Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia or the characters.

Warnings: Profanity (Romano's POV – 'need to say more?) and human names used.


Chapter 1

Rotten Tomato

Facing the things as they are... it isn't that bad.

Sure, there is nothing to do, and, my only company is my idiotic brother, who keeps whining, over and over again, about the same subject: his bloody potato freak. But, I have a thing in my favour: the dinner. I'm not in charge today, which means I can just relax on the couch without caring a thing.

Then, again, there isn't anything to do.

The TV only shows crap, I've watched every freaking film that we have, and, there isn't anything going on. For once. In the world, I mean. No wars or conquests. Just the damn crisis and stuff alike. Not that I'm saying I want a war. No, I didn't say that. But... I never got bored when I was little... there were so many things going on... and I was at Spain's, who didn't spent the day talking about some idiotic potato-head. I-I'm not saying I want to live there again, either. It's just... I never told him, but... it wasn't as bad as I made it seem, at that time.

Except for one thing.

Every time I did things wrong... he never... he always... He was quite nice. Not that I'm going to say that to his face. Ever. But, he was. He is, dammit!

Not to mention... how can anyone be so... cheerful, all the time? The bastard is always freaking smiling! H-How is that even possible? I wonder if his face ever gets tired of that. It must, right?

I remember one time, back when I was little, I wanted to see if he could just stop being so bright for a considerably long while. I kept on doing crap (even if it wasn't on purpose), however, I tried extra hard to act like it wasn't such a big deal.

But, as always, after the initially surprised reaction, he would always, always, give me a little sad smile and clean up the mess I did. It wouldn't take even an hour, before he was all happy again, trying to hug everyone, like the fate of his country, his people, freaking depended on it.

I mean, his parenting methods... where the hell are they? Shouldn't he had punished me for messing up and stuff? 'N-Not saying I would accept any punishment without freaking hinting him or something, but... how could he know that? Am I that bad... that aggressive and... that much of a bastard?

I'm like a rotten tomato... ain't I?

I mean, what's the point in eating it, if it will taste like crap?

What's the point in educating me- Heck! What's the point in even be alongside me, if I'll... act like a piece of crap...

Which means everyone noticed this so far. Except Feliciano, of course, but, he's dense as a rock, so, I'm not that surprise. And, he's always eager to go to his damn idiot potato head, anyway. He could spent all day long praising him... well, he actually does... but, when it comes to say something nice about me he just puts up a sorrowful look and awkwardly backs away.

A rotten tomato. Nice.

That was sarcasm, by the way.

It sounds like quite some philosophical shit, doesn't it? I wonder if-

Someone rang the doorbell. I look over to the wall clock just to see it's a little past eight. Who the hell- If it's that potato-head, he won't freaking take Feliciano with him. He's cooking the damn dinner, dammit! If he thinks he can just appear in here and take him away, he's freaking dreaming! I'm not going to starve just because he wants to get laid or what the hell that they do at his house. Bastards.

"Brother, brother~!" Great. Now, it's the time when he tells me I have to make my own freaking dinner. When I was at Spain's, he would never, ever do that. Even when the wine bastard and the crazy albino dude stopped by, he would finish the damn dinner and eat with me. I could yell and kick him, he would still stay.

I remember once... I was about to go in his living room when I realized he was at the phone. I hesitated for a brief second and accidentally heard the end of the conversation.

«I'm sorry, Francis. I want to stay here tonight. You guys go on without me.»

I remember I was about to jump in front of him, demanding him to go away and leave me alone.

«I-I'm just worried. I couldn't have any fun being somewhere else but with Lovi, I would be to concern about him, you know that.»

«Yeah, that makes sense. The tomato bastard is concern I'll set his damn house on fire or something, isn't he?» I remember thinking that.

«He's so young... I don't want him to grow up feeling lonely. He needs to realize I really do care about him.»

I believe my exact thoughts, at that moment, were «THE HECK.».

Anyway, that was quite troublesome at the time. I started working harder to try and help him without his recognition. I was very confused, I really wanted to know if that was true. But, as always, I screwed things up. His sad smile felt more and more like a punch in the guts, every time I saw it.

"Brother~! Are you listening?"

I guess I dozed off for a bit. But, I shall leave such things behind me for now, since I'll have to get myself some freaking dinner. I'm not seeing potato bastard waiting around for Feliciano that much. He will probably end up kidnapping him if I don't get in the kitchen (from where Feliciano's voice is coming) quickly. They seem to be glued together, more and more, each day it passes.

"Just go already, you idiot! I'll be fine by myself!" I spat the words out, teeth pressed together in irritation. I don't care if I stay alone... again. Chigi! I need no one!

And, just as I was trying to believe my own thoughts, I hear a confused "Vee~?" coming from the other side of the living room door, and, in about two seconds, the said door was open to reveal the ones that probably are the most clueless idiots on earth.

"L-Lovi~!" the green-eyed idiot started, with a nervous, yet wide, smile. "What was that about, hehe~..."




This must the be the most boring chapter of the whole story (I always have troubles with beginnings). I know where this is heading, so... don't get scared away just yet. Hehe~ ^^;

By the way, this is the first fanfiction I upload here. I would be very happy to know if there is someone interested in continuing reading this. ))

Also, I am very sorry about any possible mistakes. You see, English is not my mother language. ''OTL

Ergo, I hope you guys like it~. ^^