AN: Yay! I've returned! *silence* Well, here we are, with the shuffle drabbles of LaviXAllen.

Rules: Put your player on shuffle and get ten songs, writing one drabble per song within the time.

Disclaimer: Once again, CotS owns nothing.
Me: That's it?
D: I've been out of practice, what do you expect?

Song: "Calling You" by Blue October

"'Lo?" Lavi asked tiredly. He had been more than annoyed when Komui dragged him out of bed in the middle of the night for a phone call, but now he was curious. Who the hell would be asking for him at this hour?

"It's me," Allen's voice replied quietly. It took Lavi a few moments to remember that his lover was in France for a mission, but he quickly regained his composure.

"Hey you," he murmured in what he hoped was a sexy manner, "how'd it go?"

He was greeted with silence, and then, "Can-can we just talk about that later? I just wanted to check up on you quick."

Lavi paused, worried, before chirping, "You know me, I'm fine. But you should've seen what happened to Yuu today…"

Allen just listened the entire time, happy just hearing the voice on the other end.

I'll do this in chapters, FYI. Don't forget to click the pretty button at the bottom!