Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight. It is the property of Stephenie Meyer. No infringement intended.

Author's Note: Dont miss the last chapter ( Chapter 42) right before this. I posted them back to back. Again, I'm sorry for the long delay; Real Life happens. I hope you have enjoyed the story as much as I have enjoyed writing and sharing with you. :)


Andria's PoV:

Sixty years had passed since the day we left Volterra as a family. Our family continued to live a peaceful life without interference or threat from the Volturi. I watched my children grow up before my eyes into wonderful, intelligent, beautiful beings.

The best part, or at least one of my most favorite things, was the perfect recall. I always had my memories; even my slightly fuzzy human ones had not vanished.

Several years after my change, once I had calmed down and could control my inner beast, Vanessa visited us.

She didn't leave.

Instead, she asked to be turned.

She said her goodbyes to her family and remaining friends before coming to our home, and joining our family.

It was three years after her change, once Lucas had fully matured, that he and Vanessa became mates. I was ecstatic for my son and friend.

We moved to New York when I was sixteen, in vampire years of course. Of course, Jacob came with us.

I attended Juilliard as a ballerina while Edward enrolled to study music. Vanessa was accepted as well, so Lucas learned to play the violin.

The other "children" attended NYU. Carlisle and Esme lived in a large house near Central Park, an equal distance between the two schools.

It was during my senior year at Juilliard that I received the worst phone call of my existence.

"Hello?" I asked as I answered my cell.

"Andria, this is Wesley. You need to come home."

He sounded different. I had kept in touch through phone calls and emails, and Wesley had always been chipper and happy. This time his voice was somber.

"What's wrong?" I questioned hesitantly afraid of the answer.

"Your grandparents have passed away."

The world stood still on the busy streets of Manhattan. People passed by, grumbling profanities under their breath because of my sentient stance in the middle of the street, but I didn't hear them.

Beside me, Edward was just as still. We had just talked with them the night before, they were fine, healthy... alive.

"Andria, are you there?" Wesley asked after a moment, snapping me out of my fog.


I didn't know a vampire's voice could crack. "I'll be home on the first flight I can get."

When we arrived at the house, Alice had two tickets in her hand and our bags packed.

Tears that couldn't be shed were shining in her sorrowful eyes as she hugged us both goodbye before we quickly departed.

I learned they had passed peacefully during the night.

The funeral was beautiful. A beautiful end to two beautiful people who lived a beautifully long life together.

Wesley asked what I would do with the house. Katherine and Wesley no longer lived in the smaller dwelling on the outskirts of the property. Papa had stopped boarding horses and raising cattle years before, so Wesley and Katherine had moved.

Wesley had hired a good friend to maintain the gardens and property for Papa.

"I'll take over paying the man to keep the house up. Once I graduate from Juilliard, I'll move down here," I responded to his question.

He nodded and then gave a sad smile. "They were real proud of you, Andria."

We returned to New York, and my senior showcase was a tribute to their lives. Edward composed a piece in their memory and played it at the Showcase.

That summer we moved to Bath. Rosalie and Emmett decided to stay in the other house, because Rosalie loved its quaint charm nestled deep in the property, but its short running distance to the main house.

Esme and Carlisle tried to get Edward and me to take the master, since it was truly my house, but I couldn't. That room would always be Papa's and Granny's, and I couldn't call that room mine.

Instead, we kept my sunny yellow room, and did a slight remodel to make it larger. Jasper and Edward used part of Travis's room to make a new bathroom and removed the old bathroom to add more space to our new bedroom.

Any changes that we made to the house, we always tried to keep its plantation charm.

Alice and Jasper kept the room they stayed in. While Lucas and Vanessa took the room Rose and Emmett had been in. Ariana moved into the remaining room.

We converted one of the extra rooms that had once been a study, into a bedroom for Nessie and Jacob.

We settled into life in Bath easily. We chose not to attend school and took online college courses instead, while Carlisle worked at the local hospital.

My strange ability to keep pets continued even after we left Tahoe. There had been several other animals to join our family besides Todd. Balto the wolf pup came after Todd.

In New York I had an orange tabby cat. In Bath, I went to the local animal shelter and returned with two dogs. Neither of them had been frightened of me, while the others had shied away, so they both came home.

Simba and Nala were Alaskan Malamutes that had somehow worked their way from Alaska to the south. They were both red and white in color with sweet dispositions. Simba was a rescue that had a bald spot, behind his left front leg, where his previous dickhead owner had placed a body harness on him meant for a Cocker Spaniel.

Despite his horrid past, Simba loved all of the members of his new family, and so did Nala. They loved chasing Jacob's wolf around the yard.

As the years went by, Alice eventually stopped looking for the Volturi and we settled into a calm life of online courses, spending time as a family, and hunting.

Of course, when Alice stopped looking for the Volturi is when we received our biggest surprise.

"I don't know if I should take Latin or Mythology?" I questioned to no one in particular. "Latin sounds very boring, but I've always liked mythology."

"Take mythology, Carlisle can teach you Latin," Rose stated from the chair.

I submitted my online class schedule for the fall as Edward began descending the stairs. When he reached midway, both he and Alice gasped and turned toward the door.

