About nine weeks later, Aleu gave birth to Kirby's pups. When Kirby had heard, he had rushed to her cabin as fast as he could. Now, Aleu and Kirby were watching over their newborn pups while they suckled their mother's milk while she lay in her bed.

There were five of them. Three were dark brown like their father, and two were grey brown like their mother. One looked exactly like Kirby. They named him Kirby Junior. Another was a little wolf-like but had markings like Kirby. He was named Nero. Another was brown like Kirby, but had markings like Balto. He was named Marty. And there were two girls, the brown one having markings like Kirby but eyes like Aleu's. She was named Ginger. The other one looking almost exactly like Aleu except she wasn't wolf-like. She kind of looked like a young Dusty, but with lighter fur and electric blue eyes. They named her Angel.

Aleu sighed happily.

"Are you alright?" asked Kirby.

"I'm wonderful," said Aleu, not taking her eyes off her pups.

"Man, they're really going to town, aren't they?" said Kirby as he watched them suckle.

"They're hungry little guy's, aren't they?" joked Aleu.

"I'll say," said Kirby. He looked at Aleu. "You think I'll be a good father?"

"I think you'll be a great father," said Aleu, giving him a lick on the cheek.

Kirby smiled. "And you'll be a great mother," he said. He looked back at his puppies. "This is the happiest day of my life."

Aleu leaned down and gently nuzzled on of her puppies with her nose. "Mine to," she said.

The End

"Wait a minute," shouted Saba. "I wasn't anywhere in this story. You know what? I want my own Balto movie, all about me. Oh, and I want to be voiced by Christina Ricci. And I should get my own theme song. Hey, is anybody even listening to me?"

Okay, now it's The End