
Summary: Catherine's usually so damn average it's not even funny. University graduate interested in travelling and volunteering. Her travels bring her to the city of Gotham where she thinks she'll merely be teaching kids. How distinctly unaverage her life becomes when she "meets" the terrifyingly sinister God of fear, the Scarecrow (AKA, the distinctly unordinary genius Dr. Jonathan Crane). This chronicles every twist of their dark relationship, from the unromantic start of their relationship with Cat's kidnapping to her deep descent into darkness and crime and transformation in the dark and twisted "Psyche, Mistress of Fear". Nolanverse, ratings will go up later. I don't own DC Comics, or Batman or Scarecrow (God, if only lol). I only own my own OC, Cat. Enjoy folks, consider this my first epic so reviews will be welcome (though flame me and I'll get Scarecrow to gas you in the lift :P)



Chapter one: Unspectacular beginnings

"Welcome to Gotham City Airport. Home of the world famous Wayne Enterprises, serving

world advancement in technology for 50 years." The intercom blared out to the masses

who, were waiting like cattle for their luggage to arrive on the carousel. This

typically everyday scene was like all the rest at the airport. The security cameras lazily

surveyed the crowd for anybody suspicious, pausing on random members of the herd. It

paused on one person. A young woman of about 21. There was nothing especially unique

about this woman. She was not tall, in fact, one could describe her as been small to the

point of being quite doll like. Her skin was tanned, but it was clear that this was only the

case because she had just gotten off the plane from Bangkok. Usually, she was pale to the

point of been compared to a ghost. Her face was obscured to the cameras at this moment in

time by her long and ridiculously thick lions mane of brunette hair which naturally curled to

just below her shoulder blades. Currently it was brushed forward, hiding much of her face.

Her eyes were covered by fashion-conforming, large sunglasses, giving her the distinct look

of a housefly, or cousin It dressing up. The camera moved on.

Catherine Adams sighed as she waited for her luggage to pull into view. It had been a

long ride from Bangkok and she was exhausted, it was not helped that she was freezing.

Shifting uncomfortably from one foot to another, she decided it probably wasn't the

brightest idea to stay in shorts and a vesty top instead of dressing for a different climate. Ah


As soon as her suitcase came into view, Cat was out like a shot and hailed a cab.

Tomorrow, she would start teaching at Gotham Park High School as part of her yearlong

tour of the world gaining teaching experience (true, there was a marked difference between

teaching English in a Thai orphanage and actually teaching History in a Western

school, but she welcomed the wide spectrum of experience she was getting. It was cool

seeing the world like this instead of going straight into a job in England like everyone else in

her class), but tonight, she welcomed a hot bath and a long nights' sleep on an actual bed.

"First time in Gotham sweetheart?" Asked the cabbie, eyeing up the young woman

curled up in the back seat.

"First time in America actually." Cat answered simply. She wasn't unsociable, but she

despised unnecessary small talk. Why couldn't this guy just leave her to snooze until they

arrived at her flat in some district called "The Narrows"? She hoped that by leaving her

sunglasses on, she could give off the impression she was asleep. No such luck.

"Ah, English I see. Well, welcome to America. What brings you here sweetheart?"

Cat shuddered at the nickname. What a creep.

"Travelling round the world, teaching in places to fund it. Oh yeah, and New York

was closed." She finished sarcastically. Her eyes fell on today's paper folded up and left by

its previous owner on the far side of her seat. Been naturally politically aware and stuck in

the jungle for 4 months, Cat relished any chance to find out what was going on in the world.

On the front, there was a picture of a man. Actually, Cat assumed that it was a man, his face

was obscured by a burlap sack over his head. He was wearing a suit which at one point, may

have looked incredibly expensive, but was now torn and frayed. Cat made out the words

"Scarecrow" and "escaped" in the dark, but before she could ask what this new film was

about, the cab stop abruptly.

"Here we are." The Cabbie said doubtfully. "I can tell you've never heard of Gotham


"Errr...why?" Cat asked rather confused.

"Well, why else would a young girl such as you want to live in the Narrows? It's

not a safe place for a girl on her own."

Urgh Cat thought I went travelling to get away from living with my parents and this

sort of thing! "I'll be fine thanks, I'm nearly 22."

"Well..." The cabbie started. Cat cut him off edgily. She'd really had enough now.

"$12.50, right?" She stated, throwing the exact change at him and grabbing her luggage.

Thank god the landlady had forwarded her the key to her apartment, it meant she could

collapse on her bed straight away.

The apartment was sparsely decorated. Just 2 rooms and a bathroom. The sad living

room doubled as a kitchenette and included nothing else but a tiny TV and small, squashy

sofa and small phone on a side table. She assumed it was broken, but a soft dialling tone

told her otherwise. She considered calling her mum to tell her she'd arrived at her second

point of call safely, but thought better of it. It was too late and back home, her parents

would probably already be at work, likewise Claire and Jamie. Besides, small blessings

probably as she was too tired to even speak. Dropping her bags on the floor (god, how

depressing it was to see her life in one suitcase and one rucksack), she collapsed on the bed.

"Well, at least the film in the paper looked good." She mumbled before falling into a deep sleep.