A Wishful Thought: (A Note From The Author) MIRACLES DO HAPPEN, FOR I AM STILL ALIVE! XD I think I have to give you all a HUGE apology for not updating for so long. O—o I'm horrible. But at least I'm continuing the story, right? :D Let's just say that the last chapter is no longer a filler. I think I'm going to end up using that as part of the actual plot for Game Knight now! X3

I'd also like to thank perfectpanda37 from the bottom of my heart for suggesting the "game" of this chapter and helping me edit. :) Thanks, Panda! :D

Warning: I'm feeling kinda lazy. So let's all just hope that this chapter comes out good anyways! XD Oh. And I think that this story has just lost another character to random OOCness. Joining Yuuki is. . . RUKA! XD . . .Though I suppose Shiki went a little OOC in the last chapter too. XD

And now, on with the show. ;D Or as Yuuki and Ichijou would say:

"Let the games begin. . ."

". . .Again."


1st Place:
Aidou (Currently "Owns" Rima and Ruka)

2nd Place(s):
Rima (Currently "Owns" Shiki)
Shiki (Currently "Owns" Ichijou)
Ichijou (Currently Carrying Around Kaname's Curtains)
Kaname (Currently carrying around Yuuki's Hat)
Yuuki (Currently "Owns" Aidou)
Kain (Errr. . . He owns himself?)

3rd *cough*LAST*cough* Place:
Ruka (Owns NO ONE.)

Last Time On Game Knight. . .

Apparently, Aidou won the first round.

"I… I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" Aidou screamed, jumping up from his sitting position and pointing at Yuuki. "WE'VE BEEN SITTING HERE FOR 2 FREAKING HOURS!"

Ichijou held up his pointer finger. "Actually Hanabusa, it's actually only been 1 hour, and-"

The other nobles (who were glad that someone had spoken up) turned to look at Ichijou. "SHUT UP!"

Ichijou put his finger (and his hand) down, and they returned to being neatly folded in his lap.

Aidou was still fuming and pointing at Yuuki, who seemed to ignore him.


Yuuki opened her eyes lazily and looked the Noble in the eye. "Inside voices, Aidou. Inside voices."

Aidou was practically twitching, and steam was all but escaping his ears. Never the less, he sat back down and spoke with over-exaggerated patience. "Yuuki….Sama. Why have we been sitting here this long without starting this so called 'Game Knight'?"

Yuuki smiled, and blinked at him lazily. "Why Aidou, I think you've just won the first part of the game."

Yuuki has all us Vampires under oath.

"I promise…"

"I promise."

"To not break any of the rules…"

"To not break any of the rules."

"Or lie when answering any question…"

"Or lie when answering any question."

"Or so help me God, for Kaname will strike me, and feed me to the dogs."

Shiki, Aidou, and Ichijou now have the power to take over the world.

And at the same time, the three of them realized the same thing.

With this website, they practically knew the future.

And when you know the future, it's easier to manipulate those around you. Although inside all three of them were mildly worried about what might come to them, a slow smirk appeared on all three of their faces.

Yuuki finally admits aloud that she's evil, which we all already knew anyway.

"I amsoevil." Yuuki said, giggling mischievously like someone that was on crack would.

And no. We still don't know what Yuuki's on.

"Lay off those tablets Aidou has been giving you. I can't help but think that the fact that they are yellow instead of the usual reddish color signifies that you haven't been drinking blood."

Whatever. All I know is that we're stuck in Yuuki's crazy Fantasy World in which we all enjoy playing stupid kiddy games with her.

Not that I can complain or anything. Apparently, I'm under oath.

Game Knight
Chapter Three: Farm-WHAAAT?

Though most people wouldn't believe it, Ruka considered herself quite the optimist

No, seriously.

Whenever all the other Vampires were being all depressed and pessimistic (minus Aidou and Ichijou of course, because Aidou and Ichijou are pretty much always happy. . . Usually.), Ruka was being all depressed and pessimistic with them.

But inside, somewhere in the deep, recesses of her soul, Ruka was optimistic. Because deep down in her soul, she knew that no matter what, everything would be alright. Why? Because she knew that Kaname would never abandon his fellow Vampires.

