BFF Is So Overrated

I'm surprised I'm adding another chapter to this story. I guess having nothing to do this summer made me curious if I could continue it? It has been a very long time since I've written a story for the Kuroshitsuji fandom, so hopefully I'll be able to keep people in character [if they ever WERE in character]. I suppose this chapter will be... a test to see if I can finish something? I reread the chapters from before and want to scream at how I acted in author notes, aah;;;;

This chapter is shorter than the others, I believe.

Alois moaned lowly and turned onto his side. He felt sticky and everything ached. He was unsure as to how he had gotten sick in the first place, but didn't care so much at this time. He just wanted to be healed and be free the captivity of his bedroom.

He turned his attention onto his guardian who was hooking up a vaporizer on the opposite side of the room. "Claude, is Ciel coming today? I miss Ciel so much." He couldn't remember how long it had been since he last saw him. Two days? A week? Maybe a year? When you were sick, time just seemed to melt away like the sweat soaking into his pajamas.

"He called earlier and said he would not be coming over until you're healthy." Claude switched on the machine and stepped to the side as it began to warm up. "I'll be downstairs, do not leave this room." He gave him a stern look and turned to leave, closing the door quietly behind him.

Alois rolled his eyes and grabbed his cellphone, punching in the familiar number and bringing the phone to his ear. He winced at the shrilling noise, praying Ciel would answer the phone quickly before his brain snapped in half.

"Phantomhive speaking.."


"... Alois? Is that you? You sound dreadful."

"Ciel please, please, please come visit me! I'm so bored and I miss you and I want to be held." Alois sniffled loudly, rubbing his nose with a finger.

"Absolutely NOT, I'm not risking the chance of falling ill just because you want to cuddle!"

"Ciel, you're a horrible boyfriend!"

"I'm not your boyfriend!"

"Yes you are!" Alois turned on his back. "All the stuff we did totally implies we're in an official relationship!"

"... That doesn't count! You're just a pervert!"

"Then, so are you, Ciel." Alois huffed. "Anyway, pleaseee come visit me? I'm really lonely! Claude only comes to my room to force medicine down my throat and some bland onion soup. The triplets were told to stay away from me too, so I can't mess with them! Ciel, pleasee."

"No Alois! Besides, I have company."

Company? Since when did Ciel have company that wasn't him? Alois frowned, it could be only one person then.

"Your gross cousin, Elizabetch?"

"It's Elizabeth."

Alois's frown deepened, his eyebrows arched in annoyance. "Why the hell is SHE there? She doesn't visit you guys until, like, the winter or something!"

"Alois, this is around the time she visits."

Fuck, he had forgotten. He squeezed the cell phone tightly. He couldn't be there to protect him from that bitch's affection and obvious attraction to Ciel. "So, what are you two doing?" He asked slowly, listening tentatively for any noise in the background. He could hear the sound of dishes and water, was Sebastian neatby?

"We WERE going to go out for a walk before a certain person called."

Alois smirked, happy about his timing. "Let me speak to Sebastian."

"What, no. Call the house phone if you want to talk to him."

"Alois wants to speak to me?"

"No, go away Sebastian."

"I want to talk to Sebastian! Cieeeellll-"

"Call the house phone!"


Alois blinked and held up his phone, seeing the disconnect icon pop up. "Damn it!" He tossed the phone to the side and slowly lifted himself up. He sat still momentarily, his ears open for any footsteps outside to make sure Claude wouldn't make an appearance anytime soon. After a long minute, he slipped out the bed and towards his bathroom. He frowned immediately at how he looked. Dark circles, a snotty nose, and pale skin, he hated being sick so much.

"I need to get to Ciel though... ! Before she gets her teeth into him." He muttered to himself.

He ventured to the tub, turning on the shower and quickly stripped, stepping in. He scrubbed and washed himself thoroughly, hoping the sickly smell would leave him for the rest of the day or at least during the small time he'd have with Ciel before Claude would come to collect him once he realized he was missing.

Ciel half-listened as Elizabeth babbled on about her days at school. The afternoon was a nice, fall day. Warm, but with a bit of a chill. Most wore windbreakers while other sported for sweaters and scarves.

"And then she- Ah, Ciel!" Elizabeth came to a halt, checking through her shoulder bag that was decorated with various stickers of cartoon cats and rabbits. "I forgot to give this to you, I hope you like it!" She squealed when she found what she was looking for and took out the large bar of chocolate. "It's from Netherlands, we went there over the summer break and I got you some just before we came back!"

Ciel took the chocolate greedily, but forced himself to not devour it then and there. "Thank you Elizabeth, I'll eat it later." He tucked the chocolate into his pocket and rewarded her with a small smile which made her own smile grow ten times as larger.

"You're welcome Ciel! So, where should we go next? It's a bit cold, so maybe somewhere indoors? Ah, how about a cute cafe! I saw one on the way to your house!" She pointed down a nearby street. "I think it was that way?" She wasn't so sure, but was fine exploring and searching for the place as long as she was with Ciel and could spend more time with him.

Getting lost wouldn't be so bad.

"Do you remember the name? I might know where to go then." Ciel could vaguely remember a few Alois would drag him to for lunch.

"Mmmm... Cafe... something-something?" She tilted her head in thought, the car had passed by so quickly that all she could remember was the cafe's architect. "It had pink shutters and cute outdoor tables with parasols! Ah and a white fence!"

Ciel frowned, that didn't sound familiar at all. Was it new? "We can ask around the shopping district then.. or I'll call Sebastian." He reached for his phone in his pocket but only to have said hand taken by his cousin and him tugged along. "Elizabeth?"

