Author's Note: By popular request here's a multi-chaptered story surrounding Kei and Hikari's engagement and wedding. And with all the excitement and adjusting for Hikari she's going to have to contend with snobbism and a challenge from a young woman in Kei's social circle who has had designs on him for quite a while. As usual, the characters and universe (with the exception of the rival) are not mine, they belong to Maki Minami and are licensed by Viz.


Chapter 1—Rich Boy Loves Poor Girl

It was a bright day in June when the media room of the Takishima Group building housing the new main headquarters was packed with members of local, national, and international reporters and photographers all waiting eagerly as a velvet curtain stood, drawn closed. Murmurs of speculations were rippling throughout as an interpreter for the foreign media stood by and representatives of the company stood sentinel at a closed door adjacent to the curtain like the Imperial Palace Guard…

"The CEO Takishima Satoru-sama sent press releases stating that this press conference was called about his son, the successor Chairman Takishima Kei…but it didn't say what the reason was," a reporter from the Tokyo Press remarked to his photographer as he readied his digital camera.

"I bet I know," a female reporter from a popular teen gossip magazine slyly implied. "My sources tell me it has to do with a marriage proposal that Kei-sama made to a certain classmate of his from Hakunsekan Academy's elite SA class. And that's not all…it's a known fact that she's actually the daughter of a mere carpenter."

"Really?" the woman who ran the society page of the London Times inquired as she glanced at the curtain. "Our paper covered another event several months ago regarding the Takishima heir's tentative engagement to top stockholder Theo Appleton's granddaughter Alisa…then after a sudden turn of events at a gala held by Kaname Takishima the engagement was abruptly called off and the company announced that the headquarters were moving to Tokyo. Quite peculiar, I dare say," she finished as she and everyone else had their eyes glued to the door and curtain…

From behind the curtain Hikari Hanazono; daughter of master carpenter Jiro Hanazono stood fidgeting with the necklace of fresh water pearls and amethysts she was wearing to accent her deep purple silk strapless dress. She was also periodically twirling the heirloom diamond ring on her left finger as she scuffed the toe of her stiletto heels until unable to resist she cracked the curtain and surreptitiously peered at the gathered throng. Anxiety filled her as her eyes scanned the group for a friendly face…anyone who looked pleasant or benign. But all she saw were expressions that resembled that of a hungry dog waiting for a meaty bone to be tossed his way. She tried to clamp down the rising tide of panic inside…without success which had her instinctively turning to flee but as she did she came in contact with a broad hard masculine chest, clad in a pinstriped silk dress shirt, Hugo Boss midnight blue suit and matching tie. Gentle hands grasped her by the shoulders and she looked up into the soft golden brown gaze of her fiancé…

"Going somewhere, koibito?" Kei Takishima asked with a sweet smile, gazing down at her as Hikari's cheeks flushed. She shook her carefully coiffed raven head and tittered nervously as she stammered.

"N-no of course n-not."

"You looked like you were about to bail." His eyes had her pinned and his hands were still lightly but firmly grasping her shoulders, immobilizing her. But she raised her chin and met him head-on.

"You're mistaken."

"Really?" Kei leaned in and kissed the tip of her nose. "I had a fleeting thought that Nii-san wouldn't be up to handling this…I'm relieved."

At the hated referral of her perpetual second place status against him Hikari shoved Kei away, snapping, "As if, baka! I can handle anything you throw at me…so bring it!"

He chuckled and grinned, "Glad to hear it…I wouldn't want my lively and lovely bride-to-be any other way then she was when she captured me."

"I don't intend to change…for you or anybody," she sniffed. "And especially not because a bunch of reporters want to ask me questions. Remember when we beat Kokusen and all the publicity in the papers and on TV was causing trouble for nii-chan? We handled that situation."

He nodded. "Yeah, we did…so why were you getting ready to bolt?"

"I told you…you're wrong."

From beneath his flaxen overgrown bangs he raised a dubious eyebrow.

As usual I can't hide anything from Takishima at an impasse Hikari glared at him then heaved a sigh as she admitted, "I guess when I saw all the commotion out there I was a bit intimidated." Turning again to peek out at the crowd of media she added with a tinge of uncertainty, "I really had no idea what I was getting myself into when I said I'd marry you."