So yes, now Ruka was downright angry and pessimistic.

Why the hell did Kaname-Sama force all of his Vampire brethren to play such a stupid game with the freaking Pureblood Princess! ?

Maybe it was because Kaname was a creeper that was in love with his own sister.

Maybe it was because Yuuki was Kaname's sister.

And maybe, it was because Kaname secretly wanted to play this game too.

Either way, Ruka was furious.

Because of that evil wretch, Ruka had to hand over her beautiful, jeweled, antique necklace that had been passed down several generations to Aidou: her stupid, klutzy, idiotic, playboy, I-Love-Kaname-More-Than-You-Do-And-I'll-Prove-it! cousin.

Ruka had tried, begged, pleaded on her knees for Aidou to give it back to her. But the blonde-haired Vampire only cackled, screamed something about taking over the world, and then demanded her laptop. When Ruka had refused, he threatened to break her family's (and partially, his family's) priceless heirloom.

So of course, Ruka had no other choice but to fork over her beautiful laptop, watching in awe as Shiki ravenously grabbed it from her cousin, toyed with it a bit, and then began foaming at the mouth.

She wouldn't deny it anymore, she was scared as shit. And downright furious.

But mostly scared.

Now, whenever Ruka was in this kind of mood, she'd log into Facebook and find something to entertain her. But now that she was forced to hand over her laptop to those crazy people, she had nothing to do.

Well, sort of.

It pained her extremely to have to stoop to the level so low that she didn't even want to think about it, but she knew it had to be done.

Willing herself onward, Ruka took a deep breath as she approached the female Vampire.

Once she said these words, there was no going back.

People would never look at her the same way again.

She would be scarred for life.

Still, Ruka knew that it was her only hope to find some source for entertainment.

It seems like she hasn't noticed me yet. . . There's still time for me to back out!


B-But. . . It's so degrading!

I don't care if it's so embarrassing that you'll never be able to show your face again! YOU'RE DOING IT.

And so, before Ruka could stop herself, she pulled the younger girl's hair.

The brunette stared wide-eyed as the younger girl as she shrieked in surprise, turning to glare at the older girl. "Ruka, what on Earth was that for! ?"

Rima had been sitting on the her side of the room that she shared with Ruka, calmly reading Ichijou's book that was supposed to be in Shiki's possession, when her brunette roommate pulled one of her pigtails.

Rima was not happy.

Ruka continued to stare wide-eyed at the younger girl, and Rima was only slightly curious as to why she was alternating between clenching her fists, and unclenching them. But she was actually kind of concerned when Ruka started shaking and opening and closing her mouth like a fish would do.

Raising a perfectly elegant eyebrow, Rima managed to get out, "Uh. . . Are you okay, Ruka-Senpai?"

What Rima didn't know was that Ruka was actually completely fine.


And so, before Ruka could stop herself, she blurted out: "CANIBORROWYOURLAPTOP?"

Rima blinked in surprise, before tilting her head to the right slightly, "Sorry, didn't catch that. Can you say that again?"

The brunette was shaking more severely now, and Rima subconsciously wondered if it was possible for Vampires to have seizures.

Oh God, that was so degrading. I am Ruka Souen! I never ask for help from anyone!

It doesn't matter! You are bored to death! Man up, and say it again!

Ruka's jaw dropped, much to Rima's surprise and confusion.

I have to say it AGAIN! ? What are you, mad! ?

Nope. You have to do it, or else the first time was for NOTHING. Just say it slower this time so you don't have to degrade yourself even more.

Ruka glowered at what Rima saw as nothing but empty space.

I hate you.

Don't hate cuz you ain't.

Steam began to escape from Ruka's ears, and poor Rima scooted away from the girl timidly. "I should probably call someone for help. . ."

Ruka didn't hear her however, and yelled, "CAN I BORROW YOUR LAPTOP! ?"

Rima blinked once more in surprise, but said nothing. Ruka on the other hand, looked like a large load had been lifted off her shoulders. She swayed a bit, before collapsing onto Rima's bed and muttering incomprehensible words into a pillow.

