I'd come up with this story a little while ago, but be warned it's purely experimental and I'll only continue it if people ask so Review's are VERY important on this one folks ;)

A/N: I've never seen a fic involving a possible romance between Elita and a Seeker so here you all go. P.S. This fic makes references to the 1980's TF movie so if you haven't watched it you might get confused, also I kinda got a little carried away with the Rodimus Prime part of this story (no offense to those who like him...I just don't cuz he's a pussy)

Disclaimer: Do not own TF, never have and never will...Anyway, on with the story.

Elita One watched with a fixated terse stare as her femmes sparred ebulliently in the training courtyard. Rewarding as it was for the commander to analyze her warrior's individual progresses in training, equally it was also very frustrating.

Normally the rosy pink empress would've dealt a more active contribution in her femmes' combat training, to better ascertain which soldiers were improving and which still needed more practice. Yet due to the soreness of her recently received injuries, courtesy of Starscream's Null-ray, the matriarch of Autobot's was rendered a mere spectator on the sidelines, much to her chagrin.

The sleek and lightweight armor that'd normally sat comfortably against the matriarch's body felt stifling and terribly heavy all over, causing her to shift periodically to alleviate the strain on her injuries. Still the empress didn't let the discomfort prevent her from critiquing the sparring matches that were taking place. One in which was now between veteran Blackarachnia and tyro Moonracer.

Typically veterans never took on novices in combat training, apart from guiding them in certain techniques and fighting styles, but the surprise camisade from the Seeker's a few nights ago heeded the femme commander to notice the timorous manner in which her younger warrior's did battle against their larger Decepticon foes.

They'd reigned supreme in battle against the Seeker's and even managed to capture the trine with surprising ease, however though, the battle wasn't without its casualties (i.e. the commander's wound's) but for the sovereign's femme's to remain vigilant and effective in their war against the Decepticon's, her militia would have to learn how to handle fighting surfeits of different enemies. Granted Blackarachnia wasn't as big as a seeker (or even a flier for that matter) she was still powerful and just as menacing. And as such, Elita insisted the matches be held this way just to see how her younger ones faired.

The empress watched intently, their affray running smoothly for a time being. Kicks, jabs and throws all counteracted each other between the two warriors and Moonracer was doing surprisingly well against her seasoned opponent. That was until the veteran delivered a stifling blow to the tyro's midsection rendering the young femme incapacitated and gasping for air. She fell to her hands and knees shakily as she clutched her abdomen.

The empress's optics remained rigid at the display. It wasn't surprising at all that Blackarachnia had gained the upper hand as she had not expected Moonracer to claim victory against a veteran. Yet still, like the rest of her beloved femmes, Elita cherished Moonracer like her own spark and circuitry, and silently she prayed that the adolescent would find the strength to stand her ground and defend her self against the merciless foe.

True to form, the veteran stood up to her full intimidating height over the fallen youngling and snickered impishly.

"Aww, what's the matter Moonracer? Did I hurt you?" She asked mockingly placing her hands upon her hips.

Elita One's gaze grew hot with a displeasing glare as she heard Blackarachnia taunt the younger femme. It was no secret that the arachnid was just as good at verbal assaults as well as the corporal, yet even still Elita didn't approve of her purposely bullying the already wounded youngling. She didn't except such behavior from any of her troops, especially a veteran like Blackarachnia who knew better.

When Moonracer didn't respond to the query the arachnid scoffed disappointedly. The young femme trembled looking up at her mentor with innocent and pleading shining optics. But as expected, the veteran showed no such mercy.

"Pfft, how pathetic." And the elder laid a fierce kick to the jaw of the young green femme bringing her completely to the ground in a withering heap. Promptly the arachnid began to cackle maniacally at the prostrated Moonracer.

The room went up in a mixture of jeers, cheers, and horrified ululation following the obvious victor of the match. The empress, up until now, had remained silently fuming at her veteran's disgraceful behavior in the fight. The pain of her injuries only fueled her ire and the empress erupted.

"Blackarachnia, cease! Now!" the authoritative voice of Elita One came barreling through silencing, not only the cachinnating Blackarachnia, but the entire courtyard as well.

Carefully, so as not to due further harm to her already marred body, Elita slowly stood to her full imperial height optics spurning as they locked onto the veteran, who now knew she was in trouble, and promptly marched over to the duo. Pain lingered in every step she took, but tactfully her visage didn't betray her discomfort.

Elita stood regally before the now attenuating arachnid and folded her arms, "Blackarachnia," The empress began huskily and the veteran stood at full attention, "You will not, under any circumstance, intentionally haze your fellow Autobot warriors. Wheatear she be mentor or pupil these are still your sister's in arms as well as mine and you will treat them with the respect that they deserve, is that clear?" Elita One asserted leaving no room for debate.

