... Don't ask me where this one came from.

Oddly, no one was panicking or worried. Weirder things had happened before, anyways. This hardly counted as one of the stranger incidents.

The black cat sitting on the table calmly blinked at the gathered Strawhats. She curled up and yawned, showing off little sharp teeth and a pink tongue.

"Okay." Chopper nodded. He turned to the others. "Robin says that it's okay to pet her."

"Yay!" Luffy gasped, quickly snatching the cat up. "Heee! So fuzzy!"

"How did this even happen?" Nami asked in exasperation, smacking Luffy when he squeezed the cat too hard. Robin mewed.

"She doesn't remember." Chopper informed them.

"Then what'll we do if it doesn't wear off?" Franky asked. Luffy began tossing the cat up and down. Nami smacked him again and took Robin from him.

"Nooooo!" Sanji wailed, falling to the floor. "Don't say such horrible things, shit-head!"

"Hey, hey, you know what we should call her?" Usopp nudged Luffy, who tilted his head. Usopp snickered. "Neko Robin."

Everyone stared at him blankly. Robin blinked.

"Get it? Get it?" Usopp waved his arms.

"That's... her name." Zoro said flatly.

"No, with a 'k'!" Usopp said. "Neko, as in the cat... Robin's a cat... Neko Robin..."

"OOOH!" Luffy burst out into laughter. "I get it! Hahahaha!"

Zoro, Nami, and Franky groaned and facepalmed simultaneously. Even Chopper and Brook looked a little embarrassed.

"Wow, you guys!" Usopp huffed. "Only Luffy appreciates my amazing sense of humor."

"Haha! Cuz she's a cat!" Luffy ruffled the fur on Robin's head and her ears twitched.

Sanji burst into tears and banged his head on the floor.