Author's Note: *Runs and Hides*

Disclaimer: *Indicates that she doesn't own the Mighty Boosh and then runs and hides*

Warnings: Slash...


It almost felt like the seven-hour long drive had been for nothing, because by the time they had got there they were feeling miserable, and had argued and jibed at one another until the point that they just wanted to go home, without having to sit in the van together for a further seven hours. They just wanted to close their eyes and when they opened them be back at the flat, preferably in separate rooms.

Howard sat in the back of the van moodily, clutching a tea cup between both hands, deciding that this was going to be the last trip he'd ever go on with Vince; the Goth got too moody and fidgety on long journeys, especially if Gary Numan wasn't playing on a continuous loop.

He watched Vince from the window; the younger man was in the middle of a phone conversation with Naboo, trying to get the shaman to pick him up on his carpet, but Naboo was having none of it because he was in the middle of watching telly and was probably halfway high.

'You know what, then,' Vince stropped, 'Fine, forget it, I'll just stay here an' die o' boredom!'

Now that Howard thought about it, he wasn't too sure why Vince had gone into such a tantrum. They always had little arguments, and bickered quite a bit sometimes, it was just the usual comments they made to each other, nothing out of malice or spite, or at least that was what he had thought.

'Vince,' the maverick called as Noir flicked his phone shut with an agitated snap, 'Why don't you come and have some tea, eh?'

Vince ran a hand through his hair, 'I don't want tea,' he said, voice slightly wavering, 'I want...' he sighed, and dug his heel into the grass.

'At least come here then,' Howard said gently, putting down his empty tea cup, 'Come and sit in the van?'

'No!' Vince snapped back.

'Hey, what's the matter, Little Man?' Howard frowned, concerned, 'What's got you so upset? Is it something I've said?'

Vince looked at him, skinny chest heaving, patches of pale flesh visible through the strange lace top he was wearing. He drew nearer as Howard called him over, the silver chains on his belt chinking together, and when he was right up close Howard was taken aback for a minute by the way the moonlight fluttered across his features, the tiny delicate shadows under his eyelashes dancing across his distinct cheekbones, wide blue eyes glistening with tiny tears welling in the corners, his red shiny lips forming that alluring pout.

'Do you really think I look weird?' Vince murmured.

Distracted by Vince's lips moving, Howard forgot to focus on what words were coming out of his own, 'Of course not, I think you're beautiful- Oh! Shite, sorry, I- I mean...' his eyes darted around nervously, refusing to make eye contact with the young and intrigued Goth, 'Shit...'

Vince sighed, moving to put his hands on his narrow hips, head cocked slightly to the side, ebony hair falling onto his shoulder; 'You must be well embarrassed if you've just sworn that much. Actually, that does mean you have to put two euro in the swear jar when we get back...'

Howard simply blushed, sitting back in the back seat of the van, immersing himself in the dark.

Vince chuckled, placing one of his heavy boots on the step of the van, leaning in, 'Do you mean it, Small Eyes?' he smiled, softly.

'... Well... you are... very attractive to people...' Howard murmured.

'But am I attractive to you?' Vince's voice was low, laced with a smile.

'... I'm... not... sure...?' Howard felt his inside's twisting awkwardly, fighting to find a place to hide.

Vince climbed up into the van suddenly, smiling down at the Northerner who looked up at him in surprise as he straddled his lap, removing his hat to run a hand lazily through his curls before asking:

'How about now, Howard?'

'Erm...' he uttered a gasp as Vince ran a fingertip softly behind his ear, closing his eyes.

'Now?' Vince murmured.


Vince leaned forwards, pressing a kiss to the bare skin of the other man's neck, rocking against him as he did so, causing Howard to draw in a breath sharply.


Howard didn't reply with anything that time, just exhaled shakily.

'Still not sure?' Vince murmured, pressing another kiss to Howard's jaw, 'Cos other parts of you seem to have already made up their mind about me...'

Howard's blush went unnoticed in the dark of the van.

Vince smiled seductively, running both hands through Howard's hair, 'Aren't you gonna tell me not to touch you?'

Howard took a breath, 'I think...' he shuddered as Vince ran a finger languorously across his bottom lip, pulling it downwards slightly, 'You're alright...'

Vince leaned down again and repeatedly pressed kisses to Howard's mouth until the other man began to respond, then, when he was definitely sure Howard wasn't about to leap up and run for the hills he slid both arms around his best friend's neck, teasing his lips with the tip of his tongue, moaning when Howard surprised him by sliding his tongue into his mouth.

Without breaking the kiss, Vince began undoing the buttons on Howard's shirt, and if his mouth hadn't been busy he would have told him that he looked much better without it.

Howard shrugged the shirt off, pulling Vince against him, gasping as the smaller man ran his hands over his bare chest, fingers caressing his nipples. He broke the kiss, leaning his head back to pant for breath, and Vince began to kiss his neck, grazing the skin slightly with his teeth.

'Vince...' he wasn't sure if he was trying to tell him to stop or to carry on, or if he was just uttering his name as a prayer. His mind was racing, a tangle of thoughts: This was good, this was bad, this was Vince... Vince...

Vince gasped as the older man involuntarily bucked upwards, his obvious erection pressing into his own, making them both moan loudly and then pause, embarrassed by the sounds they had made.

