Chapter one

Freddie Mclair followed his sister to the train platforms. All around him muggles walked past aimlessly. This was going to be the best day of his life; finally he got to go to Hogwarts.

"Are you scared Freddie?" His sister Karen asked.

"Excited." He corrected.

He spotted another wizard, a nervous looking boy getting lectured by a stressed out looking woman who must have been his mum.

"Remember no sneaking out at night."

"Yes mum." The boy chanted.

"No trying magic without any adults around."

"Yes mum."

"And if you're in Slytherin you're not welcome home."

Shock spread across his face.

"Good luck son!" She waved and left the platform.

The boy hesitantly ran through the pillar.

"Come on. Follow me." Karen said, her cat, Kitty meowed in excitement as she ran through the pillar.

Freddie got his trolley in position and followed her.

Bright sunlight caught him off guard. The weather was completely different on this side, it was pleasant, not dull and grey on the muggle side.

Toby his golden retriever puppy had huddled up inside his coat, too shy to come out.

The Hogwarts express awaited boarding.

Two red headed girls were also being lectured by their mother, well one of them were.

"Be like your sister Katie, don't be shy Emily." She was saying.

"And Katie look after her, don't ignore her."

"But mum she's so boring!" Katie yelled.

Emily kept eyes on her shoes, not daring to meet the eyes of anyone else.

"Freddie babes, I'm going to have to leave you." Karen said, kissing him on the cheek and rushing off to her friends Michelle and Jal. They squealed excitedly as they saw each other. With united hands the three best friends boarded the train.

Freddie looked around, feeling awkward. He figured Karen had completely forgotten their dad specifically telling her to stay with him.

Freddie boarded the train; every compartment was taken by excited reunited students. He caught a glimpse of seventh years, talking about their final Hogwarts year together. One day that was going to be Freddie and his friends.

If he ever got around to making any.

"Sorry mate, you're in the way." A boy said behind him.

Freddie hastily stood aside to let him pass.

"Cheers." He playfully slapped him on the cheek. "Nice to meet you I'm cook." He said, already walking out of hearing range. He saw the boy bump into other people too, just so he could introduce himself and leave before they could introduce themselves.

Freddie was about to follow him when the red headed girls crashed into him.

"Ouch watch it!" Katie snapped. "Look Emily that boy looks cool; we should get a carriage with him." Katie pointed after Cook.

Emily opened her mouth to talk, but closed it again when she caught Freddie looking at her. Katie rolled her eyes and carried on.

Another girl was walking against oncoming traffic. It was as if all the air had sucked out of the room as she walked past. She was so different from everyone else, keeping her eyes in front of her and not caring about anyone around. A breath of fresh air.

The sound came back into the room when she slid into a compartment.

"What a bitch." Katie said. Emily put her hand over her mouth. "Oh grow up." Katie muttered.

Freddie finally found a compartment. The nervous looking boy was the only person there.

"Can sit with you?" Freddie asked.

"No." The boy said. "You may not sit next to me. I get claustrophobic. But you may sit across me."

"Thanks." Freddie said, he was half tempted to bolt of the door and find another compartment.

"I'm Freddie."

"JJ." The boy said, He hesitated to shake Freddie's hand. "I'm so sorry but you may have trolls fever, it's the new flu passing around now."

After a few seconds of silence JJ pulled out his wand.

"Would you like to see a magic trick I discovered? It makes me get green flanges."

"…. Ok."

Before JJ could continue their compartment door opened. A tall girl with short bright blonde hair stood there, looking annoyed.

"Have any of you seen my dragon?" She asked.

"You have a dragon?" Freddie asked.

"A baby komodo dragon yes."

"No I haven't."

"… Oh are you doing magic? Let's have a look." The girl said, narrowing on JJ.

Freddie could tell, JJ was uncomfortable with how close she was.

He muttered something nervously but nothing happened.

"That wasn't pathetic at all." The girl said. "I'm Naomi Campbell, I would say it was nice to meet you losers but it was boring. See you around." She left.

Something vibrated under Freddie's seat.

Freddie met JJ's eyes. There was something underneath his seat.

He sat very still.

"Ouch!" someone said.

Another blonde haired girl crawled from under his seat. But this one was slightly fatter than the other, and shorter.

"Sorry about that." She said. "I'm Pandora."

"What on earth were you doing under my seat?" Freddie said the words slowly.

"Oh I saw this little bugger crawl underneath it." She showed him what was in her hands. A lizard.

"That's the Komodo dragon Naomi was looking for." JJ said.

Pandora slid open the door and looked both ways.

"Can't see anyone myself, could you point her out to me when we get to Hogwarts?"

"You mean your staying here? … With us?" Freddie asked.

"Of course! We're going to have loads of fun just you wait. I've got muggle crackers; oh! We could play wizard banshees? Or duration Dryad..."

Freddie rested his back against his seat and closed his eyes; this was going to be a long journey.

This was just a little fun idea I had after watching one of the harry potter movies. It would be awesome if you can review it.