A/N: After many years of reading stories, I decided to post something. I know the nanny thing has been done a lot, but I hope you want to read it. I don't own anything and the characters belong to Stephenie Meyer. Enjoy the story!

Together with jldarling83 I'm reposting this story. The chapters will be re-posted and some things might be added or will be changed. The story line and the characters will stay the same.

"SWF seeking warm, loving, live-in nanny for wonderful 4 year old girl. Experience is great but not necessary. Please contact E. Cullen"

I looked at the paper and saw the ad. Could I really do this? Sure I babysat before, but could I handle a 4-year old day in and day out? Well, I need to do something, because the money is more than welcome…

My name is Isabella Swan, but everyone calls me Bella. I'm 18 years old and just graduated High School. My parents are divorced and I'm living with my dad in Forks, Washington. I can't blame you if you haven't heard of it, most of Washing hasn't heard of it, that's how small it is. I decided not to go to college this year; I have absolutely no idea what I want to be in the future.

Sure, my parents were pissed off, but it really is my decision. The hour long lecture I had to endure from my mother was a cake walk next to the three days of silent treatment and glares I got from Charlie. I knew I was going to have to do something with my time, and since backpacking through Europe was out, I figured I should at least get a job and try to help Charlie. Unfortunately Forks isn't exactly filled with employment opportunities, the one available job was a waitressing job at the only diner in Forks and no one in this town as a great tipper. I was forced to realize that I would be looking for a job in Port Angeles or even Seattle. The commute to Port Angeles was doable, but not to Seattle. After looking for anything I would be able to do in Port Angeles, I quickly realized that much like Forks, the employment opportunities are severely lacking.

So this is why I'm looking in a Seattle paper for an interesting job and found the one from Mr. Cullen. Could I really move to the city and take care of someone else? I was already thinking I might have to move to Seattle in order to work there, but being a live-in nanny was something else. Honestly, the thought of it crept me out a little, I mean don't get me wrong, I adore kids and I'm pretty sure nanny's make pretty good money, but living with someone else was just a little out there for me. I looked down at the ad again and decided to write down the number just in case I couldn't find anything else.

I searched the paper every day for a week, finding nothing that I really wanted to do. I have to admit the nanny position was still on my mind and it made the other jobs look less appealing to me. I didn't have real friends in High School, the people I did hang around with were among the first to leave Forks after graduation, with no problem cutting all ties to this town, so there wasn't anyone I could talk to about this.

I could call my mom, but she wouldn't think it was a great idea for me to be away from Charlie, unless of course I was moving back in with her. I really couldn't talk about it with my dad, he's the Chief of Police here in Forks; overprotective is an understatement of epic proportions when it comes to him. I'm pretty sure he did background checks on my friends, I couldn't imagine what lengths he would go to if he knew I was moving in with a single father who lived in Seattle. The fact that he was looking for a nanny for his 4 year-old would mean nothing to Charlie. He definitely wouldn't approve of this. The longer I sat and thought about it; the more I wanted to do it, not that I was doing it to rebel against my parents, but after looking in the paper for a week and finding nothing interesting, this was looking more and more like something I had to try.

I looked for the piece of paper, with the phone number on it, everywhere. I don't remember where I put it and the paper was long gone. Crap! Where did I put this stupid piece of paper! After searching for it for almost an hour, I finally found it. Don't ask me where, because that is just too embarrassing to say. I grab the phone and dialed the number. After listening to ring for almost 30 seconds I figured no one was home, just as I was about to hang up I heard a voice.

"Hello?" a deep voice came on the line.

O my god, he has the most beautiful voice that I've ever heard. It sounds like velvet and immediately my mind was filled with thoughts of that voice whispering dirty things to me. What the hell is wrong with me? How can a voice just do that?

"Hello?" the voice said for the second time, sounding a little impatient.

I'm such a dork; I'm supposed to say something!

"Look, I don't know what the hell this is, but you better start talking right now or I'll hang up," the voice sounded very irritated now. Why wasn't I talking? Finally my brain caught up and my mouth started moving.

"Oh… uhh… my name is Bella Swan and I'm calling because of the ad I saw in the paper," I answered and mentally kicked myself for sounding like an idiot.