Hesitantly, Rima got out of her seat and picked up her laptop. Slowly, she tiptoed over to the heap on her bed that was Ruka, before quickly tapping her on the shoulder and pulling her arm away.

Ruka was still shaking, but managed to turn to look at her, "D-Don't ever tell a-anyone, y-you hear?"

Rima nodded slowly, before dropping her laptop onto the bed, grabbing her book (and the crème colored envelope she was using as a bookmark), and dashing out of the room.

Even when Ruka regained her calm, distant, normal personality, Rima was still gone.

Then again, that wasn't too shocking.

Pretending that that whole. . . moment hadn't happened, Ruka turned on her roommate's laptop, smiling in convenience over the fact that a guest account had been made on the computer. She clicked on it, and quickly typed in the address of the popular website known as Facebook, and clicked "go."

Even though she was quite sure she was the only person in the room, she couldn't help but look around for a few seconds, before quickly typing in her login information:

Email: ruka(.)souen(at)crossacademy(.)nightclass(.)com
Password: password123456789KANAME

Ruka never really considered herself the most creative person out there.

When that was all settled and done, she absentmindedly scrolled downwards as she Facebook Stalked random people on her "Friends" list. Still, her eyes kept drifting towards a particular section of the page, desperately wanting to click on a certain link.

Resist temptation, Ruka. This isn't your computer, someone might find out. . .

Stop being such a baby! Hit the damn link already!

Hey, you just cursed at me!

'Damn' isn't a curse word. Stop being such a priss.

Yeah, well stop being so mean!

You're annoying.

Yeah. . . Yeah! ? Well. . . Your mom!

. . . Please don't try.

Though Ruka hated when the little (mean) voice in her head was right, it usually was, and she usually couldn't refuse to do what it requested.

And so, Ruka gave into temptation.

She looked around one more time, before allowing a childish grin to appear on her face as she clicked on the link:


But the grin had disappeared as soon as a sweet, innocent voice sounded throughout the room, "Wow, Ruka-Senpai! That looks like such a fu—"

Before the poor person knew it, Ruka had used her Vampiric reflexes to backhand the person that had seemingly come out of nowhere.

Eyes wide, Ruka quickly shut off the computer, and looked downward to see who she had hit. And at the sight, Ruka felt herself pale even more.


The Pureblood Princess that had formerly seemed passed out arose as though nothing had happened. There was a devilish smirk across her features, and her voice no longer had the sweet, innocent attributes to it. "Where was I? Ah, yes. That looks like such a fucking fun game to play, don't you think, Ruka-Senpai? I think I know what we're playing tonight. . ."

Ruka stared at Yuuki with a horror-stricken expression.

But Yuuki only cackled and skipped out of the room.

Of course, Ruka had hurriedly dashed after Yuuki, but the younger girl had the advantage because of her Pureblood-ness. By the time Ruka had finally caught up to Yuuki, the Pureblood Princess had managed to assemble the main members of the Night Class into the main sitting room. Awestruck, Ruka did nothing but stand there awkwardly.

On one of the couches sat Ichijou, Aidou, Shiki, and Rima. The three men were huddled together, snickering, and wearing demonic expressions. Rima on the other hand seemed a little confused and out of place. It seemed that Shiki had intertwined his fingers with hers, before turning away from her. Apparently, this action puzzled Rima more than she would admit, because the young Vampire continuously glared at the back of Shiki's head.

Across that couch was another couch on which Kain and Kaname sat. At what could be considered the "head" of the seating arrangement was Yuuki, who had taken the liberty to bring in a leather recliner just for herself. She had assumed a position similar to that of the Godfather's, minus the maleness, wrinkly-ness, and oldness. And the cat. Yuuki wasn't petting a cat either. In fact, she was sipping out of a wine glass that had odd pale-yellow liquid in it.

Noticing that Ruka had entered the room and was not sitting down, Yuuki shot her a pointed look. Figuring what she meant, Ruka hesitantly moved forward and took her seat between Kain and Kaname.

The only noise in the room was the quiet sipping as Yuuki drank from her glass, and the cackles that continued to escape from Aidou, Shiki, and Ichijou's huddle.

