-waves timidly as if in trouble- Hi guys….

Oh my god guys I am so sorry for not updating in forever. I feel horrible. But I've been missing for a while for a reason, I'm not just ignoring you. My mom's having some trouble again, and I've been the one taking care of her. Plus I'm in school so that takes up half my time. I miss you and FF, so much - like you don't even know. I will try to update as soon as possible, but these days I can barely even check my face book, and it sucks ass. -frowns- So please forgive me and be patient. I really REALLY don't wanna loose all ya'll. You guys are my readers, my friends, and I love you. See you guys got me going all mushy! -laughs- I can't explain how much your guys' words mean to me. Please don't give up on me! I'm working hard. Thank you for your support. You guys rock! \m/

- Samantha Rennay. -makes heart with hand-