"Sorry by the way, for not saying something immediately. I was just about to hang up when I heard you say something, but then I wasn't sure if I actually heard you," I rambled on and I really needed to shut up.

"I apologize for snapping at you like that. I'm kinda busy right now and I've had a lot of calls for the position and …"

He was still talking, but I didn't really hear anything, I was already preparing myself for the disappointment, but I was pulled out of it when his words filtered through my brain.

"So how does Thursday evening sound?" the velvety voice asked.

"I'm sorry, I lost you there for a moment. Could you repeat that?" I asked. God, I'm such a moron. If he wants to meet for an interview I should at least try to pay more attention.

The voice laughed a beautiful laugh and started repeating himself. Since he had so many calls, he wanted to meet up in person and ask a few questions about my experience with children. I really am screwed. I could just say now that I had little experience, but I want to meet the guy who had such a perfect voice. Without really thinking I answered him.

"Sure, Thursday evening sounds good to me. I'll bring my resume and you can ask your questions," I said sounding way more confident than I felt.

"Could you send your cell number to this number? Just in case something comes up? I'll text you the address later this week. See your Thursday, Miss Swan."

"See you Thursday, Mr. Cullen," I said and we both hung up.

I really am a loser. It was only Monday and I have no idea what to do until Thursday. I was really looking forward to meeting Mr. Sexy Voice, but that was three days away and I didn't really have anything to do until then. It was times like these that I wish I had made more of an effort to make friends while I was in High School. The days past slowly for me; I kept myself busy with books and cooking for Charlie, but my mind was almost always with that voice. Many times over the next few days I would catch myself daydreaming, I so needed to get a life, if a voice on the phone could affect me this much. Imagine what would happen if I came face to face with the man.

I got a text from Mr. Cullen on Wednesday with directions to his house, he said that I was welcome to come around 8 o'clock. He mentioned that he was sorry for the late hour, but due to the fact that he didn't want his daughter to see a bunch of different people coming and going that he had to hold the interviews once she was in bed for the night.

It is a three hour drive from Forks to Seattle. I thought about whether or not I should stay in Seattle for the night, just get a hotel room and then head back to Forks in the morning, but I wasn't sure I could afford it. When my dad got home I told him about the interview, and how I wasn't sure if I should just drive back that night or get a hotel room for the night. He wasn't too impressed with the fact that it was in Seattle and that it was scheduled for so late at night, but after I mentioned the reasons why, he finally relented and then told me that I should just spend the night in a hotel. He really didn't want me to be driving for 3 hours late at night by myself.

So with everything planned out for the next day, I went to bed with butterflies in my stomach, I was excited and I couldn't wait for tomorrow. It took me forever to fall asleep, because that voice was taking over my thoughts. I kept trying to picture what he looked like, I kept back and forth on whether him being hot or ugly would be better. If course, if he was ugly, that would be such waste because of his voice. That was my last thought before sleep finally took over.

I woke up early the next morning and took a shower, taking my time to wash, and then just stood under the spray for a while. I had the rest of the morning and part of the afternoon before I had to leave. I made myself a light breakfast, my stomach was not as settled as I would have hoped, but I still had plenty of time until I had to leave. Hopefully, the long drive would calm my nerves. I did a few things around the house, made Charlie some dinner and put it in the fridge for him. By the time I was done with dinner, it was almost 3 pm. I had decided that I would leave around that time, so I would have enough time once I got to Seattle to check into my hotel and have some dinner. I could only hope that my nerves would be calmed down by then.

Making sure I had everything I needed I felt the house just after 3 pm. A little more than 3 hours later I was pulling up to my hotel, my nerves were calm and I was excited. I didn't really feel like going out to eat, so I just ordered some room service and lounged around the room for a bit. I wanted to freshen up a bit before making my way to Mr. Cullen's house. A quick trip to the bathroom later and I was on my way. I was only about halfway there when my nerves started to kick in. I pulled up in front of a gorgeous apartment building and my hands started to sweat. He lived on the top floor and I had to wait until the doorman called up to make sure I was allowed in.

It felt like forever by the time I arrived at the door. I knocked and I heard some shuffling behind the door. I heard the lock and the door opened.

Before me stood the most beautiful man that I've ever seen, I was completely speechless…