyone else from prison, but he just had to wait two more days, since at the moment he had no valid reason to return.

Alfred sat down on the sofa, facing the TV while Arthur sat beside him. When the movie began, the nineteen year old gulped. Shit, he had picked out a horror movie... Turning towards his younger companion, he said, "Hey, if things get too scary, don't hesitate to tell me so that we can choose something else okay?"

Arthur nodded, more interested on the movie playing than what Alfred had to say. Thirty minutes into the movie, Alfred was a quivering mass of fear, trying to cover his eyes, but not managing to do so because of morbid fascination. He just had to know what was going on. They had reached the middle of the movie, some character morbidly being eaten right in front of them and Alfred couldn't handle it anymore. He wrapped his arms around Arthur, holding him tight against his chest, like a teddy bear.

Arthur gasped in surprise and blushed as he felt Alfred's warm body against his own. Feeling the elder one trembling, he wrapped his arms around him, holding him and murmuring comforting words against his ear. By the time the movie finished, the young American had his arms wrapped around his waist, hiding his face on his lap. Arthur played with his hair, singing the soft lullaby he faintly remembered his mother sang for him. Adolf used to sing that song for him when he was much younger, when nightmares plagued his nights.

When Alfred had calmed down enough, he blushed. He was embarrassed to having reacted like that to some movie that hadn't even fazed the Bunny Hybrid. Although, when you think about it, since he had been living on the run since he was young, it was kind of normal that few things managed to faze him.

Arthur simply smiled at him, and changed the subject. He asked him about his life as an SA agent, and Alfred answered enthusiastically. From there, conversation seemed to flow, both of them talking about the time they had been apart. Then they started talking about their respective childhoods. Arthur laughed at the stories of Alfred's act of heroism (one which consisted on climbing on a tree to bring down a cat, only to find himself stuck there for five hours while his parents looked for him in the other side of the park) and Arthur recounted his adventures with the rest of his pack (like the one time that Lovino had been kidnapped and the long weeks they had passed looking for him, only to find him safe and sound, having been saved by some human).

Time flew by, but neither noticed as their conversation continued. When Mattie came back home, it was only to find a hungry polar bear demanding to be fed, and the two of them curled in the sofa, Alfred's arms wrapped protectively around the cute Bunny.

A decidedly 'un-Mattie' smirk appeared on his face as he brought out his cellphone and took a few pictures. Maybe they could work for blackmail later on.

The SA head quarters were a mess. Information had leaked out and the attack on the buildings facilities had been revealed. At least nobody knew that Hybrids had been able to get through the security and infiltrate one of the rooms with the highest security in the world. As far as the public was aware, this had only been a failed attempt to get the infamous Wolf Hybrid out.

But the higher ups knew otherwise. A meeting had been made to find out who had placed the tiny bomb within the building but so far the search had been fruitless. Not everybody knew the truth behind the attack. In fact, many of the scientists and agents knew as much as the public did. For that reason they couldn't make their searches obvious, which made things harder for everyone. But they knew that a traitor was among them.

Ivan had informed General Winter as soon as it had been possible. He had explained everything in detail, leaving only one tiny thing unsaid (he didn't think it would be wise to mention the real reason of why the Panda Hybrid had given him the slip) and had been charged, with his team, to find the traitor and from there find the Hybrids' hiding place. But before hand, he had to make sure that everything was in order inside the Archives room.

So far they had found nothing missing. Sadly enough the Hybrids had remembered to turn off the videos inside the room, so they had nothing to go by. Natalya and Eduard had taken the east side of the room, while he and Toris took care of the west. Toris was the one cataloging the different papers, making sure that everything was okay. They had reached the end of the alphabet, in the X that Ivan had felt his phone vibrate against his chest. Turning around without a care, knowing that Toris would take care of everything, he answered the phone, recognizing the number.


"Mr. Braginski? This is the Helen's Hospital calling you. I believe that there are some problems with the information you have given us. Could it be possible for you to stop by before the end of the day?" The woman in the phone was confident and assertive. Ivan recognized the voice of Elizabeta Héderváry, the young nurse who worked alongside Dr. Edelstein.

"Of course, I'm on my way."

He didn't waste anytime. Without a word to Toris he picked up his sister, who followed him in silence. They were both extremely close to each other. They were, after all, all they had left in this world. Some went even as far as to say that Natalya had an unhealthy obsession with him, refusing to let him leave her sight. And while it annoyed Ivan greatly, he understood his little sister's worry. They had nearly lost one of their own because of one stupid, idiotic mistake. He himself would go through such lengths for Natalya if she hadn't shown him time and time again she could handle herself.

Ivan drove them all the way to the hospital. It was the hospital exclusively meant for SA soldiers and scientists. They were experts on all kinds of sickness and problems. They even had a department meant specifically for those who had seen too much during their lives. In fact, it was Dr. Edelstein who handled that particular department and that had wanted Ivan and Natalya under his care after the accident. General Winter had refused, not wanting to loose his two best hunters, and had almost fired the Austrian doctor had Hans Beilschmidt not interfered. He had acted as a mediator between the two of them and in the end, even if Dr. Edelstein hadn't gotten what he wished for, he had been able to get quite a few people (especially those who worked in prison) to have some sessions with him.

