WARNING: This fanfiction will contain various LEMON scenes involving older men with younger boys. If this offends your eyes, then I suggest you not read it. HRT!

Disclaimers: I DO NOT OWN Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler or Vampire Knight in any way, shape, or form. They both belong to their respective mangaka and I worship them for making these brilliant mangas/animes! The only thing I own in this is the idea and the right to make the characters seem totally OOC whenever I want. :D Uhh yeah... Anyway, ENJOY! HRT!

It was a typical night, carrying out the Queen's orders to get rid of some psycho. This time around, it was some sicko who was draining people of their blood each night. Probably for some cult ritual, which seemed to make the young Earl restless. They were using him as bait again, which had already put Ciel in a bad enough mood. He had only been told about the possible cult involvement after he had been dressed in the rags he used for blending in with society.

"Damn it. If I had known about that, I wouldn't have been out here. I'd have sent Sebastian to hurry up and do this work." Ciel muttered to himself, shivering lightly as he pulled his arms tightly around himself. It was cold out here, and there surely wasn't a sign of anyone prowling around.

"This is so ridiculous." he grumbled, sighing heavily. He raised a hand subconsciously to the eye patch on his right eye, sighing again as he fell back against a wall and slid to sit on the gravel. If he had to wait out here any longer, he was seriously going to chew off Sebastian's ear when they returned to the mansion. Stupid demonic butler...

Never had he thought that he would be traveling like this. It was really something, being in a place like England. Not just anywhere, though, he was in London! The shock had worn off some time ago, though, as he realized why he was here. So there were Level E's all over the world, then. Just another job for the vampire hunter. Zero stood atop a building, overlooking the slumbering city. They had no idea what had taken residence here. And they would never know, once he was finished.

"What the hell..?" Zero blinked, attention pulled to a figure sitting against a building some ways away. A boy? Oh great, just what he needed. Someone was being stupid enough to leave their kid out in the streets like this, when there was talk of 'cults' and whatnot? He'd have to-

"Shit!" he cursed aloud, dropping to the ground quickly. He had seen only a split sight of the red in the alleyway beside where the kid was. He didn't have to see more, he could smell the disgusting blood of the vampire. He took off through the streets, mind reaching out in memory to find the one he needed. His hand slid inside his jacket, reaching for the silver gun that read 'Bloody Rose' on one side. He'd have to make quick work of the vampire before the kid noticed.

Ciel had been sitting there for a good half hour or more, grumbling to himself something about stupid demons. His attention shifted to the alley beside him, eye narrowing as if he had seen something. He sighed harshly. It was nothing, yet again. He had just raised a hand to his eye patch again to call back his butler when a form leaped out of the shadows toward him. He had a split second to react, heart racing as he rolled out of the way.

"What the hell?" His body pushed to stand, gaze on the shadowed form that slowly rose to stand slouched, facing him. He froze, paralyzing fear taking him by surprise at what he saw. Blazing red eyes stared back at him, the creature's mouth open to reveal unreal fangs - sharp and ready to cut. What the hell was this? Where was-


Ciel flinched, eye closing at the sound of a gun being blasted off. He stood still for a moment, hands over his ears as the creature made an unreal screech. It was silent for several moments before he heard the tap of shoes on pavement. He slowly lifted his head to gaze over at the silver haired man, blinking a few times. Who the hell was this? Where was Sebastian?

"Oi. What the hell do you think you're doing, wandering around here at night?" the man snapped as he stopped several paces away. Ciel bristled instantly.

"I was doing my job, asshole. And who the hell do you think you are, talking to me like that!" he snapped back, irritation written plainly on his face. The man glared back at him, his lavender eyes betraying a hint of red. Ciel paused, blinking at him. Was he a demon? But why would a demon use a gun, and on a human like- He stopped cold. He gazed at the pile of sand where the creature had been, a mix of emotion flicking over his face. No, he had no right to call it a human. He knew it wasn't, but...

"Bocchan." a familiar voice snapped him out of his thoughts, head turning back to gaze at the raven-haired butler that had appeared behind him. The demon smirked lightly.

"Bastard! Where the hell were you?" he growled through gritted teeth, holding back that strong urge to throw his hand against that perfect face of his. Sebastian bowed slightly, only causing Ciel to bristle more.

"I apologize, Bocchan. I merely waited for this man to take care of my work. I knew you were safe, so I returned to the mansion to prepare your bath." the butler spoke as he straightened. Ciel blinked, as if just remembering the other man, and turned to look at him. He seemed different, on edge. Maybe he really was a demon, and he could sense that Sebastian was too. Who knew?

Zero had glared at the boy as he had snapped back at him. If there was one thing he couldn't stand, it was vampires. Though he also couldn't stand bratty kids like this boy. He opened his mouth as if to speak back, though it shut instantly as a form appeared as if from nowhere. His hand went to the handle of his gun, though he stood in silence. 'Bocchan'? So wait, this kid was an Earl? England was strange, he knew, but having kids as the Master of an entire household? What the hell was this place?

As soon as he caught those red eyes in his gaze, he tensed. Wait, was this butler a vampire? No.. his blood smelled wrong. His blood smelled old, older than even the Purebloods. Not only old, but evil. Almost like this man was the darkness itself.

"...I merely waited for this man to take care of my work..." he heard the butler say. Wait. Was he just used for doing someone's dirty work? That pissed Zero off a lot more than he already was, and he turned as if to leave.

"Wait a minute." he heard. The arrogant, bratty boy. He glanced back to look at him, eyes narrowed in a glare.

"What is it?"

"Come back to the mansion with us. I'm quite curious about you."

Zero stared at him for a long moment. Was this kid for real? The smile on the boy's face creeped him out a little, put him on edge again. His gaze traveled to the butler, whose face was a blank expression of perfection. His eyes narrowed again before turning his attention back to the boy.

"Why the hell would I go with you? We don't even know each others' names." he said, looking for an excuse to leave. The boy wasn't letting him off easy, though.

"I am Ciel Phantomhive, owner and proprietor of the Funtom company. Master of the Phantomhive household. This is my butler, Sebastian." he said. Zero paused. He had heard of the Phantomhives, and surely seen all of the window displays with Funtom products. So the Master of all of that was this boy, Ciel? He turned to face the two, thinking swiftly. He wanted to know more about the butler, and Ciel wanted to know more about him. He figured they could.. trade information.

"Zero Kiryuu, and I think that's all you need to know..." he replied at last. He left the rest of his sentence unsaid, and he was sure that Ciel knew what he had meant. The boy seemed pleased, and turned back to speak quietly to his butler.

"Sebastian, go get the carriage. And be quick about it. I want to get home and bathe as quickly as possible. I'm tired and want to be ready for my.. chat.. with Mr. Kiryuu tomorrow." Ciel spoke to Sebastian. The demon gazed at him for a long moment, not really liking the idea, but he bowed at the waist.

"Yes, My Lord." he said simply, disappearing to go pull up the carriage. Ciel watched him for a moment before gazing at Zero once again. He gave a small smirk, his lips widening as he saw the man turn his head away to glare off.

'This will be most interesting..'

'This is such a pain..'