"Yes my Lady, I...I apologize." The veteran acquiesced respectfully bowing her head. The empress nodded curtly before silently motioning towards the fallen and weeping youngling. Obediently Blackarachnia helped the young femme from the floor, dusting off her armor. Relenting, the veteran softened her optics and affectionately wiped away the green femme's tears before pulling her into hug. Some mutual verbiage must've been exchanged between the two as Moonracer had giggled quietly and placed a chaste kiss to her mentor's lips.

Satisfied with the arachnid's repentance, the empress smiled fondly and looked to the tyro. Moonracer may have been defeated in the battle but Elita was still none the less proud of her performance, though as she turned to address the green femme, her smile quickly faded. A twinge of pain was felt moving its way up her back and she cringed slightly. Looking up, she faced her bodyguard's who were both standing by the chair she had been previously sitting in, and beckoned them forward.

Once in range, the empress moved closer to her nearest guard and slinked a slightly trembling arm around the dusky blue femme's waist. Discretely leaning in, she prayed Chromia wouldn't pick up on her distress, but of course she did.

From experience, it was easy to tell that the rosy pink femme was still hurting from the recent battle with the Seekers, though it was obvious she didn't want anyone to know or worry. But Chromia knew Elita well and just shook her head at her commander's blatant refusal to just relax. Returning the gesture, Chromia wrapped a supporting arm around her friend's shoulder pulling the pink femme closer.

Firestar too had recognized her friend's "covert" distress and went to the empress's unoccupied side leaning into her left audio.

"My Lady, I believe it best we get you back to your room." Firestar whispered knowingly.

Slightly panting, Elita One looked up at her friend's who each wore an equally concerned expression and she groaned, irritated. She didn't like the idea of falling victim to, in her opinion, her menial pains. She was the matriarch of Autobot's after all and had a heavy responsibility to live up to. Not that she was concerned in the least bit with her superficial appearance towards her troops since they loved her no matter what, but she was however reluctant to give up on herself.

She was a strong femme, the strongest in the universe and she prided herself on it. But in recent years her task as empress had doubled substantially since Optimus Prime had died in battle against Megatron. With her beloved gone, the empress felt that in a way she had taken on the dual task of both femme commander and Prime since, quite obviously, Optimus Prime's successor, Rodimus, couldn't do it.

Not only was he a derisory leader who'd effectively soiled the sacrosanct Autobot name, moreover Elita One blamed Rodimus Prime solely for her beloved's untimely death, and therefore viciously hated the young mech.

If and whenever their fellow Autobot's visited her compound on Cybertron, for the young mech's own sake, the empress made scrupulously clear Rodimus Prime was never amongst them. Some time after her beloveds burial Elita One had adamantly warned Ultra Magnus that if that 'red and orange sputum sucking cretin' was to ever set foot in her base, he wouldn't leave her complex alive.

Unlike Rodimus, Elita had been empress for centuries now and was used to the overwhelming tasks and hardships that followed the war. Like her beloved Optimus, Elita was considered an omnipotent being in tangible form and though technically Rodimus was their leader, most of the Autobot's looked to her for guidance now and, as long as hope was alive, she'd never willingly give up on her Autobot's.

But right now though, her comrades obviously knew what was best for her and the empress was not going to argue. She released a soft sigh and stood as straight as she could while still holding onto Chromia.

"I believe that's enough training for this evening Autobot's. Dismissed." The empress announced repressing the strain in her vocals as the ache in her back grew more persistent the longer she stood.

The conglomeration of bot's reverentially saluted their empress before quickly exiting the courtyard. Once the room cleared, the pain of the sovereign's injuries returned in full force and immediately she groaned collapsing fully into Chromia, her weight slightly throwing the dusky blue femme off kilter. Firestar quickly amended it taking the pink femme's free arm and slinging it over her shoulder.

"Let's get you to your bed, shall we?" Chromia piped blithely making Elita and Firestar smile at her.

The gait to the femme commander's chamber was slow and tedious but it was essential for the commander didn't feel as much pain from her wounds as she had earlier whilst in the courtyard. Although it never was and never will be a problem for her femme's to aid the empress in any way they can, Elita One still did not like to rely on others for she knew that they were the one's who relied on her more than anything. Silently the empress made it a point to make Starscream pay for putting her through such humiliation in her own base.