"It's okay, we don't need Sebastian's help! It'll be fun looking on our own!"

"Or I could help."

Ciel and Elizabeth swirled around, staring at the lone Trancy making his way to them. Ciel frowned immediately and made a quick beeline to him. "Alois! What are you doing here?" He glared. "You're sick, you're supposed to be resting!"

Alois frowned. "I'm fine, see?" He began hopping up and down but soon stopped after the second hop and held onto his head. It felt like his brain had detached itself and was now a bouncing ball in his skull. "Ughh.." No, he couldn't let this happen. He had to be strong and make sure nothing happened between these two!

"Idiot, I'm calling Claude." Ciel took his phone out his pocket only for it to be snatched by Alois. "Alois give it back!"

"No! I want to spend time with you too!" Alois stuck his tongue at him as Ciel chased him in circles like a circus act. "Haha, you can't catch me~" He snickered and darted underneath Ciel's outstretched arm and across the street.



Alois looked up, spotting the car just in time and dodged by an inch, falling onto the asphalt. He sat up weakly and glared murder at the speeding car that hadn't even attempted to slow down. "You fucking ass! Get back here!" He screamed, trying to stand but only fell back to his knees, too tired for anymore sudden movements.

Ciel stood on the sidewalk, frozen and repeating the scene in his head. Alois had almost been run over, he could have died. The last time he would have ever seen him would be in a casket at a funeral home. Ciel balled his fists tightly and before Elizabeth could voice her own worries, he darted across the street and helped Alois up. "Just how STUPID are you?" He hissed.

Alois blinked a bit, everything was blurry and dizzy. "Ahaa... Ciel were you worried?" He gave a toothy grin. "See you do love me.." He leaned against the younger boy for support, all his energy gone at this point. "Nn..I'm dying, Ciel."

"Don't say that!" Ciel snapped. He didn't want to hear any jokes about death at this moment. And why the hell was he shaking so much? "Alois, stop shaking."

"Eh... I'm not shaking though." Alois mumbled, his eyes closed and his feet almost dragging against the concrete sidewalk.

What? Then if it wasn't him shaking, then was it..

Ciel forced his body to calm down as well as his heart that hadn't calmed down at all. His mind continued to flashback to that moment, the moment he almost lost his stupid friend.

His stupid best friend.

"Thank you for calling, he sneaked out through the backdoor." Claude sighed, looking to the sleeping teen now securely buckled in the passenger seat.

"Next time put a lock on his bedroom door that can't be opened from the inside." Ciel huffed, turning his attention off Alois and onto Claude. It had been a long trudge back to Ciel's house with the unconscious boy. Elizabeth had been plenty of help since Ciel wasn't so strong on his own, so the walk hadn't been too taxing. "Goodbye." Ciel turned and headed back inside, Elizabeth waiting and asking him if he was alright.

"Mm.. Claude?" Alois mumbled, his eyes barely open but able to make out the familiar house and the man getting into the car. "Wha... no, I want to go inside." He grumbled, clawing at his seatbelt to get it off.

"Alois, your fever has skyrocketed, you're going home to rest." Claude shut his door and started the engine. He waited for the usual complaining, foul words, and struggles, but heard nothing. Glancing back over, he saw that Alois had fallen back asleep, his head propped against the car window.

"Ciel, are you mad at me?"

"Alois, stop calling me."

"You are mad... "

"You need to rest. Go to sleep."

"But Ciel, it's been two days and you've avoided all my calls until now... !" Two days of coughing, sneezing, headaches, and throwing up into a bucket, how dreadful. He missed being healthy and free. Hell, he even missed school and waking up early to be on time.

"I'm busy, Alois."

"What? Is SHE still there?"

"No SHE isn't here, Elizabeth returned home yesterday and you should be grateful, she's the one who helped me get you to my home in the first place."

Alois huffed.

"Fine, I won't call anymore! You... you jerk!" He stuck his tongue at the screen and hung up. So much for pity or empathy, Ciel was being a jerk and he wasn't going to deal with it while he was so tired. He yawned loudly into his hand and snuggled into his blankets and piles of pillows. "I fucking hate being sick..." He mumbled as he drifted off to sleep.

"Wake up."

"Nnn.." Alois shifted away from the hand. "Go away, Claude."

"I'm not Claude."

Alois opened his eyes and slowly pushed the cover off his face to reveal Ciel standing by the bed, wearing a face mask. "Ciel?" He wondered if he was going crazy. No possible way Ciel had actually come to visit him, he had to be still dreaming.

Ciel fidgeted momentarily before thrusting a card at his face. "Here!"

Alois pulled the card from his face to see it clearly. A simple bear with a ice pack on its head and obviously sick. He opened it warily and read the usual printed text "Get well soon", before his eyes focused on the handwritten writing beneath it.

Just because I don't show it, doesn't mean I do not care about you.

Do not attempt to sneak out the house and almost die in front of my eyes again!

I don't want to see your dead body anytime soon.

That's what old age is for.

Now, this is an order: Heal quickly so my life can return to normal.

~ Ciel Phantomhive

Alois stared at the final words in sheer shock before bringing the card to hide his face from the other. "... Ciel... ?"

"W-what?" He jolted when his name was called, he hadn't looked in Alois' direction once he had started reading the card.

"You're shitty at get well cards." Alois giggled, unable to contain the grin on his face.

"Shut up!" Ciel turned and stomped to the door. He paused once his hand touched the knob. "... I'm serious though," He glanced back, "I don't like sudden changes to my routines. So get better before I get used to it." He left the room, closing the door behind him.

Alois laid there, closing the card and holding it close to himself.

"I love you too." He giggled again.