This is my first soul eater story, so enjoy! I don't own soul eater!

My feelings for Liz


I entered the school with my partners Liz and Patty, in a perfect line, of course.

"Oh, no!" I shouted

"What now, Kid?" Liz asked me.

"My frame, it's-"I stopped.

"What Kid?" Liz asked me.

"Yeah spill it!" Patty shouted.

"It's slightly to the left!" I shouted. "I'm symmetrical garbage, how can I forget, I can't take my father's place making mistakes like this!" Liz and Patty stared at me like I was nuts.

"Look, Kid, if we go back we'll be late for class!" Liz explained to me. Liz and Patty dragged me to Mr. Stein's class.

"It's time for a test everyone!" Mr. Stein shouted.

"Ahhhhhhh!" I screamed. " My pencil!" I whispered to Liz for a pencil.

"Liz! Liz!" I whispered to her. Her pencils were so symmetrical. "Liz's eyes were as shiny as a new penny, round and symmetrical…"I thought."No, can't be falling for Liz, she is like the opposite of me!"

"No, I am not skipping class for you again! Liz said. Every time I called her she'd ignore me.

"Time's up, pencils down." Mr. Stein said.

"But i-"I looked at my paper with worry in my eyes. "I failed!" I shouted. Everyone looked at me.

"Nothing to see here!" I told them. Liz blushed as she looked at me, I did too.


"Kid was acting weird lately, like during the test." I told my little sister Patty.

"Maybe he likes you!" Patty said making kissy noises.

"Don't be ridiculous!" I said back in an angry voice. Though on the inside I thought she was right.

"I could see that you like him too!" Patty yelled in excitement "Oh! You could have a date at the restaurant…."

"Look, Pat, I am NOT going on a date with Kid!" I then ran home. In my mind I thought….

"Kid is kinda cute….." I thought "But if I go on a date with him and have a great time, how will that effect the way we fight, all of us, we'll die out there." I felt tears drop down my cheek. I quickly wiped them when Kid came in. He looked at me in a way he never looked at anyone before and went to his room to check on his frame. Then thought

"Am I falling for kid?"

That's it for chapter 1 I'll update soon! :D