Eventually, Yuuki finished drinking her. . . Err. . . her whatever-that-was, and she increased her tight grip on that glass, causing it to shatter into numerous pieces. Blood spurted from numerous cuts in her hand, and fell to the clean floor.

Immediately, the room got silent.

All of the Vampires stared at the Pureblood Princess in awe, no one knowing what to say.

It was both Ichijou and Aidou that ended up speaking in unison that broke the awkward silence, "Yuuki-Sama, our clean floor!"

"You two. Shut the fuck up."

Ichijou and Aidou's eyes widened, but the two immediately shut up.

The awkward silence returned once more, but none of the Vampires could resist the alluring scent of Yuuki's blood. Slowly, each pair of eyes in the room turned bright red. . . Except for Yuuki's.

An evil smirk had returned to her face as she dangled her hand in the air. "Who wants my blood?"

All of the Vampires in the room perked up a little at the opportunity.

But none of them expected to hear the crashing of a window, or to see a silver-haired boy grab Yuuki's arm.

Zero looked extremely out of place in the Night Class dormitory amongst the Purebloods and Aristocrats, not to mention his dark uniform compared to all the white ones. Everyone seemed more than appalled at his entrance, except Yuuki.

Hell, even Zero seemed confused.

On the bright side, each Vampire felt their eyes return to their normal shade.

"Good boy! Now, sit!"

To everyone's surprise, the silver-haired Vampire plopped down onto the floor, sitting.

"Now, roll over!"

To everyone's surprise, Zero rolled over.

"Aw! Look at you! Who's the good boy? Who's the good boy?"

Zero looked disgusted with himself, and the rest of the Vampires weren't sure whether they should take the opportunity to laugh or to run.

So they all decided to do the safe thing and stay put.

"W-What the hell! ? Why am I here! ?"

Yuuki merely shrugged before pretty much stuffing her hand into Zero's mouth, "Because I commanded you to come, that's why."

It was awkward for a second, as the rest of the Vampires watched Zero digest the blood from Yuuki's hand.

Surprisingly, Kaname managed to resist the urge to throw himself onto the Level E Vampire.

It seemed as though Zero finally realized what he was doing, because he grabbed Yuuki's hand, and pulled it out of his mouth. "Why the fuck am I here! ? What kind of trick is this! ?"

No one responded, since they were all just as confused as he was. Yuuki simply rolled her eyes and commenced wiping her hand in Aidou's uniform jacket, much to the blonde-haired boy's horror. "I said it before, I demanded you to come, so you did."

Zero narrowed his eyes, "That's ridiculous. I don't listen to Vampires."

Yuuki threw back her head as she laughed, "MWAHAHEEHEEHOOOOO!"

Zero's face contorted into one of disgust, and he turned his head to face the others, "What the hell is she on?"

They all responded with a simple shrug.

When Yuuki stopped her strange, incessant laughter, she pulled out another object from her pocket, and dangled it in front of Zero's face.

All eyes in the room widened.

"Listen here, Zero. You are going to play a game with us, or else this baby goes bye-bye."

Zero grimaced as he watched Bloody Rose dangle from Yuuki's fingertips. He knew that he could always just get a new weapon, but at the same time, he felt a sort of emotional attachment for the gun. And it was just a game, right? It couldn't hurt to play. . . he'd just have to force himself into forgetting that he was playing with a bunch of Vampires.

On second thought. . .

Guessing the decision that Zero had decided on, Yuuki thrust her wrist towards his neck, none of the Vampires (other than Zero) noticing the strange charm that was tied around her arm. As the charm touched Zero's neck, the Level E Vampire gasped in surprise and collapsed onto the floor.

In surprise, all the Vampires jumped out of their chairs, and assumed some sort of defensive position. Except Kaname of course, who remained calm.

And it surprised no one when Yuuki jumped on her chair and started laughing maniacally as she pointed at Zero on the floor.

"Tch. . . W-What the hell, Yuuki! ?"

The Pureblood Vampire merely shrugged, "Play, or I'll tie my charm to your neck and watch as you writhe on the floor in a desperate attempt to get it off. Only," she leaned down so that she was directly in front of Zero's face, her expression more evil than it had ever been before, "you'll never get it off."