At that statement Kei's grin faded and he again took hold of her shoulders, turning her around to face him. "Are you…regretting accepting my proposal?" he asked anxiously.

Seeing his dismay she hastened to reassure him. "Of course not…I just didn't think that us getting engaged was such a big deal to the whole wide world but I guess I'm as dense as everybody says. You're Takishima Kei, the soon to be Chairman of the Takishima Group after all…I should've expected this," she said with a scowl.

Somewhat relieved yet still concerned about her unease he reached over and ran the back of his hand across her cheek with an engaging smile. "Since we were six years old we've been best friends…classmates and rivals. We've always hung out together, you've always come to my house and I've always come to yours without letting my family's money or position get between. I'm still the same guy I always was, Hikari…the one who you always competed against…who you came to see on my birthday just to bring me a present and your smile, which meant more to me then the mountain of presents sent to me by messenger. And just because I'm taking over the head of the business for my grandfather doesn't mean I'm going to change, either. I intend to remain the same man you fell in love with…just as you'll always be the woman I love."

There he goes again…making the path smooth for me, taking care of me her scowl faded Hikari countered with a winsome smile of her own, "Don't worry, Takishima…I'll do my best and make you proud."

"I know you will."

Kei's eyes glowed as his hands cupped her cheeks to draw her into his warm and waiting lips for one of his soft, slow kisses…kisses that when she was within their tender grasp rendered her helpless and oblivious to the world around her. And even now, she was drifting into that sweet limbo that made everything else fade into nothingness. The passion between them was reaching that pinnacle when…


A slightly uncomfortable Aoi Ogata in his new role as COO entered and broke the spell by clearing his throat, causing the couple to hastily part with Hikari blushing and turning away in embarrassment and Kei, becoming thoroughly irritated at the interruption and glaring at the source in his most menacing manner. Aoi grimaced; swallowed hard then addressed them…

"Please forgive me Kei-sama, Hikari-san but it's time."

Kei heaved an annoyed sigh then turned to Hikari with an affectionate smile. "Well koibito…are we ready?"

For a split second she appeared like the proverbial deer in the headlights…then just as quickly she flashed a jaunty grin and thumbs up. "Let's go."

She's so adorable…I could just eat her up taking her hand and squeezing it he said to Aoi, "Go ahead and announce us."

"Yes." Aoi bowed and exited, leading Kei and Hikari into the Media Room…

As soon as the trio entered camera flashes went off, strobing intermittently as bright lights for the video cameras flooded the room. Aoi stepped up to a makeshift podium with a banner bearing the Takishima Group logo hung suspended behind. The staid young executive stood before the media throng and as he held up a regal hand the room quieted down…

"On behalf of the CEO and Chairman of the Takishima Group I would like to bid everyone here welcome and would like to introduce to you the successor Chairman Takishima Kei who has a special announcement."

Still holding Hikari's hand Kei stepped up to the podium amid flashes as he displayed his public impersonal smile and began to speak…

"Everyone…thank you all for attending this press conference. As you all know, it was announced in London earlier this year that the Takishima Group corporate headquarters are in the process of being relocated here to Tokyo. This relocation will be complete by next spring when upon my graduation from Hakunsekan Academy I will be assuming the role of Chairman to succeed my grandfather Takishima Kaname." He then pulled Hikari to stand before him, resting his hands lightly on her slim shoulders as if to present her to the world. "And at this time, it is my great joy and honor as I would like to announce my engagement to my SA classmate and girlfriend Hanazono Hikari. We will be wed at that time as well. Thank you."

At the end of his statement there was an instant of silence…then a burst of questions that rushed at the podium like a flash flood…

"Takishima-sama, when exactly did you get engaged?"

"Where did you meet…is it true that you're childhood friends?"

"Have you set a wedding date?"

And to Hikari…

"Hanazono-san, please show us the ring."

Hikari glanced at Kei, who nodded his assent. She then held up her left hand prompting more flashes to go off as the diamond sent prismatic sparkles back into the cameras…and prompted expressions of awe and more questions…

"What a beautiful ring!"

"How much is it worth?"

"Takishima-sama, did you purchase the ring or was it a family heirloom?"

