I am sooo sorry I counldn't update sooner. I was just so busy with college essays and relatives coming over for the holidays that it was pretty hard to find time to write this. I really wished that I put up a hiatus or something to note about this. Thank you for all the reviews though, they really helped me to continue on!

As an apology, I wrote a fluffly MsMk oneshot to make it up.

Anyway enough of this, here's the long awaited chapter!

Is it time yet?

Eyes shifted from an orange cell phone to the begging man before him, only to return back to the screen of the cell phone.

"Please, just a little more time, I've got to get Naomi a gift but I already spent my salary." The man was on his hands and knees hoping to appeal to the debt collector's sympathetic sides.

"Now, now, we can't do that. You've already asked for more time before, isn't it time to pay up?" Tom sighed, rather absentminded himself. The act was something commonly seen in the job and currently Tom was more curious with Shizuo's actions.

Knowing precisely how long the "story on how he was blowing his money over a hostess," was going to take, he ignored the man, and focused his attention on Shizuo.

Shizuo was looking at his phone yet again, staring at it intensely through his purple glasses as if he willing the minutes to move.

It was a scene, though it only started a few days ago, it was beginning to become a common occurrence.

Tom could already see signs of irritation beginning to show, it seemed like Shizuo just couldn't spare any patience today. He was relieved that it was more out of impatience than anger, but he couldn't let his guard down yet, after all the way the man was twitching, that irritation could quickly turn into an all out rage.

"Shizuo, why don't you take the rest of the day off today? You look like your ready to blow."

"Ah? Really? ...Sorry Tom, I'm just a little distracted today." Shizuo said apologetically.

"It's fine, just get whatever you have in mind over with." Tom said in a nonchalant wave.

Shizuo nodded before he hurried off toward the direction of a certain underground doctor's residence.

Tom watched him off. …There again? He sure goes there often now, how long has it bee? Nearly a week now... To see his "illegitimate child" is it?

Tom had never clarified the subject with Shizuo yet. Though he had been with him for quite a few years, he wasn't sure if this subject would be found in the "safe zone."

And so, the mysterious person his fellow co-worker was greeting was labeled as the "illegitimate child" within Tom Tanaka's mind.

Shizuo hurried to his destination while cautiously carrying a small box with it's precious contents.

That was until he stopped and noticed an all too familiar figure in front of the building.

"IIIIZZAAAYYYAAAAA!" Shizuo threw the box in his hands; completely forgetting it's importance. " I thought something stinked around here!"

Izaya just dodged it easily, having it land on the floor. "Oh? It's seems like it's something rather light this time? Are you losing your touch?"

Izaya took a closer look at the box. "Hmm? Cake box? What is it Shizu-chan? Even a monster like you has something to celebrate about?"

Shizuo quickly took a nearby street sign, getting ready to strike that annoying smirk that was appearing before him. "Like I would tell you! Didn't I tell you to get the hell out of Ikebukuro?"

Izaya assumed a thinking position, tapping his chin as if he were in deep thought. "Did you? Maybe you did, I don't know~ My memories must have fled at the sight of your scary face."

The man neatly dodged the blow from the "God of Destruction."

"Why the hell are you around here for? I thought it was you snooping around here for the last three days!"

"Ah, you found me? Congratz, Shizu-chan, and here I thought it was a good hiding spot. you must be proud…." Though he wore a smile, but the words seemed all but happy.

Shizuo looked at him with narrowed eyes. "Are you treating me like an idiot?"

Izaya just got up from his spot, dusting off his pants as if the threat of his archenemies didn't even bother him.

"I'm just saying Shizu- chan. That since you already accomplished the job of finding me, you'll give yourself a pat on the back, and let me through? After all, you're the reason I couldn't go in."

"SHUT UP! ANSWER THE QUESTION AND DON'T CALL ME THAT!" Shizuo gave another swing, which Izaya once again danced around.

"Hmm, if you insist on an answer, I came to visit Shinra's home. Why? Is it wrong to visit an old friend?"

"You don't have any friends." was the blunt reply.

"So cruel, Shizu-chan~! But I guess it's true… not that it really matters, I love all humans anyway!" He flung his arms open, as if to accept the world's love. It was a sight any normal passerby would think strange before hurrying away to stay uninvolved.

