Jou's breath hitched in his mouth as the scene before him unfolded. He watched the body of Han collapse on the floor, brown eyes staring at the shirtless killer. His eyes widened as the man turned around, a lump forming in the blond's throat as his eyes gazed upon midnight blue, wide with shock.

'S…Seto?' He could barely move his lips. Was this really happening? It had to be a trick. A horrible trick. A dream. Something, anything, but reality. Kaiba swallowed eyes as he turned to face the man before him, his breathing almost non existent. 'Please tell me it's not what it seems, tell me I'm seeing this wrong.'

'I…I wish I could. Jou…' Blue eyes filled with soft tears, 'Why, why are you here?' The blond dropped the bag from his shoulder, pulling out the sniper gun. Seto nodded. 'I hoped you wouldn't do that.'

'I never thought it…I never…' Seto raised one hand, silencing the blond. He shook his head, silent drops of salted water falling from his jaw.

'Why didn't you tell me?' He whispered.

'I couldn't. It's the army you know and…' he paused, pushing his shoulders back, 'Why didn't you tell me?'

'What am I supposed to say? Jou I love you, welcome home, by the way, I'm an assassin?'

'Why are you doing it? Are you been paid? Blackmailed?' Jou choked, his eyes watery and his words slow. Regretfully, the brunet shook his head.

'Business.' The blond's chest rose with a deep breath, before he sighed. A long pause passed between them, the hard breathing and burning eyes causing a painful tension between the two men. Finally Jou opened his mouth, the words barely forming,

'So…what do we do from here?'

'I was afraid you'd ask that…' a confused look crossed Jou's face, but deep down, he knew the answer. 'You came here to kill me, didn't you?'

'That was before…' Seto raised his hand again, 'Yes. I was sent to kill you.'

'Since I knew someone was tailing me, I also vowed to kill them, once I knew who it was.'

'I thought so.'

'So…you understand?'

'We have to kill each other…don't we?'

'Well. One of us has to die. Obviously, neither of us want to die, or kill the other. But we have no choice.' Jou nodded solemnly, already he had the upper hand. He had a weapon, and he knew that the brunet did not. 'Jou, I really love you. Do you know that?' Katsuya nodded silently,

'I love you too. I wish, I wish there was another way, hiding, witness protection, something…'

'So do I, but it can't be done. Too much is expected from us now. You're expected to kill an assassin, and if you go free, the cameras will show everything. I'll die for murder, you'll loose your job for not killing me and…' his breath caught in his throat, his words became ragged with tears, 'I really don't want to do this.' Taking another deep breath, Jou walked up to him, kissing him lightly on the mouth.

'It's just like high school, all over again.'

'Yeah…' Seto smiled to himself.

'It's nothing new. Just a challenge. We can do this.'

'Yeah.' One final deep breath…

'Are you ready?' Seto looked to the blond, his hands beginning to quiver. Could he really do this? He'd convinced himself that he could, but he was having doubts now. The room span and Seto felt dizzy, and he clutched the blond's shoulders to steady himself.

'No' he whispered softly.

'No?' Jou looked into blue eyes, questioning softly.

'No.' He stood up straight, 'We don't need to do this. I love you.'

'I love you too, but what choice do we have?' Kaiba's eyes turned dark as his mind raced with thought,

'Jou, I'm a billionaire…what can't we do?'


'Come on!' Seto took the blond's hand, dragging him towards the roof. 'We'll collect Mokuba and escape. No one needs to hear from us again. As far as the world knows, we died here tonight. We were both killed by the assassin in a final tumble, no one needs to know where or when, just that we vanished…'

'Seto, but…'

'Do you trust me?' Jou nodded slightly, causing the brunet to capture his lips in a fast and fiery kiss. Their tongues clashed in a breathless battle before Seto took a tight hold on Jou's hand and the two raced to the rooftop, quickly disappearing into the night…



So this is the alternate ending. Most of it is the same, I really should have sectioned it. Sorry about that. Anyway, this is the end of LSB, and of my writing for a while as I have no ideas as work drains me. If anyone has a request, storyline or comp, I'll gladly enter, but until then, I hope to hear from you soon!

Thank you very much for reading and I hope you enjoyed it

Much love and kisses

Please R&R

