Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach in anyway. If I did… it would be a gong show. =)

When someone use to say 'Love is blind', I always thought it meant you wouldn't find it in the most obvious places and that you truly had to look. Now I just scoff and think what people mean to say, is love blinds you from the truth. I never asked to fall in love with such a deceiving, manipulative yet charming and handsome man. And it definitely wasn't my fault I didn't know he was planning on turning everyone's lives upside down and betraying the Soul Society and yet… I got blamed for it. I was locked away as a 'threat' because I just so happened to be romantically involved with the man who had done them wrong. I was just as much a pawn in his little scheme as everyone else, blinded by his Zanpakuto's ability of complete hypnosis. If anything, I felt more betrayed as a lover then I did has a member of the Seireitei.

I was trapped with nowhere to go and I don't just mean in the sense I was locked in a cell deep within the second division, I mean in my own mind. I wasn't asking the same thing everyone else is asking right now, nor was I thinking the same any normal woman in love would be thinking. What was he thinking, How long has he been plotting, and Why did he do this to me, I thought he loved me, aren't what's going through my mind, it's more along the lines of, Why didn't he take me? Or better yet kill me? I would have rather died the hands of the man I loved then left to starve and rot in an underground cell. The only answer I could think of was – I wasn't part of the plans, he never thought a woman would walk into his life and he'd want to pursue them. And that's exactly what he did he pursued me; I hadn't even looked his way once before he slowly became a part of my life. I was perfectly content with thinking I was madly in love with a certain nobleman Captain of Division Sixth, off in my own little world of being the only woman in the eleventh division, besides the little lieutenant.

The first time I had every really held a conversion with the Captain of the fifth before he asked me on a date was when someone had mixed division five papers with the eleventh and of course seeing I was the only woman, in Captain Zaraki's mind that meant I got to do all the stupid jobs. He had been in his office with the new Captain of Division Three, Ichimaru drinking tea when I had arrived after getting lost. Aizen had offered me to sit and have tea with them of course I refused and went off on my way, but after that day it seemed like I was running into the man all the time. At first it was only once every few weeks, then once a week and then at least once or twice a day. I had gone from thirty years of living and working in the Seireitei without once every laying eye's on the man and yet, there I was seeing him every day of my life after one trip to his office.

After a while I – stupidly I'll admit – began to let him in, we'd bump into each other now and then and on occasion he'd ask me to tea or to lunch and foolishly I would accept. Eventually months passed I had found my feelings that were once focused on the head of the Kuchiki house had completely shifted over to this man I had once barely known and had grown to become acquainted with, so when he asked me to dinner as more then what we were, you could imagine how surprised and excited I had been. Our first date had been quiet but beautiful, a simple picnic in the garden of the fifth division.

When I look back on my time with Sosuke there's always one thing that comes to mind. Every first that we ever shared was at his expense, he was the first one to ask me out, he made the first move, and he said I love you the first time. Never once, had I even thought to say I loved him, but I did, and once he told me he loved me, it hit me fast and hard - which lead me to believe the whole time during our relationship I was under his spell, the power of Kyōka Suigetsu – but… I'd never been exposed to his Zanpakuto before, never once had I seen him in battle and never once did I know what it could do. So how did he deceive me? Was I truly that in love with Sosuke to have been blinded from the truth?

I remember once Aizen told me if I asked him for the world, that he'd give it to me – I told him he'd have to start a war for that to happen in which he replied 'All's fair in love and war'. What did that even mean? If everything was fair in love and war I wouldn't have to feel the need to choose between the people I love and the man I'm in love with.

Every day I spent in that god forsaken cell I was either angry or depressed, I was upset he didn't take me and I was mad he didn't kill me all at the same time! If Aizen didn't have the guts to bring me along with him then the least he could have done was drive his sword through my stomach and walked away, I would have been content. Anything would be better than sitting in a lonely prison cell left to my own thoughts and slowly driving myself insane.

I guess, deep in my mind, I always knew that love never lasted. It had taken me awhile to figure out no one was coming to save me from the hell I was in so I stopped caring, after I stopped caring I accepted the fact that I was just something to past the time while Aizen waited for his scheme to unfold, it was scary to know he had it all planned since the beginning since before he was Captain maybe even before he was a lieutenant. He had everything planned... everything – but me. UGH. Everything was so frustrating. So what if I wasn't a part of the original plans he could have made me a part of them. But then again there was always that factor of even when he became involved with me, he didn't 'plan' for either of us to become so attached. If there was one thing I learned from working under Kenpachi Zaraki was to never become attached to something because once you are it's your biggest weakness. A bunch of B.S in my mind, coming from a man who's 'daughter' was our lieutenant, he can't complain and shout all he wants but no matter what he says, Yachiru was his biggest weakness, threaten her, you might as well have lathered yourself up with barbeque sauce and served yourself on a silver platter with free sake right to his door.

"Hypocrite," I growled out loud to myself as I sat in the corner of the small enclosed area.

"Hello, my little Cherry Blossom," came the handsome voice which belonged to the man of my heart.

Just great I'm hallucinating, what kind of cruel world was I living in? Seconds later I heard the clang of the door opening but I choose to ignore it again, refusing to let myself believe the man I loved was actually there to save me from this hell.

"Sakura?" His voice sounded so real so… so… so concerned as if seeing me in this state actually worried him, but of course it did, this was all in my mind – but the moment I felt a hand touch my shoulder I knew I couldn't be dreaming. I sprang to my feet and turned to meet the handsome face I once knew but it was different and yet as beautiful as ever. Before Sosuke Aizen was just handsome but now, without his glasses and his hair slicked back with one lock falling between his eyes he was downright sexy. I'll admit for once, this made me blush.

"Why are you here?" I asked although I already knew the answer. He'd come back for me, not because he planned to, but because he felt wrong about leaving me here, because he had come to realize, that maybe it wasn't so wrong for him to have the woman he loved by his side as he works his way up to the destruction of Karakura Town and the Soul Society.

"Because, I love you, I promised you the world and I plan to give you just that! With you by my side, I will make you my Queen." He replied pulling me closer to his chest intending on sealing his promised with a kiss.

If only I didn't choose this moment to wake up.

AN: Hello people! =) Thank you for reading this wonderfully amazing story! I would like to know, your choice, if anyone would be interesting in seeing this turn into an actual story or if I should leave it as is for now?

I hope you enjoyed it, please Review =) It makes me happy!