Then Vince was sliding downwards, swiftly undoing Howard's belt and yanking his trousers down, the other man almost subconsciously lifting his hips so Vince could pull them down, still wrapped up in his panicked thoughts, startled and unbelievably turned on as a shaft of moonlight speared through the window and shone across Vince's face, revealing a lustful, predatory expression.

Vince cupped him through his underwear, 'How do you feel about me now...?' he breathed.

'Uh...' Howard bucked his hips again as Vince ran a thumb over the head of his straining erection through the material, and all the thoughts and negative feelings he had disappeared, blurring into pleasure, 'What d'you think...!' he spluttered.

Vince smiled, 'Hm...' he touched him again, 'I'm not too sure you do like me...'

'I do...' Howard moaned, 'I fucking love you, Vince...'

Vince paused for a second, an unreadable expression flickering across his face before it was replaced with another dark, lustful one and he silenced him with a deep kiss, 'Three euro...' he uttered, cheekily, '...Seeing as you like me that much I can probably do this...'

He yanked Howard's pants down, making him gasp and squirm as he was freed, before flashing him a sexy smile and taking the head of his erection into his mouth.

'Oh Christ Vince!' Howard's hands shot to Vince's hair, gripping tightly, and the younger man swatted them away as he pulled it too roughly.

'Vince... Vince...' Howard moaned, legs quivering, trying not to buck upwards.

Vince placed his hands on Howard's thighs and slowly took him deeper into his mouth, as far as he could.

'Vince!' Howard's hands were back in the Goth's hair again, running through the ebony locks. He whimpered, head thrown back, biting his lip to stop a stream of incoherency from pouring out.

Vince sucked harder, swirling his tongue around the head, speeding up his actions, and Howard lost all composure and bucked upwards involuntarily into Vince's mouth, and Vince's hand gripped firmly around the base of his erection to stop him from doing so again.

'Vince... Vince...' Howard panted, as if it was the only word he knew. He was overwhelmed by the sensations of Vince's warm wet tongue on his flesh, and could do nothing but moan as he came, shuddering.

Vince swallowed as a reflex, holding him in his mouth until he had finished trembling, caressing his thighs.

Howard, face flushed, eyes closed, was shocked as Vince crawled up his body and whispered, voice low and needy, 'Howard, please...' he felt the smaller man's erection press against his thigh.

Slowly, still recovering from his own intense climax, he moved to remove Vince's belt, and unzipped his jeans, reaching into his pants and holding him.

Vince moaned and thrust into his hand, falling against him, 'Howard!'

'Shhh...' Howard whispered, vaguely remembering they were in the van. He ran his hand firmly along the shaft, caressing the tip with his hand, drawing a keening moan from the kiss swollen lips of his best friend.

'Howard...' Vince ran his tongue across the skin of Howard's neck, biting his shoulder.

The noises Vince was making sent shiver's down Howard's spine, and he used his free hand to squeeze Vince's backside, moving the hand on his throbbing erection faster, and Vince bucked helplessly into his hand, whining Howard's name as he came hard over the other man's fist, collapsing against him.


'How about now?'

Howard opened his eyes to look into a pair of surprisingly serious blue ones.

'What do you mean?' his voice was low and tired.

'How do you feel about me now?' Vince wanted to know, curled on the seats beside the larger man.

Howard paused before asking, 'Do you promise you won't laugh?'

A sideways smiled played across Vince's lips, 'You know I can't promise that,' he brushed strands of Howard's hair from his face.

'Vince,' Howard sighed, frowning, 'I'm serious. I'm not saying anything if this is all just some kind of joke to you,'

'It's not,'

'Then... well I love you, Vince,'

When Howard saw the moonlit expression on Vince's face he automatically suspected the worst. Vince's eyes were sparkling softly, and a gentle smile was making the corners of his mouth twitch.

He was going to laugh at him, just like before.

'You know what,' Howard tided himself abruptly and clambered his way into the front seat, 'We should get going,'

'Wait, I was gonna...' Vince scrambled into the front passenger seat, placing a hand on Howard's thigh, squeezing slightly, 'I love you too,'

Howard looked at him hard, searching his expression for any signs of laughter and finding nothing but sincere affection, '... Really...?'

'Yeah,' Vince murmured.

The sight of Vince, blushing in the moonlight, sent a pleasant shiver down Howard's spine, 'Maybe enough to do what we did earlier again...?' he breathed.

Vince smiled and bit his lip, looking at the older man through dark lashes, cheeky eyes giving Howard all the answers he needed.

I'm da moon

You know, if you are da moon, you can see everything.

You... you can 'ave a little look an' see what's going on on da planets, and you can look in da people's windows.

The other day I was tryin' to see what was goin' on on Venus, but he got all angry an' said he wasn't a telly.

He went all red an' people thought he was Mars!

A minute ago, I looked down onto da Earth, an' I looked in the window of... a van, an' it was disgusting.


You won't believe what I saw!

Heh Heh!

I'm da moon,

Da all seein' moon.

Author's Note Two: *Come out from hiding place, clearly blushing* That was my first proper slash/smut so tell me what you think, please! If anyone has been reading Invisible, I'm having major writer's block so don't want to post any more chapters yet in case they aren't up to scratch! I'm writing drabbles at the moment in the hope it might help, so if there's any short stories you want me to write, let me know! *^.^*

*Runs away again*