Kei held up a hand as if to command the room to silence and it immediately quieted. "The details of our engagement will be included in a formal press release to be sent by the Takishima Group PR department to every local, national, and international media outlet."

The statement was accepted by everyone in the room with the exception of the woman from London, who rose to her feet and addressed Kei directly…

"Mr. Takishima, could you clarify exactly what happened back in January when the announcement was made that you were betrothed to Alisa Appleton, the granddaughter of Theo Appleton and then the engagement was suddenly called off?"

She pinned him with an intent azure look that demanded an answer and Kei, irritated but not intimidated by the woman's imposing demeanor met her eye to eye as he answered in nearly flawless English…

"The incident to which you are referring had entirely to do with my grandfather's machinations at the time…without my consent…or Miss Appleton's and we mutually agreed to refuse."

But the woman was relentless as she continued, "But you must see why your grandfather encouraged such a match. Considering the paralleled social positions the granddaughter of his top stockholder is quite a bit more suitable as a wife for you then…and pardon me for saying this-," She glanced at Hikari and finished, "a carpenter's daughter."

A collective gasp sounded throughout as the woman's blatant snobbery was displayed in such an offensive manner. Knowing for the most part the entire story of Kei and Hikari's romance and the power of the Takishima family the local press, in typical Japanese form remained discreet…however, international press from the West were more interested in the story and therefore not so inclined. In response to the rude comment Kei's eyes narrowed and darkened ominously as he opened his mouth to issue forth a hot retort but Hikari; enraged herself and with head held high spoke first…in surprisingly clear English…

"If I may be allowed to respond my father was one of the finest carpenters and contractors in all of Honshu…so much so that he was called to Kyushu to work there because of his reputation. And he has done everything to allow me to attend all the finest schools from primary to middle to attending Hakunsekan Academy. And I've worked hard to stay in the top seven of my class so I could continue and surpass my eternal rival…Takishima."

"Your rival?" The imperious Englishwoman sniffed. "Isn't he your fiancé…your future husband?"

Hikari met the reporter head on as she replied, "Yes…but he is also my life long rival…pushing me to be as strong as I can."

A titter went through the room as well as admiring remarks for Hikari's gracious but bold response and Kei felt his heart swell with pride and love for her. He then cut in…

"As my bride-to-be so clearly stated…we've been rivals all our lives…pushing each other to be stronger as we competed. But as I told Hikari the night I asked her to be mine she already defeated me long before…when I lost my heart to her."

As a signature to his declaration Kei wrapped his arm around her and as he squeezed her to him he planted a soft kiss on her…eliciting an "AWWW," from the gathered media throng and a new series of flashes as the tender scene was captured for posterity. He then addressed the media in typical Takishima fashion, comporting in a manner rivaling that of his grandfather…

"Thank you all for coming here today. As I stated before, the press release pack containing all details about our engagement will be e-mailed to all media outlets from the Takishima Group PR department. So please wait for it."

In a gesture of curt dismissal he donned his sunglasses then took firm hold of Hikari's elbow and quickly turned to leave…with questions from the reporters rushing at the two unheeded as Aoi ushered them through the curtains and down to an elevator to take them to the garage where a Lexus limousine waited. A chauffeur was there with the door open, bowing. Kei nodded to him and assisted Hikari into the rear seat then followed after her along with Aoi.

As the car pulled away Aoi spoke first saying, "I'll send immediate word to the PR department to prepare the information about your engagement to be sent out to the media, Kei-sama."

"You invited everyone that came here today, right Aoi?" he asked with a significant look.

"Yes." Picking up on the meaning the sedate young executive answered, "I had no choice."

Sighing Kei nodded and added, "Make sure the entire information pack is sent to me first for final approval…I don't want anyone embellishing or speculating about us based on rumors." He met Aoi with a meaningful glare then glanced over at Hikari, who was staring out the window with a faraway look. Reaching over to lightly touch her nose to get her attention he asked, "Are you okay?"

She gazed back blankly. "Huh?"

"You're so quiet, koibito…I just wondered." His eyes were warm but penetrating, even from behind his sunglasses as he studied her hidden duress and anguished inside I can't blame her…she was blindsided by that fool from the London press. I'd like to wring that damned woman's neck…and Aoi's for inviting her but I guess it couldn't be helped…

Hikari shook her head. "I'm fine, Takishima…don't worry."

