A/N: Just a little idea I had about Tenma, Alone, and the Gold Saints being the roses of Sasha's life. I decided to use a different color rose for each person and write a short (100-150 words) prompt about the meaning of that color flower. I will be posting the prompts in random order, 3 at a time. enjoy.

Prompt: White Rose-Innocence

Character: Alone

Word Count: 116

He'd always been the one who needed protecting, the one with a heart so soft that any form of cruelty sliced at it. He valued life of all forms, believing animals to be no less important than people. Deep down, he knew that humans basically had nothing but good intentions, they simply sometimes had a hard time making the right choices. He loved the world and its many colors, the sunshine, the rainbows, stars in the night sky, the grass under his feet. He loved the brightness of life around him. Then slowly, that brightness started to vanish. The world lost its color. He lost himself. On a swirl of black hair, his innocence floats away.