DiTab1, sweetie, thank you so muck for your work with the beta-reading again. But mostly thank You for the title! Yes guys, the title was her idea. A really good idea i must add :P

Okey guys, here is my next cookie for ya! This is a bit darker than my previous works...what 'bit'? So much darker actually...

I'm also suggesting a music to the fic: Yann Tiersen - Comptine d'un Autré Été. You can easily find it here: www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=CgYnRh8ACGQ This is an amazing and beautiful piece of music, it makes me shiver every each time I listen to it.

I really hope you won't have a problem with 'who is who' and 'who did what'... :3

PLease enjoy,

Lost and Found

He walked through a dark room, than saw the closed door. He threw himself against it and the doorframe surrendered with a loud crack. Wood splinters were all around him, his shoulder was aching like hell, but he didn't care. Because he found what he was searching for. Finally he found him.

The view that unfolded in front of him made him almost cry.

"No..." he whispered.

Chains and ropes tied him up to the wall, holding him firmly. His body spread as if he had been crucified.

He was dying. He didn't know why or how but he knew it for sure, the man in front of him was dying. He wondered if he was already too late. If he had already died. But that could not be possible. He is an angel, after all. He couldn't die like this. Right?

Step by step he got closer to the motionless body. At the edge of the room, he saw his clothes. The ugly trench coat, the black suit and the white shirt were tossed against the wall, dirty and grimy, ripped apart. Only his trousers and his tie were left on him, God knows why.

No wounds could be seen on him but his body was broken. His head had fallen languidly back, eyes closed, probably forever.

There was a chain around his wrists, ankles and chest. A thick rope was weaving around both of his arms and legs making him stay in that position. It had cut into his skin as he grabbed it resolutely, he didn't want to fall to the filthy ground.

He touched his face gently as if it was child's face and wiped off a teardrop that had fallen long ago. His vision blurred and a wet drop started streaming down his own face. The teardrop fell to the dirty floor and it wasn't alone. Others followed it, coloring the dust even darker. He caressed the white, pale skin with his thumb as he carefully removed the chains and ropes. The bonds left red stripes all over his skin. It hurt him to see him like this.

He didn't wake up. He didn't open his eyes, didn't gasp for air... Maybe he never would.

He lay on the blood covered ground with his head on his lap. As he caressed the raven hair, he knew those eyes would never open up again. He knew he would never see the ocean in his look again. And he cried over his lover's dead body.

He was crying because he wasn't here when it happened. He had to die alone.

He was crying because he could not do anything to bring him back. To bring him home. Now he had to live alone, without him.

He was crying because he was the only one he had ever let himself get close to and now he was dead. The only one he had ever truly loved was gone

He let his tears stream down his face as he held his lover. His angel.

He wakes up sweating and shaking. After this dream, somehow he feels more broken. He could never bear with the loss of his lover. Never.

Suddenly an arm slides to his chest followed by a whole body. The warm skin over his torso eases away all of the shaking from his bones. His heart calms as he folds his arm around the naked chest. He holds him tight, feels his every breath.

"Another nightmare?" he asks, pulling him closer.

He nods silently. His face is wet. Every fallen teardrop was real and those, which are falling now, are just as real.

He is crying because he managed to get there in time and he saved him.

He is crying because he brought him back home safely. Now they can live together and share a life.

He is crying because the only one he let close to himself is right next to him. And he will always remain there.

He looks into the ocean blue eyes and kisses him.

"I love you, Castiel."

"I love you too, Dean."

He is crying again, but these are tears which show only happiness.

And now tell me please what you think :)