Kei smiled affectionately as he said, "You're asking me the impossible, you know."

"I know." She sighed as she went on, "I'm just taking everything in and figuring out my battle plan for the next time."

"That's just like you," Kei chuckled as he thought she absolutely dazzles me…more and more "Well, just don't forget…I'm right here battling with you." He grasped her hand wearing his ring and kissed it. "We're a team; one and two, invincible…together nobody can beat us."

Hikari smiled back and unable to resist he leaned down to again capture her lips with his kiss…soft and slow; warm and insistent, plunging both again into the private world belonging only to them. Aoi looked politely away while the Lexus headed to the Takishima mansion…

Meanwhile at Narita International Airport an Air Japan flight from Kennedy International New York had just landed and was disembarking at a terminal at the main concourse with the First Class passengers exiting down the turnstile. Among them there was Daishi Ami, 17 year-old daughter of Daishi Shinousuke…Chief operating officer of Daishi Integrated Systems, one of the hardware development holdings of the Takishima Group. She made her way into the concourse and to the main airport and the baggage claims area where Ryutaro, her father's chauffeur was waiting. He bowed as she approached…

"Welcome home, ojo-sama."

Ami, pampered since birth as her father's princess barely nodded as she handed him her claim tickets and inquired, "Is the car out front…in the usual place?"

"Yes, ojo-sama."

"I just don't understand why Father couldn't send the company jet for me," she groused petulantly. "Having to walk all the way to the entrance through the crowd is so tiresome and if he had sent the jet you could have drove right up and picked me up there."

Ryutaro answered, "The jet was in use, ojo-sama…upon orders from Satoru-sama who needed it to head to a meeting with Shinousuke-sama at the Singapore office."

"Why did they need the jet when Satoru-sama usually uses the helicopter?"

"I do not know," the chauffeur replied curtly. "However, you do know that as Takishima Group CEO Satoru-sama can do as he pleases without explaining his actions and if he wanted to use the jet he can. But perhaps they needed more room for extra people to go along."

Extra people? What extra people? Her mind teemed with questions I wonder if Father was arranging the omiai? I've been asking him to do that since Yahiro-kun's birthday party "Is that so?" Ami's hazel eyes had a gleam as she asked, "Did Kei-kun go with them?"

"Not that I'm aware of, ojo-sama."

Ryutaro was short with his answer and Ami surmised that he would say nothing else. She tossed her strawberry blonde head and flounced off, leaving the sober chauffeur to deal with the luggage…

Irritated Ami pushed her way through the crowd until her eyes fell on a flat screen TV on the wall of the main waiting area, for the benefit of those awaiting their flights and a crowd was gathered in front, watching. Curious, Ami approached and watched the program as well and her eyes widened as the broadcast played…

"A news conference took place today at the new Takishima Group headquarters where it was announced that Takishima Kei, the successor Chairman is engaged to be married upon his graduation from Hakunsekan Academy to Hanazono Hikari…

WHAT? Ami did a double take …HER?

The picture then showed the tall form of Kei, resplendent in his deep blue suit contrasting with his burnished golden hair, shining like a crown creating an almost otherworldly aura around his fine featured countenance. He then made his statement, commanding the room like a samurai warlord or yakuza boss…

"Everyone…thank you all for attending this press conference. As you all know, it was announced in London earlier this year that the Takishima Group corporate headquarters are in the process of being relocated here to Tokyo. This relocation will be complete by next spring when upon my graduation from Hakunsekan Academy I will be assuming the role of Chairman to succeed my grandfather Takishima Kaname…And at this time, it is my great joy and honor as I would like to announce my engagement to my SA classmate and girlfriend Hanazono Hikari. We will be wed at that time as well. Thank you."

The camera captured Kei perfectly framed as he wrapped his arm around Hikari, kissing her…and Ami could feel herself getting physically ill. Underlying the sweet image the reporter gushed on in sycophantic manner about the fairytale romance of the rich, handsome corporate prince falling in love with the beautiful daughter of a carpenter…

Humph, she's not so beautiful…and she's a pauper Ami sniffed in disdain. I figured as much when I first met her at Yahiro-kun's birthday party…

Last Year…

The stately Saiga manor was glittering in the night as the circular drive was filled with elegant cars and the ballroom was filled with guests…the crème de la crème of Tokyo society progeny at one of the prime social events. Rumor had it that even the Emperor's daughter had been invited but sent her apologies with an extravagant gift…not even the His Divine Majesty would risk offending the owners of the mighty Saiga Financial Group and its heir.