Once inside the matriarch's chamber the duo didn't hesitate to guide their empress to her bed, yet when they relinquished their hold on her Elita promptly careened backward. What should've been a soft cushy landing actually did more harm then good and she winced on impact. Her hypersensitive metal skin struck ruthlessly against her armor, and she attempted to sit back up again.

"Perhaps I should summon Red Alert my Lady, to administer you an analgesic?" Firestar offered helpfully, aiding the empress to an upright position.

"Thank you Firestar, but that won't be necessary. I just need to remove this armor, it's been a hindrance to me all evening." The empress said weakly rubbing at her sore back.

Once more the duo moved attentively to their sovereign's side meticulously going to work removing the malice armor. With a short series of snaps, the empress's protective shell lay in a pile on the floor leaving her completely protoformed on the bed.

It was no shame to the empress though allowing her comrades to see her in such a divulged state as modesty and privacy was a near archaic practice for the empress since her femme's came and went from her room constantly on a daily basis. It wasn't a bother at all though, in actuality it was very comforting, always having so many loving faces around her willing to lend a hand or audio if and when the empress needed it. Having her Autobot's near helped the empress better cope with the occasional ache she felt in her spark from the loss of her beloved Optimus. As long as she wasn't alone, Elita was content.

Chromia and Firestar chatted lightly to each other as they began doing away with Elita's armor, storing it until it was needed again. Busily trying in vain to find a comfortable spot on her bed, Elita One only vaguely heard her comrades conversation until something Chromia said struck out catching her full attention, and she turned to her side facing them.

"That Starscream is such a treacherous bastard, I can't believe he hasn't tried to scheme or connive his way out of our holding cell since the night we caught his trine, he must be up to something." Chromia supposed indignantly.

"Come now, Chromia, our prison cells have been reinforced with segments of that indestructible black steel from Cybertron's catacombs. Escape from those prison cells is, quite literally, impossible." Firestar scoffed at the blue femme as if it was so blatantly obvious.

Elita One herself wasn't so certain about the issue. The thought of any bot actually escaping the confines of her prison block was a ludicrous idea indeed, but outside those bars was a completely different matter.

"Well apparently he's been giving Beta all types of Pit since she put him in the interrogation room away from the other two. Honestly, Thundercracker and Skywarp wouldn't be such a problem if it was just the two of them, I mean at least they don't whine and scream all night long like fragging sparklings," and Chromia paused laughing, "but then again, that's normal behavior for Starscream." She said continuing to laugh wildly.

"Well he is a Seeker Chromia, they're a unique breed of Decepticon. Supposedly the way their programmed differs significantly from that of a normal flier, they can't stand being alone." Firestar replied airily, "Is that not correct, my Lady?" Firestar turned to her leader for confirmation.

Something only a select few bot's in the universe knew about the empress was that she was quite the erudite virtuous when it came to various different Cybertronian studies. She was even fluent in the somewhat cryptic science of Seeker psychology. She wasn't ashamed of her knowledge of Seekers however it wasn't something she liked to flaunt since secretly the empress was fascinated by the jets, and found them exceedingly intriguing.

Elita One chuckled listening as her friend's mocked the childish captive at his expense, and she nodded propping her head up on her hand. "That's affirmative Firestar. Over the eons, Seeker processors have been proven to be some of the most peculiar and complex of our kind." The empress explained smirking.

"What was that? Uh, huh…uh, huh…slag, okay I'm on my way." Chromia spoke distractedly into the com link on her arm before clicking it off and turning to her two comrades. Her jaw set tight and her expression grave.

"What is it?" Elita One asked straining to sit up more.

"Somehow, Starscream's managed to escape his prison cell and attacked Beta—she's fine aside from a slight processor ache. She shot him with a stun gun but evidently he's still acting up, I'm going down there to see if I can straighten him out." Chromia explained priming her rifle before moving to the door.

"Wait a moment, Chromia." The empress called halting the blue femme instantly. "Hm, Starscream's obviously more resourceful then I'd imagined. Slag, I should've seen this coming."

"What do you mean empress?" Firestar asked coming over sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Starscream is infamous for his treachery, obviously he'd come up with a plan before Beta took him out of his prison cell and was just waiting for the right moment to strike." Then she went silent, continuing to think.

With a hand from Firestar, the empress sat up on her bed, thoughtfully stroking her chin, "I can't have him making any further attempts at escaping with the other two, so he can't be put back in the cell with them, yet still he's clearly to dangerous to be left by himself." The empress spoke quietly.

"What do want to us to do empress?" Chromia asked moving closer to the commander.

Looking at both her femmes, a thought crossed the empress's mind and a sly smirk curved her lips, "Bring Starscream to me."

Soooo what do ya think? Continue? Don't Continue? Hmmm...o_O