After Izaya's little pose to no one in particular, he turned to the man who was currently grinding his teeth in annoyance, "Well, don't get me wrong... I don't actually like you."

"Like I care! Even if he was your friend, I doubt that's what your here for. So quit jumping around," He moved forward in a swing, "…AND ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTING!"

The ground where the information broker was just on seconds ago was shattered by the force of the swing of the sign pole.

"As always, you're so irrational..." Izaya took the time to shake his head. "How do expect me to answer when you are trying to crush me in any given moment?"

"..." Shizuo just stood silently before readying himself to throw the pole.

Izaya eyed him with caution, "...well, since I don't think you'll kindly let me in, I'll just take my leave then...for now."

Izaya already looked like he was ready to make his getaway.

"?" Shizuo quickly threw the pole, hoping to crush the man.

But alas, his hopes fleeted as Izaya darted off, the projectile weapon barely missing him as he disappeared into the streets.

"Heiwajima-san, You're here again!" Mikado said as he put a book down. "Ah-"

Shizuo entered the room with a rather bitter expression. A single verse of "That damn flea…" was barely heard in his muttering.

Flea? Mikado pondered at this. Kida never mentioned anything about fleas before. I didn't think they were really important…" He frowned at the thought, "…but to bother Heiwajima-san… It must be pretty big.

Mikado shuddered at the thought of a giant flea hopping along the streets of Ikebukuro. Going from victim to victim, sucking away at their lives. Once it was done with one, it happily latched itself on another before it repeated the process of making its victim miserable.

"Hey, are you okay? You look sort of pale." Shizuo's voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Yes, I'm fine, I'm just a little nervous that's all, but it's just a walk right?" Mikado said with a smile trying to push away the thought of an overgrown, blood-sucking insect.

A peaceful silence was shared between the two.

It was interrupted when Shizuo remembered the barely noticeable weight he was carrying.

"I brought something for you." He brought the cake box to notice.

"E-eh? Heiwajima-san didn't need to…"

Shizuo waved an arm nonchalantly, looking at him in the eye. "It's fine, your leg is getting better so is it wrong to celebrate?"

Mikado shook his head slightly in defeat.

With that, Shizuo opened the box, but to his shock he noticed that the cakes were far from the shapes Shizuo had first bought them.

None of the cakes were in the clean-cut way as he had bought them from the bakery, but rather they were a crumpled mess. The vanilla, angel cake was mixed with the chocolate, devils food cake, and the red velvet with the Monte Blanc. Some were no longer identifiable.

Shizuo bought several slices of different cakes, unsure of which had Mikado's favor, but such a case didn't even matter now.

How did… Shizuo's mind darted back, trying to remember what had occurred.

As usual, the one behind this problem and almost all the others, was none other than the flea… though he was the one did throw it.

He stared at the crumpled cakes in disappointment.

"Ah...sorry, I'll go get another one."

Mikado looked at the disheartened man who was heading for the door. Quickly, without thinking, he grabbed a chunk of the horribly misshapen pastry before stuffing it in his mouth.

"Issh diirre-shesh" he said in a muffled tone, his mouth filled with the sweet taste of filling.

Shizuo blinked in surprise at the Mikado with his stuffed cheeks. He could see crumbs and a dash of vanilla decorating Mikado's face, as the boy struggled to swallow the contents in his mouth.

All in all, it reminded Shizuo of one of those chipmunks he saw in the park who gathered far too many nuts than it could carry.

…The sight was too much.


Mikado was startled by the sudden sound, nearly choking in surprise.

Shizuo noticed the strangling noise coming from the boy in front of him.

"Ah, sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you there… But you're right, it's no good wasting good food now is there?"

Walking back to his spot, he took a nearby napkin before stopping in front of Mikado.

"But we should take our time and enjoy it, rather than swallowing it. Shouldn't we?" He wiped the crumbs off the boy's face with a grin.

Mikado nodded silently, his face red with embarrassment, not to how he was treated like a child. But rather to how he behaved like one in the spur of the moment.

Shizuo looked in approval before he headed to the door once more.