Ami, having grown up enmeshed within the elite social circle of Saiga Yahiro was an annual attendant of his birthday party and therefore she knew everybody invited. Also having attended Kokusen with him, she had what could not really be termed a friendship with him but they had been slightly more than acquaintances. That night she and two of her friends; Asano Fumie and Hagiwara Chisato stood eagerly awaiting the arrival of a certain guest…

Fumie, whose family owned the largest realty firm in Honshu was periodically glancing at the ballroom entrance where guests were streaming in as she remarked, "It seems like there's even more guests here then last year."

Chisato, who was the youngest daughter of the owner of an international import/export business said slyly, "But there's just one guest that Ami-chan is waiting for…Takishima-sama. right? But it's kind of late so maybe he won't be coming this year."

Blushing slightly Ami tossed her strawberry blonde head nonchalantly as she replied, "So what if it's late? Takishima-sama and Yahiro-kun grew up playing together as friends…he's ALWAYS here."

"They're more like rivals then friends," Fumie pointed out. "Remember the game of 'Hide and Seek' when we were kids? Yahiro-kun won only because he locked the door to the roof and Takishima-sama was caught."

"Humph…that's the ONLY reason Kei-kun lost," Ami scoffed. Her face bore the look of one utterly love-struck and both of her friends exchanged knowing glances.

"Kei-kun?" Chisato echoed. "Since when are you so familiar with him?"

Ami retorted, "It's just natural…our family company is the main supplier of computer network systems in Japan and now is part of the Takishima Group. My father has met with Satoru-sama and Kei-kun often."

Always the practical one Fumie stated, "So that just means that your father is somewhat familiar with him…not you."

Ami shot her a glare and turned away just at the moment the tall figure of Takishima Kei strode into the ballroom, like a golden god making her heart pound. Dressed in a dark vested suit that complimented his burnished blond hair he was the perfect depiction of dark and light. Struck by his glorious figure she was about to go up to greet him and stopped cold when she saw, unlike in previous years the one following him into the party wasn't his aunt. It was a girl she had never seen with him before; a pretty girl with a long mane of black hair that was glossy like a raven and dressed in a strapless chiffon gown in baby blue. The way she followed behind Kei and then the seemingly intimate way he leaned down to talk to her it was obvious that she was involved with him. So curious and more than a little miffed when Kei left the girl's side Ami went to investigate along with Fumie and Chisato. They approached her from the back…

"Hey you there," Ami addressed the girl rudely and she turned around. "What are you to Takishima-sama?"


"What's going on?" Chisato asked. "Everyone wants to be Takishima-sama's date…or rather wants to be his bride."

"We were never worried since he had always come with his aunt…so who are you?" Ami demanded as other curious girls gathered around in an intimidating circle. However, the girl, whose eyes had been wide at first, narrowed as she replied scornfully…

"I was dragged here because it's my job…who would go on a date with that guy?"

The crowd of females gasped at her arrogance and Ami, whose wrath had reached a boiling point pushed her and snapped, "How dare you be so rude when he's your employer!"

The girl stumbled but Ami's eyes popped when she saw Kei immediately rush back to catch her, wrapping a protective arm about her. His gaze swept over the now simpering group of girls as he pulled her close to him…

"Excuse us."

He then strode away with the strange girl and melted into the crowd as Ami and the others watched…

For the rest of the party it was as if a spotlight had been turned on that girl. Ami spent the rest of the time watching her as Yahiro proclaimed her as "IT" for his little game of Hide and Seek. And as the events unfolded of that bizarre game rumors flew as it became apparent that Kei had in fact helped her win by beating up several of the participants…destroying the implication the girl had made that he was just her employer. So Ami made inquiries and found out the girl's name…Hikari...which she retained for further investigation…

Humph…and all I was able to find out beyond her name from Yahiro-kun was that she was Kei-kun's unrequited love…which gave me hope so I asked and kept asking Father to arrange an omiai between us…but now THIS?

