A/N: Hello everyone and welcome. I just wanted to say before we begin that this idea originally popped up in a role play that me and my friend erbby17 were doing and with her permission I took the plot idea and turned it into a full blown fic. I hope you all enjoy I'm going to be working my butt off on this so sit back and enjoy the ride!

DISCLAIMER FOR THE ENTIRE FIC: I do not own Hetalia: Axis Powers nor do I own ANYTHING related to Disney. NOTHING. Now that we're clear on that: Let's get on with the story!

Happiest Place on Earth

Chapter One.

Arthur found it a little hard to believe that the two of them were going on a randomly planned trip in the matter of three days when Alfred had first told him. He had also found it a little hard to believe they were standing in the airport getting their tickets. Even when he handed over his ID to retrieve said ticket with his full name, Arthur Kirkland, imprinted for his luggage and boarding pass, he wasn't completely sold. However, now that he and Alfred were sitting next to each other on the airplane strapped in and ready for takeoff, it was growing increasingly harder to ignore the fact that this was indeed happening.

Alfred sat with his face pressed against the window, looking out to the rest of New York City, ready to leave it all behind. The two had been staying in Alfred's penthouse apartment for a few weeks ever since Alfred convinced Arthur to visit home with him; and being who he was, Alfred wanted to do something more exciting. Alfred imagined there being a huge fuss over the trip being so spontaneous and unplanned, not to mention the intended destination. Not that the Brit had any objections to going to Disney World, but it might have been better if he was going with someone more mature, bearable, and less stupid-

"Iggy, I thought we would have been in the air already! What's the hold up!" The bubbly blonde beamed over as if the man next to him held all the answers.

"Alfred, you've been on plenty of flights to understand that take off isn't always on time." He said softly, trying not to raise his voice. After all, as much as he wouldn't admit it, he was rather excited as well. "We're quite fortunate to have even found this flight as it is."

"Look, I told you that I could just call in some favors. You gotta stop doubting me!" Beaming a bright smile, Alfred sat back as the pilot announced their take off would be in mere minutes. The cavern settled down as everyone sat back and waited for the plane to level out. Arthur merely rested in knowing the fact that once everything quieted down, he could get a drink and only hope that in the two and a half hour plane ride Alfred would eventually tire himself out.


Stretching his long arms over his head, Alfred shrugged his jacket off his shoulders in the warm Orlando heat that enveloped the two as soon as they stepped out of the airport. Arthur sighed quietly, it was nice to be in the heat rather than the slight chill that the city held when the wind whipped through the buildings. Hailing a cab, Alfred told the driver the address of their hotel and sat back smiling at the Brit who stared out the window. Palm trees lined the street, something he wasn't used to, and he found himself smiling at the change in scenery even when turning back to the one next to him.

"I can't wait to get into the parks!" Alfred exclaimed rather loudly for being in a small car. The Englishman saw the driver's eyes travel to the rearview mirror with a slight acidic touch before going back to the road. Arthur nodded meekly.

"I know."

"Mostly, I just don't want to sit anymore. That plane ride was so boring!"

"You were quite engrossed in the movie they were playing, you didn't seem all that bored."

"Well, yeah, it would have been a lot better if you just agreed to the Mile High Club idea. That seems like something you'd be up for!" Arthur felt as if the driver's eyes were back on him.

"D-Don't be ridiculous! Just because you ask me every time we're on a plane together doesn't mean the answer is going to be any different this time either!" He nearly shrieked in defense. Alfred held a smug look before pointing out the window.

"Look! We just crossed into Disney territory! WHOO!" He punched the air with his right hand, mindful of the low roof before the driver made a sharp left turn into the drive way of a rather grand looking hotel. Feeling the car halt, the younger of the two jumped out of his door and traveled around the other side to open the door for Arthur who averted his eyes and got out. Alfred paid the impatient cab driver and grabbed their bags from the trunk as he sped away, leaving the two out in the heat. Turning around with open arms to the sky, the taller smiled. "Welcome home!" Alfred carried all the bags into the hotel with little problem while Arthur was left to follow with a smile staining his lips. They claimed their room keys and were standing in the elevator waiting to be taken to their floor.

"Room 309." Alfred stated while nearly dropping the bags to unlock the door. He shoved the door with his shoulder after sliding the key into the slot and allowed Arthur to go first while dragging their possessions after them. Arthur sat on the bed in the middle of the room and smiled up at Alfred.

"This room is wonderful." He commented cheefully while looking around.

"Only the best! When I called they said they insisted I get one of their best rooms." The room door closed with a loud bang and Arthur laid himself down on the bed, folding his hands over his abdomen. Alfred launched himself onto the bed next to the peaceful English nation, nearly flinging him off, and snuggled into the pillow. Slightly annoyed, the green eyed man looked over to the other who was perfectly content with resting in bed, it had been a long day after all. Opening his eyes, the American blinked before sitting up and looking quizzically at Arthur. "Something up?"

The Briton had a slight hint of a blush dusting his cheeks as he turned on his side to face Alfred. "W-Well no," he said as if he was embarrassed. "I just thought we were going to stay in Cinderella's castle." Hearing Arthur's concern, Alfred couldn't help but let out a laugh. Arthur suddenly felt bad for their neighbors.

"We're going to! But even with how much they love me, that room still is really expensive, so it's only for one night." Alfred laid back down and Arthur curled into his side, resting his head on the larger's chest. "So, I booked it for our last night here. We'll stay in here in the mean time." His blue eyes traveled to the digital alarm clock that read 8 o clock and knew that it would be getting dark soon. Not wanting to get up and unpack, Alfred placed an arm around Arthur and one behind his head, entirely ready to pass out then and there. Arthur, on the other hand, knew just what he was avoiding.

"…If we get it done now, the sooner we can go to sleep." He bribed the lazy American.

"Iggy…" The taller whined covering his eyes and glasses with his arm.

"The sooner we get everything unpacked and go to sleep, the earlier we can get up to go to the parks." Although feeling as if he was speaking to a small child, the English nation passed the statement off coolly as Alfred launched himself up onto his feet and towards the bags. He scurried around the room, hanging clothes and placing things in the bathroom and kicking the suitcases into the closet. He slammed the door closed before throwing himself back on the bed; Arthur looked to the clock: 10 minutes, not too bad. He chuckled lightly before leaning over and pecking the nearly panting American on the lips before getting up. "I'll go change for bed and be right out." He reached into one of the drawers that the younger had stuffed their nightwear into and moved to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

If things kept going at this pace, this trip might actually turn out to be quite enjoyable…