But stopped at the sight of Mikado looking alarmed. He grinned, " I'm not going to leave, but why don't I get you some milk so you to wash that down?"

It was a silent moment, as the two ate the tasty mess of cakes.

Mikado thought that the mixture made the taste even more interesting, not to mention delightful.

He looked at Shizuo wondering if he was thinking the same thing and found the bartender eating the sweets with a content look on his face. It was a strange sight; to see one of the people Kida warned was one of the most dangerous, enjoying cakes like a small child.

To have that affection towards sweets- just didn't match his appearance. He thought.

But he doubted that gentle persona was something most people would think would match Shizuo either.

What was more amusing to him however, was to see him downing the milk glass after glass like no tomorrow, Mikado couldn't help but giggle at the sight.


Shizuo looked up at the sound. "Do you find something funny?"

Mikado ceased his laughter quickly, fearing that he would incur the man's wrath.

"Ah no, I'm not laughing at you Heiwajima-san…" His voice grew smaller as he was watched by a stare that didn't seem believe him. "I just thought that it's a little funny that a bartender is drinking milk with such fervor."

"…Heh, I guess that is pretty strange," Shizuo said with a grin, "but- I'm not a bartender anymore."

Mikado looked questionably at this, "Eh? You're not?"

"Yeah, I got fired a long ago."

"I'm sorry…"

"Hmm? What are you saying sorry for? It's not like you're the one who got me fired." Shizuo said remembering the unpleasant one who did.

"Ah, I thought Shizuo-san seemed to be attached to the job, since he wears that bartender uniform all the time."

"This outfit?" He pinched the edge of the vest. "No, I don't even like beer… or anything else bitter, actually."

"…" Mikado couldn't help but agree silently with Shinra that some aspects of Shizuo were pretty childish… but perhaps he was much more honest this way.

"Ah, but don't tell Kasuka that I got fired though." Shizuo said, remembering his brother's wish.


"Yeah, shouldn't you know about him? He had a movie come out recently…"

"Eh, movie? Heiwajima-san, your brother must be pretty famous,"

"Yeah, I'm surprised you haven't heard of him..." Shizuo frowned.

"No…I'm pretty sure I don't recall a name like that before…" he tilted his head, frowning to remember a name even remotely similar. "Well… I just came to Ikebukuro, and Kida-kun hasn't really shown me around...so maybe that's way?"

...Come to think of it, even from the time I arrived, he was more interested in picking up girls than anything else. Mikado sighed inwardly.

Shizuo stared at the boy with his deadpan expression before getting up to clear the dishes.

"...Well that settles it."

"Huh?" A confused expression was worn on the boy's face.

"While we're out, let's go watch a movie together." Saying it like it was the most logical thing to say.

"Eh?" Mikado looked up in surprise. "Is it all right? Aren't I troubling Heiwajima-san already?"

"You're not, besides Kasuka might be upset if he found out I didn't watch it anyway." He stated.

...well, I'm not exactly lying, Shizuo brother would be glad, but he was sure that Kasuka wouldn't burst into tears either if he had missed it.

"Ah… and call me Shizuo, Heiwajima-san is a little too formal for me."

"Then... Please look after me, Hei- I mean, Shizuo-san?" Mikado said bowing lightly.

"S-sure, whatever..." He said as scratched the back of his head in embarrassment; he wasn't used to all this reliance.

"Oh, what's this? Are we already having plans Shizuo?" The two turned to find that Shinra had returned.

Shizuo just ignored him, as Shinra walked closer to Mikado bringing the new crutches.

"Welcome back, Kishitani-sensei"

"It sure is nice to get a greeting, if only more people were considerate like this, High School might have been much smoother." He eyed Shizuo. "But I digress, despite how they say a mature rice plant lowers its head*, I have high doubts he would ever grow up anyway."


Though Shinra couldn't see it from his side, Mikado could see Shizuo's fork twist in into a strange angle with the slightest of ease.

He couldn't help but feel like it was like a situation where one was awaiting for a bomb to go off.

"A-ah, S-Shinra san, can I try those crutches now?" Mikado said, trying to change the subject.