"How could I have not seen this?" Alice asked with alarm.

I scented the air, and was shocked that I recognized the smell. Why was he here?

Seconds later there was a knock at the door.

Edward went to answer it, with Jasper, who had come out of the library, close behind him.

"Hello. Why are you here? We've done nothing wrong," Edward stated coolly.

"I'm not here to summon you or your family. I've come to ask to stay for a while."

Edward stepped to the side, and allowed Demetri to enter the house.

"You have a beautiful home, Alexandria," he said with a smile.

"Thank you, and pardon my rudeness, but why the hell have you popped up on our doorstep?"

Demetri chuckled lowly. "After your family left Volterra, I realized that I needed to remove myself from the Volturi for a period of time. I finished my service to the Kings, turned in my Volturi pendant and cloak, and came to America. I had hopes that I could remain here with your family."

"Again, not to be rude, but... why?"

"I will assume Edward explained why I reacted the way I did when Aro sentenced you to death."

When I nodded, he continued.

"I find the prospect of drinking from animals rather disturbing, much as you view drinking from humans, but I would like the chance to live as a person with a family, away from being a feared soldier among the Volturi."

"A new start?" I asked.

"I suppose you could call it that," he replied.

"Im not the leader of this family, so it's not solely my decision if you stay or not, but this is my house and for the time being you may stay, under the condition that Edward and Jasper sense no other ulterior motives or intentions."

"I swear I have none," he said.

"While that's all fine and dandy, I don't really trust anyone associated with the Volturi, whether or not they saved my life, at one point you tried to eat me."

"I'm very glad I did not."

"Me too." I turned to Edward who read my thoughts.

"I don't sense anything. As far as I can tell he's telling the truth."

Jasper agreed.

"Well then, when Carlisle gets home we can have a family discussion."

At that moment Ariana and Lucas walked through through the kitchen and into the room.

"No, Lucas I will not write your essay for -" her words stopped as she caught sight of Demetri.

As I looked back and forth between the two of them I realized what had happened.

Edward groaned at the same time as I said, "Well, fuck."

Edward's PoV:

Andria had grown over the years into a beautiful, talented, and stunning vampire. Her abilities grew as she aged, and she began to be able to control them better. While we had no use for her defensive abilities, the ability to calm animals and have them feel safe around a family of vampires never ceased to cause much amusement in the house.

Much had changed since Andria had become a vampire and we returned from Volterra, and yet, much had stayed the same.

Vanessa was a bright, sunny addition to our family. She possessed no true special ability, but her sunny disposition and bright smile brought light and happiness to wherever she was.

My Renesmee married Jacob several years after Vanessa had grew out of her newborn phase. Andria was happy to see the wolves, or what remained of them. Sam, Jared, and Paul had all stopped phasing to begin families of their own and left the remaining wolves to protect La Push.

The greatest change to our family was the addition of Demetri, who had in fact left the Volturi for good. His acceptance into our family was not easy or quick, but Ariana adored him, and he adored her. Their relationship made his transition slightly easier as well as a little harder.

Andria's threats to remove appendages if any harm came to her daughter were a daily event, but Demetri took them with a smile and a promise to always protect Ariana with his life.

"Edward!" Andria called. "We're going to be late if you don't get your sparkly ass downstairs!"

I sighed, and grabbed my things from beside the doorway to our bedroom before making my way down the stairs to join the rest of the family.

Today started the first day of school at Bath High School.

This was our second time living in Bath. After Demetri showed up we moved to Vermont for several years, then Ontario, and next a tiny town in Pennsylvania before we finally moved back to Bath.

Carlisle was working at the local hospital again, while Esme did charity work here in Bath and other small surrounding towns. Demetri appeared too old to go to school, having been changed when he was twenty-seven, so he was 'attending college'. Rose, Emmett, and Jasper would be entering as Juniors. Jacob, Andria, Alice, Nessie and I would be Sophomores, while Ariana and Lucas were Freshmen.

Of course we had to also rearrange our story as well. Demetri, Emmett, and Andria were related. Jasper and Rose kept up the appearance of twins. Alice and I were brother and sister, while Nessie was the older sister to Ariana and Lucas, and Jacob was an only child.

When we pulled into the parking lot and exited the three vehicles we took, it was apparent that this school was going to be like all the others. The whispers started instantly, as did the stares.

I wrapped my arm around Andria's waist and placed a kiss on her head. "Ready?" I asked.

"I'm almost ninety years old, and I'm never ready for the first day of school," she responded with a smile.

"Time to make the bets," Emmett exclaimed quietly, making sure none of the humans heard us. "Who do you think will get the most stares, who will get asked out the most, and of course what crazy rumor will the sheep come up with this year?"

We all laughed at Emmett's excitement, but inside I was nervous. At the previous schools Andria had always held every boy's attention wherever she went.

Andria, sensing my discomfort, stood on her tiptoes and planted her lips against mine in a seductive kiss. "Don't worry about the other little boys, Mr. Cullen; you're the only man I'm ever going home with."

I smirked as she kissed me again, and the boys who had been staring at her turned away in rejection.

It was sure to be an eventful and exciting start to another chapter in our eternity together.