Ok...so this like popped in my head one day and I felt the need to write it down. Let me know what you think! DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN SAILOR MOON OR ANYTING RELATED TO IT! I'M JUST A FAN SO DON'T SUE ^.^

Usagi stared at her strawberry milkshake on the table as she sat in crown with her friends. They were mindlessly chattering away, her mind would wonder to different places and she would barely hear what they were saying. She begin thinking of her future with Mamoru and Crystal Tokyo. She thought of when the time came for Sailor Moon not to be needed so she wouldn't have to transform anymore but instead rule the Earth. Of all the things she would think, her favorite was when she thought of the Starlight, especially a dark haired cocky Starlight. Usagi missed Seiya so much, they had spent so much time together and they grew very close. Seiya had been there for her when Mamoru had died, and it was like Seiya replaced him but made everything better for a little while. Usagi was brought out of her trance when she heard Minako talking to her.

"Usagi-chan?" Minako asked, Usagi looked curiously at Minako.

"Yea?" She responded.

"Are you ok?" Rei asked.

"Yea, you've been kind of spacey." Makoto added.

"Is there something wrong with you and Mamoru-san?" Ami questioned. Usagi could see the worry in her friends faces, she hated to make them worry.

"No just thinking." Usagi said quietly.

"About what?" Rei asked, wanting to know more information.

"The Starlights." Usagi replied. The table grew quiet for a moment before Ami spoke up.

"You miss them too?" She said as she smiled weakly thinking of her favorite auburn haired Starlight. Usagi shook her head agreeing with Ami.

"Don't worry Usagi, we'll go visit them real soon, I promise." Minako said with a smile. Usagi smiled back, she was glad to have friends who cared so much about her. However, the happy moment ended when the girls heard a girl screaming. They quickly threw cash on the table and ran outside. They gasped when they reached the outside crown. People were laid out on the street with blood gushing from their bodies.

"What in the hell?" Makoto yelled. The girls couldn't believe what they were seeing, they could smell blood in the air and it made their stomachs curl. So many people laid dead with a whole over their chest. Ami walked over to one of the bodies and examined it. She gasped as she stared at a boy who looked to be her age.

"Oh my gosh!" Ami exclaimed.

"What is it?" Usagi asked scared. Ami turned to her with a frightened face.

"Their...hearts are missing." Ami said as she slowly walked away from the body.

"What?" Minako and Rei said in disbelief. Suddenly they heard a blood curling scream. They ran towards the sound and stopped in the park where they seen a man floating a few feet in the air holding a girl by her neck. The man was wearing a black sleeveless shirt and white pants with black and white stripped shoes, his hair was a spiky fiery red and he had ice blue eyes. The girl wore a Juuban High School uniform. His grip on her neck tightened as he became more angry with her.

"Where is she?" He yelled furiously.

"I-I don't know." The girl replied scared. His eyebrows furrowed up angrily, he balled up his free hand and a black energy began to emit from it and he struck his fight into her chest. The girl cried out in pain as she felt his hand wrap around her heart. The girls watched in horror as he ripped her beating heart from her body and squeezed it until it was no more. He carelessly threw her body on the ground with everyone else. None of the girls moved after what they witnessed, the man turned his attention to the girls and smiled wickedly. He immediately recognized them as the Sailor Senshi of this planet. His smile grew wider when he seen his target staring back at him.

"Serenity, I've been looking for you and that crystal." The man spoke. Usagi's eyes filled with horror as the man called her out. 'How does he know who I am?' Usagi thought. He started to advance towards the Inner Senshi but was interrupted when a yellow planet-shaped energy flew towards him. He barely dodged it and stared angrily at it's owner.

"Stay the hell away from my Princess." Uranus shouted pissed off. Neptune,Saturn, and Pluto jumped in front of the Inners.

"Time to protect the Princess." Pluto said as she gripped her staff in a defensive stance. The wasted no more time as they prepared to transform.






Within seconds the Inner Senshi stood ready to protect their princess at all cost.

"Don't let him near Sailor Moon, got it?" Neptune shouted to the others.

"Hai!" The girls said as the formed a line in front of Sailor Moon.

"Be careful!" Sailor Moon yelled to her senshi.

"Your presence is not welcomed on this planet nor in this galaxy, leave willingly or you will be removed by force." Saturn said sharply. The man looked at the nine senshi that stood in front of him and laughed.

"I, Akihito,will get that crystal...even if it means taking your lives in the process." He said coolly. Uranus rolled her eyes, she was tired of hearing empty threats from enemies.

"Let's see you try, we are willingly to give up our lives to protect her." Uranus shouted at him. Akihito summoned a ball of black energy and threw it at the senshi. They quickly dodged and attacked back at him.


Akihito dodged Jupiter's attack but was to slow and Mercury hit him dead on and sent him flying backwards in the air. Mercury smiled as she seen her attack him hit but the smile was wiped off her face when she seen something similar to her powers come rushing back at her.

"Watch out!" Jupiter screamed as she pushed Mercury out the way and took the hit instead. Mercury's eyes widened in surprise and shock.

Yep it's a cliffy! Please Read and Review...I'd appreciate it =] Thanks