Hot Tub MomentsPart 1

Me: "Hello Everyone! Welcome to a new Random/Fun Series of 'Hot Tub Moments - 1'In this series we will haveā€¦ Yoko Kurama!"Yoko Kurama: "Hm"Me: "Sesshomaru!"Sesshomaru: "This is ridiculous."Me: "Yusuke"Yusuke: "Explain WHY I'm doing this again?"Me: "Cuz I said!"Yusuke: "Well... at least your hot so its not so bad."Kuwabara: "Yeah! You look really good in a Bikini Tiff!"Me: *rolls eyes*Yoko Kurama: "I agree" *smirk*Me: *blush* "Thanks Yoko"Kuwabara: "Why you blush when he says it but roll your eyes when we say it?"Yusuke: "Yeah!"Sesshomaru: "Maybe because he is a better person then you two"Me: "I do have to admit out of all of you only wearing either shorts or pants, Yoko and Sesshomaru take the prize for best looking"Yoko Kurama and Sesshomaru: *Chuckle*Yusuke and Kuwabara: *Pretend Sob*Me: *giggle* "I'm kidding, your all awesome."*Yoko moves closer and I soon feel a hand on my left leg*Me: *blush* "What do you think your doing?"*Yoko glances at Sesshomaru, both smirk and Sesshomaru moves closer and places one hand on my right leg*Me: *blush deepens**Yoko and Sesshomaru glance at each other then continue to slowly move their hands up my legs, they lean in with their lips to my ears*Yoko: *whisper* "You know what would be fun right now?"Sesshomaru: *Chuckle*Me: *blushing still* "Don't you dare.."

Splash!*I quickly get my head above water and take in fast breaths as I look around*Yusuke and Kuwabara: *laughing uncontrollably*Yoko and Sesshomaru: *trying not to laugh*(very poorly, I might add)Me: "Now, your in trouble!" *I jump over them, reaching for all of them, and pull them underwater with me* (lets say the hot tub is deep and has seating around the edge, just for fun ;])*I float around underwater and soon grab a hold of a seat above me and pull myself on it. I look around to see the others to the same, we look at each other in silence. After a moment we begin laughing*

Me: *looks at the time on the wall* "Oh!, its time to end this episode!

Next time on Hot Tub Moments there will be a couple more guests and they both have a problem with each other so I hope they don't break anything or each other.."

Yusuke: "Join us next time on.."

Yoko Kurama: "Hot Tub Moments"

Me: "Part 2!"

Everyone: "Bye" *waves*