A very frazzled James Potter enters the boy's dormitories where he finds a bored-looking Sirius Black writing a lengthy essay for Potions.

Sirius looks up to see James standing in front of him and before he can say a single word of greeting, he beats him to it, "I can't do it Sirius."

"Do what?" he asks confused as his usually calm and confident best friend, has seemed to have a dramatic change of personality and is pacing back and forth like a deranged lunatic.

"I can't go out with Lily, of course," he replies as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

Sirius rolls his eyes at his friend antics and tries to calm him, "Yes you can, I'm sure you'll converse about how unreasonable this Potions essay is over butter beers and a trip to Zonkos," Sirius reasons, "just stop pacing around like a nutter! You're making me nervous," Sirius sniffs his nose as a dreadful smell overwhelms his senses and he notices something he hadn't before, "and is that a sweat patch? You're perspiring! Dear God James, what the hell is the matter with you? It's just a date."

James ceases his pacing, sits down on his four-poster bed and buries his face in his hands, "God, I know. I'm a joke, acting like a pansy over a girl of all the things!" he wails over-dramatically, "James Potter does not get nervous about anything! Least of all a girl," he adds despairingly but a bit more sure of himself.

"There we go, that's better. Just, you know, relax and be yourself," Sirius' face falls at his most like likely bad advice, "or not."

"Sirius please, I've got this," his usual smug attitude is back. He gets up suddenly and smells his armpits, "but first, I think I'll go change my shirt, and maybe put on some cologne."

"You do that."

Forty minutes later, James is entering the common room to meet Lily for their date, with Sirius trailing closely behind.

The first thing Sirius notices, is that Lily has put a noticeable effort into her appearance. She appears to have done something to her - usually wavy – hair to make it sit straight, and she's wearing dressier clothes than usual – not anything too formal, but still a clear difference to her usual choice of outfit.

"Evans…" James greets taking in her appearance with appreciation, "You clean up nice," he drawls.

"Wish I could say the same," she says disdainfully, surveying his usual messy appearance.

Sirius decides it would probably be best to give the pair some privacy and goes to find Remus. He spots him sitting alone by the fireplace and heads towards him.

"Remus," he greets.

He sits up to greet his friend, "Sirius," he nods.

"Moony I was just thinking, this could quite possibly be the most entertaining event since the incident with Snivellus and James' first attempt at Levicorpus."

"Please tell me you're not thinking what I think you're thinking Sirius?" he asks grimly.

"Oh yes I am," Remus seems sceptical.

"And how exactly would you plan to do this? It's not like we can just follow them into the Three Broomsticks and be their double date, I mean we'd have to be invisible or…" the answer suddenly dawns on him, "James' invisibility cloak. But I really don't think this is a good idea and how would you even…"

Sirius interrupts him, "I'm one step ahead of you mate," he answers pulling the cloak out of his robes to show him, then tucking it safely away again. They spot James and Lily leaving the common room.

"C'mon lets go, they're leaving," the two of them check to see if anyone is watching, when they see that no one is, they slip on the cloak and follow the pseudo couple out of the common room, then out of the Hogwarts Castle then eventually to Hogsmeade.

Ahead of them, they see that James is attempting conversation, but they aren't close enough to hear what he's actually saying. Whatever he's saying though, doesn't seem to impress Lily very much.

"Let's get closer, I can't hear anything," Sirius suggests to Remus and they move closer just in time to hear the end of a story James is recounting.

"…hexed him and he broke out in these huge purple boils," he recites with a chuckle but stops upon seeing Lily's unimpressed frown.

"Charming," she replies indifferently and looks around anywhere but at James' face.

"This is going well," Remus comments sardonically from under the cloak, James looks behind him as if he had just heard something.

"Shhh!" Sirius hisses at him, as James seems to decide that he just imagined a noise, turns his head back around and slings his arm over Lily's shoulders.

"Oh come on Evans, it was just a joke."

Lily shoves his arm off of her shoulders roughly, "Well it wasn't very funny. I don't see why you and your little gang have to get your entertainment from hexing random people."

"Not random people," he justifies and shakes his head, "just the Slytherins and Hufflepuffs," he adds shamelessly.

Lily huffs agitatedly, "You know what? How about we stop story time now and go in here and get a butter beer," she suggests pulling James into the Three Broomsticks unaware of the two invisible teens following.

