Hey so this is my first story, it's not really very good and i'm not sure how long it's gonna be but yeah. Hope you enjoy it anyway :) xx

The rain was beating down hard outside the window as Lisbon pulled her car into the CBI parking lot. I thought this state was sposed to be sunny! She thought as she pulled the hood of her jacket up to protect her hair. Across the lot she saw Jane just locking his Citroen carefully-why he even bothered to do that she didn't know, somebody stealing that contraption would be more than just a blessing.

'Ah, Lisbon! Good morning my dear.' He called as he saw her entering HQ

Oh God, not now Jane she thought, hearing the tone of his voice. She knew that tone, she didn't like that tone.

'What is it Jane?' she mumbled not even bothering to turn around

'Well it's funny you should ask that Teresa, since I found out something very interesting with Rigsby on stake out last night,' Lisbon didn't respond 'Well, since you asked,' he continued grinning broadly 'I found out that Gregory Parkinson couldn't possibly have murdered Kayleigh.'

'Oh yeh and how exactly do you know that?' she asked irritated, she could tell today was going to be awful

'Because my dear, the man is dead.' Jane replied simply

'What?' she screamed at him 'He's dead? You were supposed to be keeping an eye on him! For God's sake Jane can't you do anything right? Hightower's gonna kill me for this!' Lisbon looked around wildly for some support but they were in the entrance hall and her loyal team were all upstairs

'Lisbon, calm down. It doesn't matter, to be perfectly honest I don't think anyone's going to miss him-he was a grouchy old sod to start with,' Jane laughed

'Yes but Jane it's my ass on the line, and in case you hadn't noticed Gregory Parkinson is, was, the DA's uncle! I could get fired for this, we all could. Gregory wasn't even a proper suspect, that's why you were supposed to look after him! Oh my God you just don't think do you?' she yelled as other agents began to stop their business to watch the unfolding scene. Jane and Lisbon fought a lot-just like an old married couple everyone joked.

'What are you talking about?' Jane asked looking hurt 'It's not like I killed him. It wasn't my fault!'

'Perhaps, but you were playing one of your tricks on him weren't you? Weren't you?' Jane looked guiltily at his shoes 'Point proven then,' she said coldly and walked off.

Once in the safety of her office Lisbon sank wearily down behind the door. God, she hated fighting with him like that, but he just didn't think about anything. A light rap came on the door

'Lisbon? Lisbon I'm sorry, really I am. You know I wasn't trying to hurt you, honest.' He pleaded. Man it was hard to stay angry with him when he talked like that. But she couldn't forgive him, not till she knew what her punishment was.

Half an hour later another knock came on her office door. The words 'Get lost Jane' were just about to bubble off her lips when the voice she'd been dreading came

'Agent Lisbon? I think we need to have a talk. Please come to my office. Now' she added sternly. Damn. Lisbon thought. This was bad, really bad.

The team waited silently as 45 minutes ticked slowly by. God she'd been in there a long time. Please say Hightower wasn't being to harsh-after all it was Jane's fault.

Finally they heard the door open and close again. Lisbon walked quietly over to VanPelt's desk. Tears in her eyes.

'Sorry guys.' She muttered 'Good luck Cho, you'll be great' she added biting her lip. Grace got up and hugged her wordlessly, then sat down to her work again, letting a few tears fall on to the keyboard of her desktop. Lisbon walked back to her office and picked up her bag, she didn't care about the other things-they were replaceable. She just needed to get out. Out of the CBI and far away from him. He didn't even seem to care what had happened, he'd just sat there on his stupid couch reading a magazine. He didn't care, and that hurt her more than she felt it should.

Well screw him. And screw the CBI. She could make it on her own-without any of them.

So without another thought she pulled her car out of the parking lot and started driving, no idea to where. Just driving.

Come on, come on, come on, he thought. Don't have gone yet, please don't have gone yet. Jane burst out into the parking lot lungs and legs burning-but the big black SUV was gone. Who knew to where. And now he had to face the painful truth that he might not see her again, ever.

Hey so I hope you liked it. I know it's not very good but hopefully I'll improve :) Reviews appreciated


Emily xx