Author's Note: So, I'm starting out on this whole "writing fanfiction" beeswax. I don't claim to be very good, but I think this may be worth reading. Either way, it's up to you to decide. And, ya, I'm starting out dark... Figures, no?

All this Harry Potter goodness belongs to the one and only Jo. I just steal her stuff and use it for my own stories.

Chapter the First

Hermione woke up in the middle of the night screaming. Nightmares of the battle had haunted her dreams; Harry's limp form slumped on Hagrid's arms had shown up several times, along with Fred's dead and decaying body. Shuddering, she looked around to make sure she hadn't woken any of the other girls in her dorm and was relieved to see they were all still asleep. The battle, not 24 hours ago, had exhausted each one of them profusely.

Thunder rumbled in the distance and Hermione sighed. There was no way she could go back to sleep after she had seen those horrors in her head. She recalled times when she would wake up her mother in nights like this, plagued by nightmares. A wave of sorrow washed over her as she remembered where her parents were. Determined not to make a scene in the girl's dormitory, Herimone began heading down towards the kitchens, where she could make herself a nice cup of tea.

The common room was quiet, but by no means empty. Several people were sprawled on the couches, while some sat together against the wall. Hermione spotted Harry and Ginny in each other's arms, rocking their bodies soothingly back and forth. Harry caught her eye and Hermione gave him a small smile. Harry only blinked back, but Hermione knew that was probably all he could do at the moment- he was so physically and emotionally drained. She considered going over to him, but she knew Ginny was more than capable of helping Harry. Besides, the young redhead looked like she needed Harry now more than ever.

Hermione stepped through the portrait hole and began her descent towards the kitchens. Everywhere she looked adults were walking the hallways. Never had she seen the castle so busy at four in the morning, but she recalled that never had the castle gone through a battle either.

As she passed the Great Hall, she briefly noted the cots that had been set up for those who wanted a bed. It was strange, but many people chose to stay at Hogwarts and help rebuild, instead of heading back to their homes. Hermione could only imagine what Professor Dumbledore would be thinking right now, seeing how many people remained to help make sure the school would reopen whole in August. Despite her current state, Hermione smiled at the thought.

Lost in her thoughts, Hermione reached the kitchens in no time. She tickled the portrait and stepped inside, only to be greeted by a mob of house elves. Having learned her lesson about the Hogwarts elves, she did not try to preach equality, but politely asked for a cup of tea. Grimacing at the way the elves threw their beings into serving her, she sat down on a stool that was brought to her. Hermione had hardly begun to sip her tea when a cold voice sounded behind her, "Well, well, if it isn't the mudblood spending time with her favorite breed."

Not having to turn to recognize the voice, she spat back, "Oh, shut it, Malfoy. I hoped you would have grown up by now. No one finds your petty jabs amusing."

"Feisty. I like that. I like it a lot."

Hermione turned her head, a mixture of shock and disgust on her face. "Excuse me, Malfoy, did you just say what I think you just said? Are you drunk or something? Get the hell out!"

"No, I'm not drunk. I'm as sober as I've ever been," he said, with a gleam in his eye, "I mean what I said, Granger; I like it when you fight back like that." And with that, he took three big steps toward her, until he was towering above her sitting form.

Not intimidated, Hermione stood up and faced Draco. The top of her head only reached his shoulder, but she did not let that get in the way. She pointed her finger into his chest and spoke through a clenched jaw, "You. Do. Not. Scare. Me. Anymore. I'm tired of you being a prick and I'm tired of listening to you try to hide your insecurities by mocking me. Those times are over, and you WILL respect me." She finished with a particularly hard jab into his chest, turned on her heel and headed towards the open door. Before she could reach it, however, it shut in her face. Hermione tried to open it, but found it locked. As she reached around for her wand, she realized it was not in her pocket.

"Looking for... this?" Malfoy asked, dangling Hermione's wand from his thumb and pointer finger.

"How did you...? Give me my wand back!"

"Oh, Granger, Granger. You give marvelous speeches, but you might benefit from paying attention to your wand while you are being so eloquent. Now, I was trying to tell you something, before you rudely interrupted me with your... very harsh words..." Draco spoke with a satin-smooth voice that gave Hermione chills. Turning to the house elves, he spoke harshly, "Give us some privacy."

The house elves quickly vanished from sight and Hermione could do nothing but stare at Draco as he slowly moved towards her. She tried not to show it, but she was becoming more and more terrified each second that went by. She felt exposed in only her nightgown and slippers. Thoughts of all the things Draco could do to her started running through her head. He wouldn't dare... would he?

"Now, Granger, you will sit," Hermione's legs went out from under her as she landed on a chair, "and be still," Hermione suddenly felt her arms and legs be tied to the chair by invisible ropes, "as I tell you exactly what is going to happen between the two of us."

"Malfoy, if you as much as TOUCH me I will scream. There are dozens of teachers and adults patrolling the hallways, someone WILL hear me and stop you."

"I wouldn't be so sure. You see, I took precautions before coming to see you, Mudblood. This room is completely sound proof – no one will hear you, no matter how loud you scream. I would advise you not to ruin your vocal chords. As for me touching you, I don't plan on doing much to you just yet."

Hermione gulped. She was sweating profusely, her face becoming pale. Draco wouldn't hurt her- Harry had saved his life. He owed her at least that.

"This all is a very simple matter," Draco began casually, "I own you. I know it may sound a little bit strange to you, but there is nothing you can do about it. You see, the Dark Lord was very intent in killing you and Weasel, as well as Potter. I don't care much about those two, but you, oh, you, Granger, I didn't want to see thrown away. So I went to the Ministry and bought all of your records. The Minister himself signed the forms necessary. You are my slave, my possession, and a rather expensive one too."

The whole situation seemed absurd to Hermione. If she hadn't been tied to a chair in a sound-proofed kitchen, she would have laughed at the idea. Her logical brain processed the information as fast as she could, looking for a way out of the situation.

"There is no way that contract is still valid. The current Minister is going to revoke it as soon as he can. Perhaps he already has."

"Hum, this is where things get a little bit complicated. I bought you, Granger. I owned you until yesterday, I demand on owning you tomorrow as well, no matter what the current Minister may or may not say. I plan on taking you with me tonight so you can start fulfilling your duties as my personal slave. My sex slave." Draco's mouth twisted in a sickeningly perfect smile. Hermione panicked.

"You can't do that! There's... There is no way you'll get me out of Hogwarts without getting caught. And the Ministry will know that you have me, they will find you... They will find me! You are wasting your time trying to take me anywhere."

"We'll see about that, Mudblood," Draco sneered as he planted a soft kiss on Hermione's lips.

So, uhm, there you have it. Whether you love it or hate it, I appreciate any feedback. Especially if it's constructive! :)