Zero flinched from her words, and Kaname gestured for the Aristocrats to sit down.

"The Headmaster won't let you do this, Yuuki."

The girl merely shrugged, "I'm sure he will. He'll just be happy that we're getting along enough to play a game is all."

Noticing her point, Zero sighed in defeat, "What game is this again?"

Yuuki stood up from leaning over Zero, and smiled victoriously, "Game Knight."

Zero cocked his head to the side, "What the hell?'

Yuuki shook her head, "Just say that you'll play and that you'll play by the rules."

The silver-haired boy nodded slowly, and Yuuki made him promise to never break it through the same process under which the other Vampires went through.

It was silent for a little bit, and though most of the Vampires in the room were extremely confused, Aidou decided that he should talk despite of the circumstances, "Eh, so what's tonight's game, Yuuki-Sama?"

The brunette smirked widely, a demonic glint returning to her face. "Tonight's game is Farmville!"

Ruka became flushed and turned her gaze away from the others, hoping that Yuuki wouldn't mention that it was she who indirectly caused the game to be played. Lucky for her, no one saw her bright red face, as they were all shooting Yuuki confused expressions.

"A. . . A FarmWHAAAAAT?" Aidou asked skeptically, temporarily forgetting his evil plot and turning his full attention to the game at hand.

Ichijou did the same, and did his best to try and answer Aidou's question, "I-I think that she said the game was called 'Fohm-VEEEL.'"

Shiki simply shook his head. No, he hand't forgotten their evil plan like Ichijou and Aidou had, but he knew that if he was evil plot was going to work, it'd best to win as many rounds of this so-called, "Game Knight," as possible. "No, no, Takuma. I think Yuuki-Sama said 'Farm's Villa.'"

At the sound of Shiki's words, many of the Vampires nodded in agreement. But after some thought, Aidou grimaced, "Ew, it sounds like a human game. No fair, Zero might've played it before! He has an advantage!"

Yuuki said nothing, as she was amusing herself by trying to braid Zero's hair.

With a vein throbbing in his head, Zero forced himself to answer, "Don't be stupid, I've never even heard of 'Farm's Villa.'"

Annoyed with their stupidity, Ruka let out a heavy sigh, "You guys are all idiots. She said Farmville, not 'Farm's Villa.'"

There was an awkward silence before Rima quietly said, "I always thought that farmers were too poor to afford villas anyway."

At this, Yuuki jumped up from her position behind Zero, "Don't be so stereotypical! My Uncle Billy Bob owns a farm and a villa!"

Kaname gave his sister an odd look, "We don't have an Uncle Billy Bob."

Yuuki's eyes narrowed at Kaname, and so Kaname averted his gaze and shut his trap.

She turned back towards the rest of the Vampires, "We'll each have three hours to play Farmville, and whoever has the best farm wins! Aidou, I'm forcing you to give Ruka her laptop back," at this, Aidou blinked in surprise, but silently nodded, too terrified to face Yuuki's wrath, "And Ruka gets an advantage!"

Ruka opened her mouth to ask what her "advantage" was, but her question was immediately answered when Yuuki threw a twenty dollar bill in her direction.


And like that, everyone dashed out of the room.

Well, except Zero.

Though he absolutely hated the fact that he was being forced to play this game, there was no way he was going to lose to Vampires.

But still. . .

"Uh, you guys? All of my stuff is back at the Day Class Dorms. . ."


"Hellooo? I know you guys can hear me!"

More silence.

"Okay, this seriously isn't fair. I left the school-issued laptop at the Day Class Dorms!"

Even more silence.

Zero sighed sadly, "Stupid Vampires. None of you care anyway."

A Wishful Thought (A Note From the Author): Wow. That didn't come out as expected. Sorta. XD Somehow, Ruka has an alternate personality living within her, and now Zero's been thrown into the festivities. XP

Haha, ANYWAYS, I'd appreciate any ideas and suggestions you guys would like to offer. . . So. . . I SAY YOU GUYS VOTE AS TO WHO WINS THIS FARMVILLE CHALLENGE. XD

And if you guys have time, please go to my profile and vote on the poll! :D That'd be really cool. :D

Please R E V I E W!