Lily pulls James into booth in a secluded corner, away from the noisier part of the bar. Sirius and Remus quietly take a seat in the booth immediately adjacent to them.

"Nice choice Evans, now we have a bit of privacy for activities of the more – how should I put it? – Risqué persuasion," he suggests with a kink of his eyebrows. Sirius has to physically restrain himself from snorting at his crassness.

Lily rolls her eyes, "You wish."

Unfazed, James replies, "Oh you know I do Evans, all…"

"For your own sake," she interrupts, "don't finish that sentence," she warns sternly.

"Ok then, how about you get us both some butter beers then," he suggests holing out a few galleons for her to take, "it's on me."

Lily looks annoyed at being ordered around but gets up to order the drinks nonetheless. It's all of two seconds later before he is turning to Sirius and Remus' booth to hiss, "I don't know what you two are playing at but you'd better be gone by the time Evans gets back."

"No can do Prongs," Sirius replies stubbornly from under the cloak. "How did you know we were following you anyway?"

"Are you kidding," he snorts. "You two may have the whole covert secrecy going for you because you're wearing my cloak, but when it comes to slyness and stealth, well let's just say those are my forte not yours."

"Are charm and eloquence also your forte? Because your last few remarks to Lily seem to firmly disagree with that," he teases mercilessly. "What was it he said Moony?"

"Oh I know," he doesn't bother waiting for Remus' reply, "it was something along the lines of 'now we have a bit of privacy for activities of the more risqué persuasion'," he imitates smirking.

James goes pink in the face, horrified, "Shut up and just piss of before she gets…" he stops as he turns his head to see Lily approaching carrying two butter beers and quickly turns around so his back is facing his invisible friends. "Leave," he mumbles quietly but loud enough so only they can hear him. They ignore his order and stay right where they are unmoving.

Lily sets the two glasses down on the table in front of James and sits down in the seat next to him. "Thanks Evans," he takes a sip gratefully.

"You know just for future reference, when on a date, the guy is usually the one getting the drinks," she tells him and takes a sip of her drink. It is apparent that she is at least slightly annoyed at his lack of dating etiquette.

"Future reference?" James questions, "You mean you're actually considering doing this with me again," he mocks but it is apparent to the other three teens that he is more than pleased with this, "I'm shocked," he smirks broadly.

She rolls her eyes. "I meant future reference for other dates," she corrects. James does not seem pleased at all by this.

"What have you already got Snivellus waiting on baited breath for a little play date and thought you'd weigh-out your options first," he practically snarls. Sirius and Remus were surprised he didn't turn green from the amount of poorly concealed jealousy radiating off of him.

"Not that it's any of your business, but Severus and I aren't friends anymore," she says sharply, James looks embarrassed at having jumped to conclusions.

"When did this happen?" he tries and fails to sound casual. Lily looks hesitant but decides to answer him.

"Ever since after the O.W.L.s when he called me a," she stops herself just before she says it, "well I'm sure you remember what he said," she looks down at her feet dejectedly. James is unsure what to do but decides to wrap an arm around her shoulders comfortingly.

"I'm sorry," he says earnestly, she looks up at him disbelievingly with a raised eyebrow.

"Please," she draws out the word to emphasise her disbelief, "you're not sorry, you hated that I was friends with him," she reminds.

"True," he confirms, "but I'm sorry you're upset about it." Lily, Sirius and Remus are all extremely surprised again at his sincerity. Upon seeing the look on her face, he becomes embarrassed and tries to cover up what he would have described as his "moment of weakness". "And besides you have a perfectly good and very single I might add," he attempts to seem like his arrogant self, "shoulder to cry on."

Lily chuckles a bit, smiles a wide genuine smile at him and moves a bit closer to him. "I'll keep that in mind," she says before leaning in to kiss him softly on the lips.

"Go James," Sirius whispers to Remus as they watch the kiss that started out chaste and sweet turn into a full blown snogging, from what they can see of James' face, he looks entirely too pleased with himself.

"I must admit, making her go from criticising his manners to snogging him in all of five minutes was mildly impressive," Remus admits bemused.

"A bit more than mildly," Sirius supports his best friend. "You think maybe we should give them some privacy?" He suggests.

"Yes definitely," he agrees looking away from the public display of affection with slight repulsion.

Remus and Sirius slide out of the booth as quietly as they can and try to make it to the exit while making sure the cloak covers every inch of them, although it probably wouldn't matter anyway as the pseudo couple are too preoccupied to notice a bomb dropping, let alone their friends ceasing their spying.

