SkyGem: Hey all! Thank so much for the reviews on last chapter, and also, I've changed the last bit of chapter 11 (the entire part in Momo's pov) and y'all probably read that before you read this chappi, or it won't make much sense…


"Ohayou, minna-san," I said as I approached them, smiling hesitantly.

Everyone just stared at me with blank looks, seeming to be in shock.

"Ryoma?" asked Momo.

I nodded.

"You're Rui?"

Another nod.

After a moment of awkward silence, Eiji suddenly tackled me out of the blue.

"Ochibi-chan's sooo pretty!"

Hearing that, I couldn't help but giggle.

Immediately, the mood lifted and the others were soon laughing along.

Suddenly, I felt someone staring at me and I turned to see Fuji-sempai staring at me with piercing blue eyes with an almost absent expression on his face.

Going up to him, I placed a hand on his arm, asking, "Sempai?"

Pulling away, he snapped, "Don't touch me!"

I stared at him with wide, hurt eyes and suddenly, his expression changed.

"I-I'm sorry…" he said, trailing off as if he didn't know what else to say. Then, he whipped around and ran off without another word.

The others looked at me sympathetically, and Tezuka, after throwing me a worried glance, ran after Fuji.

Eiji and Momo seemed to be trying to cheer me up, but I didn't really notice.

Then, I felt a protective arm wrap around my shoulders and looked up to see Keigo.

He smiled reassuringly at me, saying, "You know it wasn't your fault."

"I-I know," I said, feeling tears well up in my eyes. "B-but, Fuji-sempai probably hates me now."

His only response was to pull me closer as I buried my head into his chest, letting the tears slip silently down my face.

By now, others had noticed what was going on and I heard the concerned voices of my family, asking if I was alright.

Keigo just turned them all away, saying, "She and her friends have just had a little quarrel, she'll be fine in a few minutes. You guys go help get the food ready. We'll be out in a few minutes."


Furious, I left the ceremony room to look for Fuji, the one who had caused my sister to cry. Normally, I would have immediately gone to comfort her, but I knew that she would be fine with Keigo there.

Finally finding the effeminate brunette, I went up to him.

His eyes widened as I walked up to him and punched him straight across the face (not enough to bruise him of course, Ryoma would kill me if I did).

He brought up his hand to cup his cheek, his eyes wide. "R-Ryoga-san?" he asked in a bewildered voice.

"This was supposed to be a day of celebration for my imouto, for completing her one year as a guy. She was supposed to be happy and laughing, how dare you make her cry!" I shouted at him and his eyes widened even more.

"Ryoma-chan is crying?" he asked, his voice full of regret.

"Of course she is!" I shouted. "What, did you think she would be happy that the guy she liked said something like that to her?"

"L-likes?" he spluttered, a bright blush forming on his cheeks.

"Oh, come on!" I shouted. "How can you be so dense! Of course she likes you! And then you went and said that to her! I demand you go and apologize to her!"

"H-hai," he said, seeming a bit taken aback and suddenly, all my anger drained out of me. He had probably just been shocked.

As he turned to run off, I stopped him, saying, "Fuji!"

Stopping, he looked at me questioningly and I smirked.

"You're free to ask her out, but if you ever make her cry again, I'm going to make you wish you'd never been born!"

His blush intensified and he nodded once to me, then turned and walked off.


I hesitated slightly as I came in sight of Ryoma and Keigo; the others had apparently disappeared.

When they finally realized I was there, Keigo glared and Ryoma just looked at me with puffy red eyes.

"What do you want?" snapped Keigo.

"I want to talk to Ryoma," I said.

Keigo looked as if he were about to refuse, but I turned my eyes on Ryoma, looking at her pleadingly.

Seeming to get my message, she said, "Keigo, can you leave us for just a minute?"

"Wha-?" asked Keigo, seeming surprised. "But Ryoma-!"

"Please?" she said again, looking up at him with pleading eyes.

Sighing, he said, "Fine. Call me if you need anything, ne?"

After Ryoma had nodded yes, he threw me one last glare then left.

When he was gone, I turned to look at Ryoma and found she was staring at me.

Not knowing what else to do, I bowed deeply, saying, "Gomenasai, Ryoma-chan! I-I didn't mean to make you cry! I was just…shocked."

Ryoma didn't say anything for a long time, and when I finally peeked up at her to see her expression, I saw that she was crying again.

"R-Ryoma-chan?" I asked worriedly.

"I-I was so scared," she said in a shaky voice. "I-I thought sempai hated me!"

Sighing, I went up to her and, as I had seen Atobe do many times before, I wrapped my arms around her and laid a kiss on her forehead.

"There's no way I could ever hate you, Ryoma-chan. I love you."

She froze at this then looked up at me with wide, tearful eyes. "R-really?" she asked disbelievingly.

Then, she smiled beautifully and leaned closer, closing the space between our faces until our lips were only approached.

As she hesitated, seeming unsure of herself, I closed the gap, kissing her light as a feather at first, then deepening it until I felt there was nothing else in the world but the two of us.

When I pulled away, I smiled at her and she smiled shakily back, then rested her head against my chest, her arms going around me and clutching at the fabric of my shirt.

"I love you," she said and I felt breathless with happiness.

"As do I."

The End


As the purple haired teen watches his adopted cousin profess her love for her sempai, he feels a great sadness well up within him. He has known all along that her affections for him are strictly those of family, but still, he had hoped. Now, that hope has been crushed. As he watches on, his heart getting torn to pieces, he suddenly feels a hand on his shoulder and looks up.

"Meimei…" he says in a small voice.

She smiles softly and bends down to kiss him gently on the cheek. "Better to have loved and lost then to never have loved at all."

The teen laughs and says, "Couldn't think of something more original?"

The girl smiles and says, "How about this: when one door closes, another opens."

The boy is about to laugh when he realizes the full implications of what she has just said.

She smiles mysteriously and, before he can ask her what she meant, she has disappeared.

He is disappointed at first, then smiles slightly.

"The heart truly is a fickle thing."

SkyGem: Oh my kami, it's finally done! I cannot believe it! Princess of What is done! And I can't believe I chose Thrill over Royal! That is soo weird, since I usually prefer Royal...but Thrill is what the readers voted for in the poll, so Thrill is what they got! I hope y'all liked it, ne? Thank you all so much for staying with this story so long, and please, do leave one last review and tell me what you thought, and if you haven't, go check out some of my other stories, ne? Sayonara, minna-san! Hope to see you all again. *Bow*

P.S. I know most of you are probably going to ask for a sequel and my answer is...I'll think about it, but it can only be maybe a three-shot or a four-shot. If y'all have any ideas for a sequel, send 'em in!