This Pokemon fanfiction contains a Pokemon not yet released but is coming out on the Nintendo DS as Pokemon Black and White. Any updated information I get about this Pokemon, including Evolutions, Attacks, Abilities and whatnot will change the story as Black and White make its way to Japan on September 18, 2010. But for now, enjoy this fanfiction and, if there are any updates about Black and White that you want to let me know about, PM me.

Enough talking, let's read~!

"Treaver, what are you so worried about?" Leena, an expecting mother Sceptile to three little Treeko eggs asked, "They're going to be fine. You won't exactly win their affection with you hovering them all the time; you know how independent Treekos can be. You were one yourself."

"I know, but…" Treaver, the father of the eggs started as he slowly and nervously circled around the eggs, "d-do you know how many Pokemon out there eat eggs? I mean, take Sneasel and Weavile for example…"

"Treaver, we would have a better chance of having one of our babies an alternate color."

"Oh please, not that!" Treaver exclaimed, "The last thing I need is to be teaching one of my young ones why none of their young accepts them."

Treaver continued to circle around the eggs, alert to the slightest sound that was made. Leena, tired and agitated with his overprotection, nudged him a little bit, "Come on, the kids will be okay. Just go to sleep." He looked at the eggs in concern, and then looked up at the moon.

"You're right," he sighed, "the moon is almost down and I haven't gotten a wink of sleep…" he curled up around the nest, "I need to be awake…in time for," he yawned, "the eggs to hatch…" and with that they both fell asleep.

The morning sun broke through the horizon, and a young Happini with a little Oval Stone in her pouch got up to start the day. After a couple of blinks to adjust her eyes, she looked up to see that her mother, a Blissey, and her sisters, were still asleep. Hungry, she got up to look for some berries, hoping that they were not too high for her to reach, being so little and all.

After wandering about for a good distance, she suddenly tripped over a medium-sized egg with green, white, and yellow markings all over it. She got up to inspect it; she poked it, shook it, and sniffed it.

"We gotta get you back home to your family!" she said, "Your mama and daddy must be worried sick wondering where their egg must be!"

With all her might, she pushed the egg away from the spot it once was. The egg-shaped dent in the grass told her that it has been sitting there for a long while with no home. She continued to push the egg forward until she bumped into a nest made of leaves, twigs, and grass with Treaver curled up around it to protect the eggs inside.

"This must be its home…" she whispered, "and the mommy and daddy are still asleep. I'll just push this egg up... here!" and she heaved the egg up into the nest, not noticing that its coloration was a lot different than the other Treeko eggs in there, but happy it saved a Pokemon's life before it was even born, "Yay~! Wait until I tell Mama!" and she ran back to her nest.

Hours passed, and Treaver started to notice movement in the nest. He opened his eyes, startled, worried that a predator may have invaded, and looked inside. In the nest he guarded vigilantly, the eggs were starting to hatch!

"They're about to be born…" he said happily, "They're about to be born! Leena, wake up, the eggs are hatching!"

Leena quickly woke up to witness the hatching of their new family, three Treeko and a…Treaver looked at the oddly colored egg as it joined the other eggs in hatching, "Leena…? Do you see something…odd with one of our eggs?"

"My god, you're right!" she said as she examined it a little further, "Maybe it was a mistake, the colors may be off, but they do look a little similar…"

As soon as the egg hatched, a little green snake-like Pokemon with big red eyes, small eyelashes, a long tail with a large leaf on the end with short, stubby arms, which had yellow crescent-like bands pointing downwards on its shoulders, and legs to keep it upright. It looked up at Treaver, who had a very confused look on his face.

"That is the strangest looking Treeko I have ever seen…" he turned around and sighed, "It has to go."

"What?" Leena said, "No, it will not! This little Pokemon ended up in our nest; obviously its original parents didn't want it. The best thing we can do for it is we treat it like it was any other Treeko; like family." She looked down at the little Pokemon who was curiously looking at its surroundings in awe, "Besides, it's a Grass type, looks a lot like one of us, and it would hurt to abandon it now when it already accepts us as its parents. Look at it, Treaver…isn't it so cute?" she nuzzled the little one's nose, causing it to sneeze. Treaver had to admit, it was kind of cute; and there really was no real difference between it and the other three Treekos. It bothered him to have such an outlandish creature in the same nest as his children, but he decided to at least give it a chance.

"May the Great Arceus bless all of you," Leena announced to the children, "may you all have a safe, happy, and wonderful life," she nudged the little Pokemon, "especially you…my precious little girl…"

"How do you know it was a girl?" Treaver asked.

"Well, someone had to check," Leena explained, "and it couldn't be you." She turned back to the little girl whose eyes wide in wonder, "Evina," she said, "Your name is Evina, understand?" she said to the cuddling newborn. Evina looked up and squeaked happily, telling her she loved her new name. Leena chuckled and smiled as she looked up at all four of her and Treaver's new babies.

"Welcome to the world…"