Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended. I only own Elizabeth Maris, her family and a few other characters. Please R&R

Dark Clouds Rising

The meeting

Chapter Nine

The fog was rolling into London, when the cracks of people appariting into Knockturn Alley were heard. Off in the distance, Big Ben chimed midnight as the dozen, cloaked individuals stopped appearing, and headed into one of the local businesses. Cynthia Goyle looked around the alley before closing the door. Heading towards the back, she saw the proprietor of the store, and nodded her head.

"Thank you, Gregory," Cynthia said as she touched her old friend on his deformed shoulder.

"Welcome, Cynn," the old man replied as he finished up his business and went upstairs to his bedroom.

Cynthia walked down the steps to the basement. Waiting below in the room were some of the last known Death Eaters still free. Going to the head of the table, she sat down, and then gestured for the rest of the group to sit.

"Welcome, everyone. As you know, we have been looking for my sister and brother. Has there been any word on them?" she asked as she twirled her wand in her fingers.

James McFadden looked up and replied, "On your twin sister, no. We don't even know if she is still alive. However, on your brother we have news on, he was sighted in Moscow, and San Francisco. Before we could move in to grab him, he escaped."

"Oh, my darling sister Elizabeth is still alive. As I told you all before in other meetings, I'd know if she wasn't. Besides, my spies at Gringott's report she's accessed her vault. What about her brat or brats? Are there any unknowns going to any of the schools? Have you looked for twins? As I have told you before, twins have run in my family for centuries," Cynthia snapped in anger.

"We've looked and the only twins we found going to any of the schools this year are a pair of mudblood blacks over in America. We could kill them if you want us too, but we have checked out the parents," Jason McFadden reported as he reached over and picked up his glass of fire whiskey and took a sip.

"No, that wouldn't be her spawn. She must be homeschooling them. Norris, I want you to check the home schooling records of all the schools we have access to. You have my sister's picture so compare them. Now Oskar, the British with the help of some traitors to the wizard world, have prepared a new satellite that gives them the ability to see all of the hidden compounds in the world. Destroy the satellite and kill anyone who knows anything about the piece of technological garbage," Cynthia ordered.

"As you command, mistress," the heavyset man replied.

"Good. Now what about the plan on killing that mudblood Weasley?"

"Moving along, nicely. We know she's supposed to attend a meeting in America at the Salem Conference. We know what room she will be in, and even what seat she has been assigned. The enchanting of the rifles is almost complete. Once completed, they are to be smuggled into the auditorium the day before and hidden. They will transform back into rifles when her name is spoken. She will be dead before she knows what's hit her," Jason replied.

"Good. Now what about the Potters? What about Ron Weasley?"

"That's a whole new problem. Weasley is hard to keep track of, as he is always off on missions when his mudblood wife is at Hogwarts. As to the Potter's, Harry has some untraceable spell on him. We are trying to break it, but it's hard. His wife is easy to track. We can take her outside of the Daily Prophet when she comes out of work," Jason added as he picked up his drink and took another sip.

"Then kill her. Get it over with, and when the Boy who lived comes crying home, we'll take him out. James, I want you to put a mission together to take out Neville and Hanna Longbottom as well as that Luna Lovegood or Scamander as she is now called," Cynthia ordered.

"As you command, mistress, it shall be done," James replied as he stood up, and said, "Now, I must be going, or my wife will become suspicious when I'm not home on time. I do want to know, do you still want the Malfoy's taken out?"

"My daughter will deal with young mister Malfoy at school. As to his grandparents, I already have that planned. So that will leave the mother and 'Draco the Betrayer' to take out… and my husband wants his skinny little ass. The rest of you, step over and get your orders. Read them, burn them here tonight," Cynthia said as the rest of the men and woman stood up with her.

Cynthia passed the orders out to the men and woman in the room. When they left she walked to the cabinet built into the wall and opened it. The mirror misted up like the fog outside and then an image of a man appeared.

"Master, the plans come to life. Soon all those who killed you will be dead. The wizard world will fear the day they killed you Lord Voldemort."

"What do I care for vengeance? I can never come back," the image replied and faded away.

"We care, Master. We may not be able to bring you back, but we can avenge you against your enemies and their children," Cynthia said.

She closed the cabinet, and it vanished. Her thoughts were racing back nineteen years, to when her master was killed and the enemy had regained power. She swore on his grave that she'd kill everyone involved. She had been moving forward ever since with one quiet murder after another.

All had fallen except for her twin. Then the plan had broken apart. Her twin survived, and her main executioner had vanished off the face of the planet. Walking up the stairs, she went up into the living quarters.

She could hear Gregory talking as she walked quietly up behind him and said, "Avada Kedavra."

A green beam shot from her wand and hit Gregory in the back. He fell to the floor, dead, as she walked over to him.

"You should have never betrayed me, Gregory. You were a fool to think I didn't know you were talking to my brother," Cynthia said.

She pulled out the grenade she had stolen from the British armory. Pulling the pin, she tossed it over onto the couch. White sparks started shooting from the phosphorus grenade. As the couch caught fire, she fired her symbol out the window. A cloud with a blood red eye appeared above the building as she apparited away.

First Edit by Deenara2000

Second Edit by Bill Lewis

Final Edit by TeNderLoin