Hours passed and there was still no word about Bloom. Felicity and Merriam both went home to get some sleep. Musa was standing in front of a window staring at the rain that was pouring down outside. Riven came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"You're alright?" Riven asked.

"It's been 36 hours Riven. 36 hours with no word about the surgery going well."

"Musa, Bloom will be fine, she's tough."

"Then why didn't they come and tell us that the surgery was finished?" Musa said starting to cry.

"Musa, I know that I'm not that good at advice but if the surgery didn't go well, they would have come out and tell us, since they didn't, nothing bad has happened" Riven advised.

"Thank you," Musa said feeling better kissing his cheek. "What happened to you on that hover bike camp?"

"Um," Riven began. "Let's just say that I met an old friend who helped me realise what I wanted."

"And what do you want?" Musa asked looking up into his eyes.

Riven smiled and he moved his head down and kissed Musa on the lips.

"You" Riven answered looking into Musa's eyes.


"Yeah" Riven said happily. "I did some thinking when I was gone and I realised that we haven't moved forward since we graduated."

"Really? I didn't notice" Musa said sarcastically.

"Ok, I deserved that" Riven laughed. "Close your eyes for me."

Musa closed her eyes as Riven pulled something from his pocket, took Musa's left hand and slid something on her finger. Musa opened her eyes and saw a beautiful diamond and sapphire ring on her finger with Riven holding a rose in his other hand. Musa was stunned for a moment then realised where she was.

"Whoever your friend is, remind me to thank them, because it's a yes Riven. A thousand times, yes."

Riven smiled from ear to ear and gave Musa the rose and gave her a kiss as he spun her around.

"Get a room you two" Brandon joked keeping everyone's minds off of Bloom for a minute.

Musa giggled as she saw Flora sleeping on Helia's shoulder. Just then, the doctor came out of the room making everyone wake up and jump up.

"How is she?" Sky asked worriedly.

"She's resting comfortably" the doctor replied.

"Is she okay?" Tecna asked.

"We stopped the bleeding, obviously we had to perform a c-section, but I think she's going to be okay."

Everybody sighed with relief.

"And the baby? Is she alright?" Musa asked.

"You tell me" the doctor answered as he turned to the recovery room.

He pushed a button on the wall and the double doors opened as he stepped aside. Bloom's bed was wheeled into position. A nurse carried the baby, wrapped in a blanket, over to everybody.

"Congratulations, she's perfectly healthy" The doctor added.

"Really?" Sly asked as the nurse placed the baby in Sky's arms. "Thank god."

"Oh, look, she's beautiful" Flora said happily.

"Looks like we didn't lose her after all" Helia said with a relief.

"Can we see Bloom?" Tecna asked hopefully.

"Well, maybe just one of you for now" The doctor answered.

"Go tell her we love her" Stella said to Sky as everyone smiled at him.

Sky smiled as he walked over to Bloom. Bloom looked at him and smiled as Sky placed the baby in her arms and she smiled at Sky.

The winx girls stood in the door way of the emergency room and saw Sky sitting next to Bloom. Bloom lifted up her head from the baby and looked at her friends and their boyfriends. She smiled at them as she looked at her baby again.

"Bloom, what should we name her?" Sky asked.

"How about...Callista?" Bloom suggested.

"Callista," Sky said thinking about that name. "I like it."

Bloom smiled as she lifted up her baby and said, "Princess Callista, is that your name?" and she gave her a hug.

The others by the door overheard Sky and Bloom talking and they started to tear up with tears of joy.

The next day was the crowning ceremony for Sky and Bloom. "Ladies and gentlemen of Erakleon" The High Priest began. "I give you, King Sky, Queen Bloom and their daughter, Princess Callista, the royal family of Erakleon."

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