Unable to stand any more Ami whirled away and continued pushing her way through the crowd to the exit. But all along the way TV screens had the cable entertainment network along with the other news outlets broadcasting the news of the engagement of the heir to the huge conglomerate…big news as anything concerning the Takishima family usually was. And Ami, who had her own secret agenda regarding him fumed as she finally got to her waiting limousine…

Ryutaro was standing with the door open for her so she entered the car and plopped down on the seat in a total snit, pouting as she began to devise her next move Hikari Hanazono, huh? Well, I'll have to find out all about her…and I know just how I can…

She got out her I-Phone and sent off an e-mail…

The chauffeured Lexus pulled into the iron gated entrance to the sprawling white Takishima mansion. It crept up the drive that ran past the carefully manicured lawns and curved around the fountain before the columned façade of the elegant dwelling and stopped before the staggered staircase. Exiting the driver's side the chauffeur went and opened the rear door with a deep bow…

Aoi exited the car first, followed by Kei who had instructions for the COO…

"Get started on that information pack for the media…you can get the bios from our personal family files." He reached down and took Hikari's hand, helping her climb out of the seat of the limousine so she could join them. As she came out Kei added sardonically, "And I'm sure you've got a dossier on Hikari from all that time you tried to split us up."

Aoi blanched as he responded, "I just followed what the Chairman demanded…his word…like yours Kei-sama, is absolute."

Hikari, hearing this exchange felt the need to interject. "He's right, Takishima…Aoi-san only did what oji-sama ordered him to do."

She gave an encouraging smile to the COO and while he responded in kind Kei felt his hackles rise as jealousy rippled through him. He placed a possessive arm about her waist and snorted, "Whatever…just get all that intel I know you gathered and compile it so I can go through it tomorrow afternoon. So get it done."

"Right away, Kei-sama." Aoi bowed and then headed to where his car was parked.

Hikari watched as he got in then drove away. She admonished, "Why do you have to be so harsh with Aoi-san?"

Still irked Kei demanded, "And why are you always sticking up for him?" Releasing her he snapped, "He kidnapped you twice, trying to keep us apart. Yet you still went to him when you wanted to come to my birthday party…I don't get it." He went over to the fountain edge and plopped down with his arms folded scowling…looking exactly like a spoiled child.

Hikari sighed softly and sat beside him. "I believe I told you why that night as you asked me to stay with you….and you accepted it then so why bring it up now?"

Kei turned his head and saw her face mildly perplexed by his dredging up old issues and he sighed as he willed his vexation away. Reaching to take her hand he said contritely, "Forgive me…I was still pissed by the way that reporter treated you and since he invited her it's really his fault."

"He was just doing his job," she pointed out sighing again, too exhausted by the day's events to argue.

"But she insulted and upset you," Kei said, his indignation back. "And don't tell me she didn't because I saw that it did." He added gently kissing her hand, "You hardly said a word on the way here…are you alright?"

Hikari shook her head. "I'm okay… just tired, Takishima…so would you just take me home?" She saw him grin in a strange way and asked, "Takishima?"

"No can do." Kei shook his head then continued, "Because you are home."

Eyes wide and incredulous Hikari said, "What?"

His grin widened as he replied, "It's a surprise. While we were gone I had all of your things moved here to your own private suite in my wing of the house…complete with a parlor, study area, shower and full whirlpool bath. You even have your own private veranda facing west so we can watch the sun set together." Still holding her hand he got up pulling her with him as he added, "C'mon and I'll show you."

But Hikari shook her head again as she asked, "Why…did you do that?"

Seeing her dismay Kei's grin faded and he answered, "Because we're engaged…and with your family in Kyushu it makes sense for you to live here with me instead of living alone. I was worried about you"

"I'm sorry you were worried but I was doing just fine living alone," she insisted but he was undaunted and plowed on.

