My dear readers;

Under the given circumstances I'm saddened to inform you that I've taken the heartfilled decision to put this story on Hiatus indefinitely. I simply have stumbled into a situation where I have seen myself forced to handle this way, because I am currently out of both time and surplus to continue for the time being. Unfurtunately I can't even put on a date as for my return, but I can promise you this much that I will fight hard to keep my absence as brief as possible, right now everything is just looking quite grim.

I apologize to my fullest for this inconvience and would more than like to deepen the cause of this decision, but as it is, it is quite private and I would rather keep it for myself, therefor I ask for your understanding.

I am really so very sorry. Personally I hope this will be solved in the very near future, but I simply can't promise too much. All I can ask of you is a little patience. I will still be around, but I can not promise updates for as long as may it take. I hope for your forgiveness on this matter, but do know that this was extremely hard for me to decide.

Thank you in advance for reading this, and I really do hope I'll see you all very soon!
