Epilogue: All in the Golden Afternoon

She was right: the fog was only temporary. For after the mist lifted a golden sun arose from the east, and illuminated all in a warm and uplifting glow. Life had returned to world: the flowers blossomed, the trees grew fresh leaves, and the crystalline rivers ran gracefully. Birds sang in the forests, cattle grazed peacefully in the fields, and the creatures roamed without a care in the world.

Seraphina became less of a tyrant, honouring Leonard's words to regulate a smooth and orderly period of influence. Her continuous phrase of severing one's heads had lessened, but hatred still brewed within her. There was great resentment for being deceived by a ghost and mocked by her neighbour's Queens. Her short-temper was still a great concern, but she found a way to control herself, the White Rabbit had informed when he was again positioned for the Queen's Page. It ran more silkily, lately.

Humpty Dumpty did indeed find another wall, had he remained as a shrewd but bitter oval-shaped being with unfortunate balance. If ever he had fallen again there had been no reporting, but it would not surprise anyone if he did.

The Gryphon returned to a faraway area located in Wonderland to meet back up with his old companion, the Mock Turtle. He was seldom seen to glide throughout the skies again; however, he was at harmony alongside the lakeside with the whimpering beast.

The Knave of Hearts was prosecuted for being accused of stealing a muffin from the kitchen. Another déjà vu it became to the others, but he was judged innocent in the end, for apparently a little rodent had instead taken the cake away for himself. The March Hare was not pleased with his little drowsy friend.

Of all the stories that had been said throughout the realms after the war, none was more heart-warming than Alice and the Mad Hatter. Alice stayed with the Hatter at the March Hare's home, enjoying tea and tarts almost every moment of the day. It made her ponder the answer for the 'Why is a Raven like a Writing Desk' riddle. That one had always befuddled her since the Hatter first asked her when she was a child. Nevertheless, Alice had not been happier than she was now. It was a dream world teeming with wonder and enchantment, and now she could finally explore her creation thoroughly. She knew her adventures here were just beginning.

Any trace of Leonard Cortus had been erased, as though he really did die after the Globe of Wonders was punctured. However, it had always harassed her to imagine if Leonard had claimed victory instead, and that the war ended in tragedy. Would that have begun a new canvas for her to paint? For all the hate she held, she could not help but hold a place in her heart for him. She was a part of him, and he will remain within her forever, but erased from everything else in life.

The Hatter was everything to Alice now. For all the times he had been there beside her she could not have asked for a much greater person to spend her days with. Whether their relationship would blossom to a whole new and unexplored level, that was another story far in the future. Today, it is just this one. Through hardships and struggles, and warfare and hate, friendship, hope and optimism is the opium of a cheerful life, blissful and merry, full of wonder and curiosity, madness and charm, for Wonderland really, is a land full of Wonders, and a world of dreams and reality.

. . .

Thus grew the tale of Wonderland:
Thus slowly, one by one,
Its quaint events were hammered out—
And now the tale is done,
And home we steer, a merry crew,
Beneath the setting sun.


A/N: And that's it, folks, the story has finished. :(

There is a poll on my profile about what Alice In Wonderland story you would like to see next. The one with the most votes is the one I shall begin planning.

Thanks for all of your support throughout the months, people. You're all fantastic!

I hope you all enjoyed it. :)