"Besides it's tradition for the bride-to-be to come to live in her husband's home with his family…so it's not like we'll be by ourselves." Wistfully he said that then became disconcerted when she let go of his hand and looked around, seemingly lost in thought…

"Hmmm." Hikari glanced at the surrounding grounds of the mansion as she took in the opulence…the lush landscaped grounds, the luxurious buildings that made up the manor that included an air conditioned garage with its own heliport and the indoor and outdoor tennis courts and swimming pools. And there was far more luxury within the pure white walls of the mansion…she knew that because she had come here many times in the previous ten years, saw it firsthand and thought nothing of it. Because Kei was her best friend she accepted his life with no problem. They had been inseparable, competing with each other since they were six and he first defeated her, thus the gap in social status between them was never even considered. But now…

I never really noticed before how grand this place is, I guess probably because I knew Takishima was rich and I only visited and knew where my home was. It was the same when I went over to Akira's or Yahiro's or when we went on trips to villas they had but it was like going to a museum or hotel… and it was the same when we went to oji-sama's place in London, which is practically a palace. But now I guess I'd better get used to this as my life…but I don't know how I can…

Her eyes were then drawn to the diamond on her left hand, its sparkling facets reflecting rainbows as evidence of its magnificent cut and quality….nothing less for a future Takishima bride. However, she also saw it as a brand; a claim on her that was about to alter her life in a way she had never imagined. She had always thought of Takishima first as a rival to be beaten and humbled…the idea of them being together until very recently had been absurd to her…and the idea of becoming his wife was unthinkable…

Staring at her hand Hikari was admitting to herself but that's exactly what I'm going to be…his wife, the mother of his children…by his side through everything sharing his life…for better or worse, for richer or poorer…

"Hikari." Kei's voice purred a baritone in her ear, interrupting her reverie as his arms encircled her waist…pulling her fast to his chest as he asked softly, "Why did you pull away from me?"

She turned around and looked up into his limpid golden gaze…and suddenly felt like a captive bird about to be placed in a gilded cage. Shaking her head she murmured, "I'm sorry."

"Tell me what's wrong, koibito…please." His plea shook her to her core and her heart began to pound.

Heaving a sigh Hikari confessed, "I…didn't expect you to do that so quickly…move my things here to your house. I mean, we've only been engaged for less than a week and already everything's happening so fast."

Kei sighed and agreed, "Yeah, I know…" He cupped his hands around her flushed cheeks and continued, "But that's because it's all new. It'll calm down soon, I promise."

She pulled away and said anxiously, "What if it doesn't, Takishima? What if this becomes too big? We're still in high school; only seventeen…can we really handle getting married right after graduating high school?" Heaving another sigh she added looking downward, "We're not quite adults, you know…I don't want us to make a mistake that we'll spend the rest of our lives regretting."

Her wisdom in this undeniable Kei nodded and said, "You're right…and if I were any other average teenaged guy I'd agree. But my situation is unique, Hikari." He took hold of her chin to raise her eyes to meet his. "I've been on the Board of Directors of my family's company for the past two years and you know I attend the quarterly meetings regularly. At the same time, three major divisions have been exclusively under my control. In addition I've been called away by my father on numerous occasions to put out fires, handle crises, and I know the workings of the Takishima Group inside and out. That's why oji-sama decided to retire, because he's confident in my abilities to lead this company into the future. And I'm confident as well that I can handle the job."

"But that's work," Hikari pointed out. "This is marriage."

"I'm not finished," Kei admonished as he again cradled her face in his hands. "I love you and have loved you for over ten years…even when I entered puberty no other girl was real to me; it was only you. Even when all you wanted to do was beat me and denied that I loved you when Yahiro pointed it out, even though it killed me as I wondered if you felt the same I never turned to any other…it was always you. And it will always be you, Hikari…I don't want to share my life with any other woman but you." Her eyes were saucers as he smiled affectionately and finished, "And I intend to do everything in my power to prove to you that marrying me will not be a mistake. You believe that, don't you?"

Hikari, enthralled by his honest declaration nodded as peace flooded her being. Her affirmation then prompted Kei to respond by drawing her lips to his, kissing her tenderly as he wrapped an arm around her waist holding her into the firm grip of his love. And she reciprocated, looping her arms around him, kissing him back with an intensity to match his. The mutual passions shared became a vow of sorts, sealing the promise within the words spoken.

When they finally drew apart Kei said eagerly, "Now let's go inside and I'll show you your suite…I made sure that it would be a place that you'd find easy to call home."

He grabbed her by the hand and pulled her up the stairs and into the mansion…