I do not own Harry Potter

Just a one-shot I did because I was between chapters

Doubly Lucky

Felix Felicis…Liquid Luck

It can make the user obscenely lucky for a while if taken in a large enough dose; but dangerous because it causes bad side-effects like dangerous overconfidence, giddiness and recklessness.

But that mattered little to James and Lily Potter, they were trying for children but they just couldn't seem to make it happen, so they decided to take a large dose each of Felix Felicis and see what happened

Well it worked and Lily found herself pregnant after the first try, and nine months later Harry James Potter was born

But the luck didn't hold as James and Lily felt victim to Voldemort but Harry survived in an almost inconceivable display of luck survived and some how ripped the bonds that held Voldemort to his horcruxes on Earth by striking with both the killing curse and a blast of his own magic

Because his parents had had such large doses of Felix Felicis in their bodies when they had conceived him he had inherited it into his own genetic make up

It wouldn't fade; he now had almost unbelievable amounts of luck

The second showing of this luck appeared later that night when Dumbledore left him on the doorstep of the Dursleys to experience a life of pain, fear and misery. A policeman passed the house on his way home, he found Harry and took him to the nearest social services department as a sudden gust of wind blew Dumbledore's letter away

He was placed in an orphanage but was not there for long, a wealthy young couple named Benjamin and Sofia who were looking for a child to adopt, to give a home and the green eyes by Harry caught their eye. They took him home that very day and brought him up in warm caring surroundings with siblings that came down the years.

As a child he won competitions almost without fail and became known as 'Lucky Larry' only because Larry rhymed with Harry and they knew that was his name from the label in his clothes and blanket when he was brought in

His parents when he was 5 moved to America where he was educated in the best education institutions in the US where he often got scholarships due to his performance. He was highly intelligent and no puzzle could elude him. He was always in just the right place at the right time to make a friend that he could trust and future contacts that could be useful

He also was excepted into the Sorcery Academy in California at the same time as he finished junior high school and arranged into an intensive programme where both normal high school and magical education, designed to make the magical and muggle geniuses

Meanwhile the special luck rubbed off on his adopted family; his step-parents whose computer business went through the roof and started to really expand and his siblings started to develop magic of their own and having high IQ's.

The years past and Harry at 17 started to work at his parents' company which was now multi-national and very diverse in operations; he created new tech and programs as he climbed the ranks. When he was 22 he met a young blond French girl named Gabrielle Delacour aged 19 who was a model in America for a shoot.

A year later they were married

He lived the rest of his life with Gabrielle and his adopted family; taking over the company when his parents retired and having many healthy children and for years people in the UK wondered where their hero went and an old headmaster who died in what would have been Harry's 7th year wondering how his plans had gone wrong

All down to luck…

I changed Gabrielle's age closer to make a pairing more viable

Just a random idea floating in my head, so I decided to make a one-shot