Dear Reader,

I just wanted to make it very clear that what you are about to read is unlike most of what I write. I'm normally into fluff-like stories that make you feel all good and happy inside. However, this time I felt as though I needed to write a story that was uninhibited by what I think my readers want to read, and just write it the way I see it.

A lot of this story, especially in the beginning, is very inappropriate for those who get offended easily. There are a lot of blatant sexual themes and themes of violence. This is not because I feel like offending people, or because I am a disturbed person, it is simply to express how I really see the Underworld. It is supposed to be a terrible place, and I want to be able to express that.

This message isn't meant to turn you away, it is simply meant to make me feel as though I sufficiently warned you so that I don't get nasty messages about how they weren't expecting this.

Disclaimer: Since you have clicked on a website called Fan-fiction, I'm going to assume you already know how ridiculous it sounds to think about yelling at me because I "stole" George Lucas' ideas.

Thank you,

Aiden Skywalker