
The sun touched down upon the earth and created a heavenly glow that glistened all day. The vibrant orange and pink hues in the sky set against the golden rays, made today magical.

Tara fought the butterflies in her stomach. She placed a hand on her torso. Her son, now six months old, loved to rest there.

Abel, now two, loved Caleb. The pair of boys were inseperable.

The moment Caleb sees Abel walk into his room, his face lights up and Tara cries each time. Moments like that made Tara's life surreal. Almost as if it weren't happening to her. Because she never felt like she deserved happiness.

She never felt she deserved anything.

Until she met him.

Her groom was waiting for her outside. They were getting married today. They flew everyone out for their special day.

People that Tara once despised, now became as familiar to her as her own skin. They were her family. She finally belonged.

Hawaiian sunsets were rumored to be spectacular.

As Tara watched the sky transform now, she was at a loss for words.

How did she get so lucky?

Gemma walked into the bridal tent and walked over to Tara. Without a word, she adjusted Tara's flower that was placed gently on her head. She kissed her cheek, much like a mother would do for their daughter, and smiled at her.

"I'm glad it's you." Gemma said, quietly.

"I love your son more then words can say."

"I know." She pulled Tara in for a hug and whispered, "But he loves you more."

Tara brushed aside the tears that fell.

"Now, don't mess up your make-up. You look gorgeous sweetheart."

The music began to play. The matrimonial melody echoed throughout her small wedding tent. Her heart began to race. She heard the rustling of people as they stood to watch her enter.

This was it.

Gemma held her hand as she made her way down the isle.

Donna held Tara's sons as she made her way past them. Abel ran up to her and clung to her dress. No one could pry his little fingers away from her, so she ended up holding him the rest of the way.

She glanced at Donna, as she gave her an apologetic look, and checked on her other son as he slept soundly in the comfort of Donna's embrace.

Tara kissed Abel's cheek and heard a sharp intake of breath.

It came from Jax.

There were tears in his eyes but he quickly shoved them aside. He would never let anyone see that vulnerable side, except for her.

It had always been only her.

A surge of love, overwhelmed her as she looked into his eyes.

They spoke to her in volumes.

The love she saw in them for her made her tear again.

As the priest began to speak, Tara whispered.

"You're going to make me ruin my make up."

"I can't stop staring at you. You're absolutely gorgeous Tara."

She chuckled and shook her head.

"I'll never see it."

"I know. But I do." Jax whispered.

The priest gave them a disapproving look as he continued to read the passage.

"Jax," She whispered, "I love you."

He smirked, that crooked smirk that always melted her heart.

"I don't know what I did to get so lucky…"

The priest finished the vows quickly. Abel squirmed in Tara's arms to be let down half way through. She kissed his forehead and let him down. He ran to Gemma, with the speed of a toddler and laughed the whole way.

The reception was small. Intimate. Endearing.

Jax grabbed Tara's hand and asked her to come outside with him.

She gave Caleb to Gemma, who adored the attention from her grandson's, and followed her husband.

The waves crashed gently against the sand.

The gentle breeze swayed Tara's hair back and forth.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

If she could freeze time, this is when she would do it.

She felt Jax come behind her and wrap his arms around her. She leaned against him, completely content. He kissed her forehead and for a moment, they simply stayed in silence.

"Tara," His tone was serious now, "You know there will be nights when I don't come home. And my life is still unpredictable and crazy. No one would blame you if ten years from now you left. It's happened before."

"Don't you ever know when to stop talking?" She said with a smile.

"I'm serious. My life is dangerous. There may be a day when…"

"Hey, I tell you what. Someone once told me we have to live for today because that's all we have. And that person is now my husband. So, if I were you I would listen to him."

She could feel him smirking as she leaned in closer.

"All I know is Tara, is that I can't ever live without you again. You've given me a second son," He turned her to face him and cupped her cheeks, "You made it possible for me to be me again."

"I didn't do anything." She said. He kissed her lightly.

"You're just you. And that's what makes me, well, me."

"I love you so much Jax Teller."

"Good." She elbowed him playfully as he laughed.

"You're it for me darlin'."

"Good." She said, turning his own words against him.

Of all the nights he dreamt of her. Of all the times he was lost in thought thinking of how they met or the good times they spent together. Of all the time they lost. It all led up to this moment. Jax threw his cigarette in the water and put his hands in his pocket. Finally, he felt the ache of being without her fade.

He was married now.

To the one he longed for.

AN: I had such an amazing experience writing this story. Thank you all so much for your kind words and praise. I'm so sad to see this story go. I may be writing a sequel son. A follow up story on the Teller boys, Abel and Caleb all grown up. So, don't forget about me! I hope you've enjoyed this as much as i have.

With all my love.
