charliebrown1234: I don't show that moment, but you can definitely assume that's what happens - I couldn't imagine it any other way!

pronker: I think I struggled with the world-building more than anything, so I'm glad you liked the end result!

StoneBlack: Dorkfish? Ha ha, that's a new one! Thank you, Siddhari is the first major OC character I've written, so that means a lot!

Obiwan456 and Kelaria: *bows in gratitude*

Obi-Qui: Thank you. DRL kept me from "updating soon," darn it, but here it is, the final installment!


"Darth Vader raised his blood-red lightsaber, but this time, Obi-Wan Kenobi did not lift his weapon to block the blow. He looked to the side, at the young farm boy he had carefully watched over for the last 20 years, although the boy never knew it. The old Jedi smiled tenderly."

Luke's voice faltered a moment. Young Ben looked at him curiously.

"Obi-Wan looked back to the terrifying mask of Darth Vader, but he was not afraid. He had learned an ancient secret, one the Sith would never know. Death held no horror for him.

"Obi-Wan closed his eyes, and Darth Vader struck him down.

"The farm boy cried out in anguish as a tattered Jedi robe fluttered to the floor, empty. A lightsaber bounced to the floor, never again to be lifted by the hand that had wielded it for so long in the defense of innocents.

"The great warrior known as Obi-Wan Kenobi was gone."

Luke fell silent, and bowed his head over the pages.

"I hate sad endings," young Ben said with feeling, punctuating his criticism with a suspicious sniff.

Luke was using his left hand, the ungloved one, to rub the tears off his own cheeks. He cleared his throat gruffly and lifted up the book old Siddhari had to brought to him.

"Look at the book, Ben," he said gently. "This isn't the end."

Ben looked. There were still a number of pages left to read.

"How can the story go on, after the hero's dead?" Ben asked.

"That's an interesting question," Luke said with a mysterious smile. "We'll read the rest tomorrow night, and you'll see for yourself." He set the book on the nightstand, and kissed Ben's forehead. "Good night, son."

Luke had just reached the doorway and was reaching up to switch off the light when Ben suddenly sat up in bed.

"Father, do you think Obi-Wan Kenobi was related to Ben Kenobi? The old Jedi you named me after?"

"No," Luke said. He smiled at his son, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he did so. "No, they weren't related. They were the same man."

When Ben was settled into bed, Luke sat down on his own sleep couch and slowly leafed through the pages of the book, lost in thought. He lifted his head in surprise when a knock sounded on the door.

Luke opened the door, and smiled at the green-robed man standing there, his close-cropped hair graying and his shoulders stooped with age. "Come in, Your Grace," Luke said.

The Shaman of the Whills entered the room and looked at the book in Luke's hand. "Well, young Jedi, what do you think of my story?"

"It was wonderful," Luke said with feeling. "My son loved it, too. I can't thank you enough, Siddhari."

"It was my pleasure." Siddhari folded his hands in front of him. "And now, Master Skywalker, are you ready to receive another visitor?"

Luke creased his brow. "Another visitor? Who is it?"

"An old friend. One who has learned the path to immortality."

As he spoke, a powerful tremor swept through the Force, and Luke's eyes widened as he saw a pulsing blue light appear in the room. The light grew until it took the shape of a white-haired man dressed in a flowing brown robe.

Luke recognized him instantly, although his old master had not appeared to him for many years, and felt a rush of pleasure. "Ben!"

"Hello there," Ben said, with a twinkle in his eyes.

Luke shook his head in amazement. "I can't believe it - usually you only come when I'm in danger! What are you doing here?"

Ben raised an eyebrow. "I've come to give you your instruction."


A/N: A special thanks to all my loyal readers - you've made writing this story more fun than a barrel of monkeys! I look forward to reading your reviews.