They eventually make it through the front exit, and then proceed to find an unpopulated place to take off the cloak.

"Finally," Sirius says after he has removed it, "I was getting claustrophobic under there," he complains.

"It was your idea," Remus reminds him.

"Yes. Your point?" he asks obstinately. Remus doesn't bother answering him as at that moment, James and Lily walk out of the Three Broomsticks holding hands and looking very much like two love struck teens.

"Oh look the happy couple has finally abandoned the love nest!" Sirius yells boisterously and James and Lily whip their heads around to where the two are standing.

"Sirius, Remus, not now," he tries to give them a pointed look that just screams at them to piss off, and Lily for the most part, just looks surprised at Sirius' spunk.

"Oh come on Prongs, lets not be too hasty," Sirius strides up to the pair and cuts through the middle of them so he can throw his arm around both of their shoulders. "We should be celebrating the long awaited union of our two friends. We all knew it was coming sooner or later, didn't we Remus?" Sirius turns to look at his friend standing awkwardly a few feet away from them.

"How about you leave a poor bystander out of this," he suggests pleadingly.

Sirius decides to be merciful. "Fine then," he moans over-dramatically. "Lily, do you have any comments to make about your recent submission to the dark side?

"Sirius, just stop, please, you're embarrassing yourself," she pleads. Sirius, annoyed at his dismissal takes his arms off of both of their shoulders.

"Fine, I'll stop," he huffs childishly.

"Thank you," the other three groan simultaneously. Sirius' rebuffed look quickly changes to a smirk as he says, "You know what this means don't you?" The stare at him awaiting his answer, "Raging party in the common room tonight to celebrate!"

"No," Lily and James say together, both horrified at the thought of publicly announcing their new relationship, and the four of them begin to walk towards the Hogwarts Castle.

As they walk along the path to Hogwarts, Sirius is still making suggestions, "Ok, how about we at least find some way to commemorate this day. Maybe an impromptu prank on some unsuspecting Slytherin?"

"I always did want to get them back for the Halloween incident," James muses, "Or maybe…"

Lily interrupts, "No, no, no, no, no. How about we all just hang out tonight? Remus do you agree," she asks the one person who she knows prefers to avoid possible confrontations almost as much as she does.

Before Remus can reply, James snorts obnoxiously, "Hanging out? What's the fun in that when there's so much potential chaos to stir-up?"

"I guess that's a 'no' then," Remus says gloomily.

"Cheer up Moony, we'll find something fun for you to do this time," says James.

"Yes much like the last time, and the time before that, and the time before that," he replies.

"Something tells me Moony's not looking forward to our impending exploits," Sirius jokes.

"I don't know what could have possibly given you that impression," says Lily.

"Was that a note of sarcasm I detected in your voice Evans?" James asks feighning shock.

"Don't act so surprised," she sniggers. James throws his arm around her shoulders.

"There's my feisty girl," he says with a proud grin.

"I'm not your girl," she says stubbornly. James is unfazed by her denial.

"Oh so it was some other girl I was snogging back there?" He asks and Lily turns bright red.

"No need to look so embarrassed Lily, Moony and I saw you two in your moment of bliss anyway." Sirius says and if possible Lily turns an even brighter shade of red, Sirius, taking a merciless pleasure in her mortification continues, "You know you had this precious little love-sick look on your face, it was so pathetically endearing," he mocks.

Lily stomps away angrily in humiliation and Sirius laughs hard.

"I guess I'd better go after her," James says and runs off to calm her down.

"That was fun," he concludes "just think Remus, a whole year of getting to antagonise James' girlfriend, I'll never be bored again."

"I know you won't," he replies knowingly.

The two friends continue the path along to Hogwarts discussing the recent events and joking about ways to torment Lily and James' recent coupling.

Oh yes, it was true; they'd certainly never be bored again.

Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling owns everything in this story. I sadly own nothing.

A/N: So this was actually meant to be a one-shot but a few people wanted more so i decided to add a second part. Just in case anyone's wondering, i didn't have Wormtail in this because I refuse to have that treacherous vermin in any of my stories. "He was their friend and he betrayed them. He was their friend!" Okay I'll stop my mini-rant and quoting of the Prisoner of Azkaban now, so I hope you all enjoyed that and don't forget to review :)