Okay, so I lied. THIS is my last post for a month. This just invaded my head and I couldn't help but write it down. I know it's short. But good, right? Right? XD

Will Schuester thought he had seen it all; his kids in Lady Gaga outfits, Sandy Ryerson receiving a restraining order from Josh Groban, Kendra's freakish, ginger demon-children. There was nothing in the world that could scare him.

Until one fateful Monday morning. Will was at the school early to compose a new mash-up for the glee club when he heard shouting. Turning the corner, all of his deepest, darkest secrets seemed to materialize before his eyes.

"I don't know what I've been told."

"I don't know what I've been told!"

"Cheerios are strong and cold."

"Cheerios are strong and cold!"

Sue was standing at the end of the hallway, hands behind her back. Facing her was what Will could only describe as an army of teenage girls, all in red cheerleading uniforms.

"Sound off!"

"One, two!"

"Sound off!"

"Three, four!"

Sue examined her army with icy pride, standing tall and proud in her blood-red tracksuit.

"Cheerios! Turn and march! To the gym!" The army swiveled as a unit and marched towards Will, eyes cold and determined. He pressed himself against the lockers, terrified as they passed him.

Sue followed up in the back, a Cheerio on each side. Santana was on her left, smirking at Will as they passed. But it was not Brittany as Sue Sylvester's right-hand man – no, it was Kurt.

The slender boy gave Will a quick, genuine smile before setting his face in a serious mask. Schuester internally groaned – glee club was once again infiltrated by Sue's number-one lackey.

"Ah, William. I thought I smelled failure, and it certainly wasn't from my unstoppable band of Cheerios. Impressed? Scared? Good."

She turned clasping her hands behind her back again. "Welcome to a new-world order, Schuester."

Sue marched forward, looking more and more like a super-freaky-Nazi-dictator or something with every step. Kurt and Santana both glanced back at Will one more time before following their coach to the gym.

Will Schuester felt the color slowly draining out of his face as they left. His head felt dizzy, and childhood fears of evil super-villains resurfaced.

"Oh, dear god."