Ivan and Natalya visited the hospital regularly. Their visits were kept secret from the General and nobody of the hospital staff had dared inform him. This was because of a mixture of both of the Braginski siblings' reputation and of Head Nurse Hedervary's deadly accuracy with heavy objects. Nobody dared cross those three, especially at the same time.

When they walked up to the reception room, the poor secretary nearly had a heart attack and dropped the papers she had in her hand. It was her first day working at the Helen's Hospital.

"M-m-r. and Mi-mi-miss B-bragi-ginski-i-i?" she stuttered, not daring to look at either of them. The secretary before her had warned her about them, but everything she had told her had completely flown out of the window, along with her capacity to think and talk properly.

"Yes." Ivan looked at the woman for a few seconds, waiting for her to talk. Natalya, behind him, regarded her with a disgusted and cold look that sent shivers down everyone in the reception room. Many wandered if they should call for a doctor for the poor woman.

"There you are," said a voice from behind the secretary. "If you would be kind enough to follow me." Elizabeta smiled politely, if a little coldly, at both of them. She was an attractive woman, with long chestnut hair that was held back in a firm bun, and sharp, grass-green eyes. She had a willowy figure but there was a certain fierceness in her stand and her eyes that made you understand she wasn't one to mess with. She turned around, letting her pristine white uniform sway around her and her little nurse hat firmly held in place by a few pins, and didn't wait for them to acknowledge her words. She knew they would follow her.

When they reached the door of Dr. Edelstein's office, Elizabeta knocked politely, waiting for the voice inside to acknowledge her presence.

"Come in!"

When she opened the door, it was as if she had under gone a transformation. She had her hands behind her back, with a warm smile in her face. She stood tall, back straight and her two feet facing forwards, side by side. "Dr. Edelstein," her voice dripped with enough honey and sugar that almost made the Braginski siblings gag in disgust, "Mr. and Miss Braginski are here."

Looking up, Roderich Edelstein smiled in thanks at his most efficient nurse. "Thank you Miss Héderváry, I will take care of things from here."

With another warm smile, the brunette turned around, glaring at both of the siblings in warning on her way out. One could easily see she was the protective kind of woman not even Ivan wanted to mess up with. And if one wanted to survive around here, you just simply kept your hands to yourself or at least away from her beloved doctor.

"Mr. Braginski, I'm sorry to interrupt you during your work, but we noticed that this month's payment was late. I'm sure you have other things to worry about, but it's the Hospital's policy. We weren't able to contact you before hand because of various reasons, you see." One could easily see that he was mentioning the capture of the pack and of the latest infiltration attempt. It had indeed been difficult to contact him as of late.

"I understand." Ivan smiled one of his patented smiles, but Roderich regarded him coolly. As a doctor, he had seen many horrors during his considerably short life, and as a psychiatrist for the SA he had heard even more. There were few things that could actually make him loose composure.

"Very well." No more words were exchanged, not until the moment everything was in order. "Would you like to see her? Since you are already here?" Roderich, always the gentleman, opened the door for the siblings, closing it behind him. Receiving only a nod from both, he set out, walking down a hall.

"Nothing had happened as of late. Her condition hasn't changed, but she's still stable. We fear that the possibilities of her waking up are very small, since it has been almost thee years since the accident. The more time passes, the less chances she has of waking up. And here we are."

The doctor stopped in front of a room, but didn't open the door. Instead he let the siblings look from the one way window, in which they could see the patient sleeping in a bed and Elizabeta looking over her condition.

The woman on the bed was around Elizabeta's age, twenty-nine, and her short blond hair surrounded her like a halo. She was quite pale, from being kept inside a room for so long, and she was breathing only thanks to a mask that covered half of her face and the many IV that were attached to her arms. It had been a long time since either sibling had seen her eyes or smile, heard her soft voice laugh or talk. It hurt, seeing your eldest sibling in that condition, and being unable to do anything.

They both quickly left, without a word of goodbye to anyone, and returned home. All it had taken was one mistake while the three of them were doing the yearly inspection of the prison. One mistake that had enabled the escape of one of the Hybrids, who had attacked anything that approached him as he ran, and had dealt a nearly fatal blow on their sister's head, leaving her in a state of coma for the last three years.

Since then, they had never forgiven the race that had made them loose their beloved sister. It had been nearly three years now since Katyusha had been with them, since she had been taken away. And for that, they had to get rid of the Hybrids before they did anymore damage.

Yeah, I decided to give the Braginskis a sad, heart breaking story. Just because sometimes I wander if Ivan isn't really just misunderstood. So I hope you liked the chapter, because I know I loved making Alfred suffer a little. I hope you guys are having a nice time. Because I know that the next few weeks are going to be torture.