Heyos! Kind of pulled this chapter out of thin air, but I think it's fun, for a filler. ;) Lots of banter, and Slade discussions, yay! ;D


Ch 16

As the clock chimed, Addie breathed a sigh of relief. She had done it. She had somehow evaded capture from the boy wonder. Of course, there were a few more times he had caught up to her... but that was completely besides the point. She was still worried about the meeting she had with Slade – after all, if he wouldn't kill her… well, it didn't mean he wouldn't just pound her into the floor instead.

"I'm not anyone's sidekick, or apprentice. I'm just me," she muttered to herself, as she continued walking forwards, only to have her arm grabbed. "Ahh! Who the hell are-"

"Addie, relax, it's just me! You were about to fall off the roof… again…" The boy wonder frantically explained. "Why are you so jumpy?"

"It's just… nothing, never mind. So, did I prove myself?"

"You proved something alright…" Robin mumbled.

"Excuse me?"

"Yea, you proved yourself. Good job. And welcome to the team." Addie's eyes grew wide with excitement.

"Seriously? Sweet!" she suddenly lunged at Robin, enveloping him in a hug. "Thank you." Robin laughed; glad she couldn't see the blush slowly creeping up his face.

"Come on. Let's go tell the others."

"Okay." She started following the sounds of Robin's footsteps, when she stopped. "Um… which way is the tower again?"

"Here, come on." Robin grabbed her hand, leading her forward, to the fire escape on the side of the building. "My motorcycle is in the alleyway down there. We can ride back to the tower."

"Okay…" Nightmare got a sneaky look on her face. "Can I drive?" Robin smirked in response.

"Do you even know how to drive?"

"Sure I do! I drove a motorcycle when we were all in your mind."

"And you said it yourself that it was only because the motorcycle drove itself for you."

"Besides the point! I still hit the gas and breaks and… stuff…"

"Oh, I'm sure you hit lots of 'stuff'."


"Just come on!" Robin hopped onto his R-Cycle, and motioned for Nightmare to do the same, patting the seat. Which is when Nightmare realized the awkwardness of the situation. There she was, arms around Robin, albeit to keep from flying off his deathtrap of a bike, but still awkward. This is awkward… I mean, not 'cause it's Robin or anything… just that I have my arms around his neck, and – SO AWKWARD!

They continued riding in silence, besides random 'eeps' of surprise coming from Nightmare when they sped around particularly sharp turns. Of course, those were the same turns that left her holding onto Robin even harder, making things all the more awkward for her. Eventually they got back to the tower, though, and Addie quickly dismounted the bike, as did Robin.

"Well that was… fun…" she said, to break the ensuing silence.

"Yea," Robin agreed, not showing signs that he found any part of the situation awkward. "I don't usually get the chance to go that fast without Cyborg yelling at me, since usually there are too many cars in the way."

"So you ride that deathtrap like that while swerving around in traffic? Remind me again how many times you've crashed that thing?"

"Only twice!"

"Not counting crashing it in Gotham…"

"Did not!"

"I'm sure if we called Babs she'd tell a whole 'nother story!"


"And if you add in times you've crashed it while in civilian…"

"Those times are totally besides the point!"

"Whatever you say, blunder boy." Laughing, she followed Robin up the stairs and to the main room, where Raven was waiting.

"Hi," she greeted, "I'm assuming you passed the test…?"

"'Course I did!" she announced smugly. "Robby boy here just couldn't keep up!"

"Not true! I was… going easy on you."

"Says the guy who was totally adamant about me not getting into the hero gig."

"Well, it's better then Slade forcing you to work for him."

"Yea…" she was suddenly very quiet at the mention of Slade.

"Something wrong?" Raven asked.

"No… just…" Might as well just fess up… "Slade found me, while we were having our little cat and mouse game. Stopped me, saved me… then started rambling about all that apprentice junk."

"He saved you?" Raven asked, confused. She nodded in response.

"Yea, basically said I was too big of an investment or something for him to let me fall of a building. Not that I'm not grateful, but no, not planning on joining him any time soon."

"So, that's all Slade talked to you about? The apprentice thing?"

"Pretty much, well mostly… he did the usual 'mock everyone around him' thing, I told him to fuck off, we talked about his people hunting license, and then I kinda hit below the belt and brought up his family…"

"HE HAS A FAMILY?" the two titans exclaimed. "But… but he… he's SLADE!"

"Yes. Yes he is. The family's pre-terminator, though. His ex-wife is the one that trained him. Of course, that was for the military, which, by the way, you have to think for his macho-nacho-ness. They experimented on him to be a super-soldier. Stuff worked pretty damn well."

"So… he's a meta?" Raven asked, confused. "Other then the powers my… father, gave him for a while, he hasn't shown any."

"Not like he can fly or anything. Just enhanced strength, and the fact that he can use 90% of his brain, unlike normal humans who only use about 10%."

"Well that explains a lot…" Robin muttered. "But still… he had a wife?"

"Kids too." Nightmare wished she could have seen the looks on Robin and Raven's faces when she said that. She was sure their jaws were hanging to the floor. "But don't worry about them three. Oldest is dead, the HIVE screwed him up. The second son is already a Titan."


"Chill your beans! He's not a secret agent or anything, he's a legitimately good guy, just kinda quiet."

"What about the third child?" Raven asked.

"Don't know about her. I think she's only seven or eight as of now, though I'm not sure if Slade knows about her yet. Don't worry though, you'll meet her after you become Nightwing – well, Renegade, actually, then you'll train her for Slade, but end up converting her and she'll work with the new titans. Or something."

"Renegade? Doesn't that mean traitor?" a now worried boy wonder asked. "And I work for Slade? AGAIN?"

"It's by choice! And she ends up on your side, and it's a long complicated story I don't remember the details to, so chill your cool aid and don't worry about it!"

"… alright then. So… he has kids. And had a wife."


"And since you know all this, you know who Slade is, too?"

"I knew who you were, didn't I? And I know what show Raven secretly watches religiously, and I know your futures," she waved her hands in their faces. "I'm pretty much a living version of Wikipedia for your world."


"Don't ask. Oh, and what time is it?"

"It's around 6:30am," Raven answered, "The others should be getting up soon."

"Good. Because training starts at 8 o'clock." At this announcement, Raven started muttering darkly to herself." Smirking, Robin turned to Nightmare. "Oh, and Addie-er, Nightmare?"

"Huh?" A positively evil look crossed his face, which Addie could almost feel radiating off of him.

"Welcome to your first day of boot camp."


heh... boot camp... so, you wanna go to boot camp too? or stay nice and comfy in your pj's reading fanfics? Let me know! R&R :D