I'm so sorry for not updating this story in what seems forever. I'm not one to usually make excuses but get ready to have some very valid excuses thrown at you.

#1. Not long after I posted the first two chapters my stepfather destroyed the journal it was written in on purpose.

#2. The computer that I had started written the next chapter on had a malfunction with the charging port and when the guy gave it back to me after scanning it almost everything was deleted.

#3. My mother and I had been living with physical, emotional, and verbal abuse for about twelve years before it escalated so badly that my mother came home with bruises all over her because my stepfather beat her cause he was once again drunk. We packed our bags days before he arrived home from driving back from California to Texas but he lied to us on when he would be back and walked in to the house thirty minutes after my mom spoke with him. We loaded all our stuff up and we both ended up spending two weeks on a friends couch before our rental agreement went through.

#4. After we moved in I started to get sicker than usual, I had been sick for many years now, and I was usually laid up in bed. So of course I was buried in homework from my teachers because I would miss weeks at a time.

#5. We moved once again not even a year later to California and I'm still technically living out of boxes two years later and can't find a single thing including my flash drive which I downloaded all my stories onto from my desktop.

#6. Because I graduated early twice I was enrolled in college and still being sick it drained a lot of my energy, by the way if anyone is thinking about going into photography for college let me just warn you now that the developer hurt like hell if you have even a tiny scratch on your hands, so I was pretty much put on bed rest the days I didn't have classes.

There are more reasons but I already feel like I'm whining here. As I said earlier I am sorry for not updating. I will try to add another chapter but it still may be a while.

Oh, and before I finish this I would just like to tell the person who flamed me, as I don't really doubt they are watching for updates so they may flame me more, that the first time I read your message I busted out laughing in the middle of homeroom and occasionally I will pull it up when I need a good laugh. So thanks for making laugh even if that wasn't your intention.

Thats all for now. Thank you for your reviews and follows, I appreciate it.