"Ah, yes I forgot." Shinra said coming closer to the boy who was now sighing in relief. "Well, here we are. Mikado-kun, try them out."

Handing the crutches over, Shinra watched as Mikado sidled to the side of the bed before awkwardly try to position the crutches in the right way.

He got up in a sudden movement, only to fall backward onto the bed; reminding Shinra of newborn deer he once saw in a nature documentary.

"Ah, Mikado-kun, take it slow, there's no reason to rush. Shizuo-kun may be the impatient type, but I'm sure he can wait for something like this. Isn't that right Shizuo?"

The doctor turned to meet his friend eyeing him with a heated gaze that seemed to say "Don't treat me like an idiot!" but Shizuo turned to meet the boys gaze afterward and nod his head slightly as if to prove to Mikado that he'll do what he was told.

Mikado nodded in return and grasped the crutches again with a determined look in his eyes. Summoning his below-average strength, he pulled himself slowly.

"Even if Kishitani-Sensei tells me such, a thing, I've been doing nothing but staying in bed all the time. I'm very grateful. Sensei, Celty-san and even Shizuo-san stopped by on their own time to take care of me. So…"

Finally able to stand firmly once more on his feet, he looked and smiled. "I feel like I should do my best as well, so I can thank you all properly."

Staring at the smile, Shizuo couldn't help but feel warm inside. How often was it when he had heard someone say they were grateful to him? He wasn't even sure if his name and the word 'grateful' were even possible to be together, given his personality. Speaking of which was it even possible. He was surely dreaming wasn't he?

He wrapped his mind on the situation, surely, a kid like the one in front of him couldn't exist.

"Ah Mikado, as I thought, you are a really good kid." Shinra's voice snapped Shizuo out of his thoughts.

As if he could read his thoughts, he heard Shinra mumble in a quiet voice, "It makes me wonder how the world would be like if there are more kids like you…"

Shizuo could only silently agree.

"Hahh…" The slightly chilly air, stung Mikado's nose. But it just made the outside air all the more refreshing to his lungs.

After circling the room in a few practice walks with his crutches; Shinra agreed to let him go outside. But, with supervision in the form of Shizuo of course.

And so there they were walking in the busy streets of Ikebukuro. Though they weren't exactly side by side.

Shizuo noticed this, and tried to come closer. He was to help him if the boy fell or got too tired after all.

He took a step closer, yet, somehow Mikado seemed just as far as before.

Maybe I didn't take a big enough step? he thought as he took a much more bigger step.

But just as the same as before, the distance between them didn't seem to get any closer.

Confused and slightly annoyed, he took another step, watching their feet closely.

Surely enough, he saw Mikado's shoes shuffle slowly to the side.

A thought finally occurred to him.

Ah… He must be still scared of me. Shizuo brushed his hair back with his fingers sighing lightly. It's understandable though.

He couldn't help but feel slightly downhearted. He had hoped today, he would have fun with his new to push away the feeling of depression he scanned the streets to try to occupy his mind with other things.

Mikado on the other hand, was watching him silently.

The student had tried to keep at least 2 feet away from him out of caution. But it seems like he was found out by the way Shizuo tried coming closer.

At first he was sure the man would be angry at him, but instead to his surprise, he saw a much more somber expression instead.

Come to think of it, he did look forward to this walk...

Feeling bad, he came to a stop to try to apologize to him.

With a hesitant voice, at the body still walking ahead he bleated out "Umm…. S-shizuo-san. I want to sa-"

The man in front of him stopped, before all of a sudden rushing ahead.

"Shizuo-san?" Mikado questioned, as the person in question continued running, taking a signpost with him.

Mikado froze, unwilling to take another step toward the area the armed man had just ran. And continued watching Shizuo run forward until turned the corner into another street leaving the boy's sight.

"Ahh…could it be?"a certain man with a parka popped up in his head.

As if to answer his question, a cacophony of crashes were heard from a distance, followed with the sound of breaking glass. A flying garbage can came into view, signaling the start of the battle. A few seconds later, from that very same corner, a river of humans came his direction, pouring out onto the street, in an attempt to get away from the chaos behind them.

Mikado wasn't sure if he should just wait patiently or run away like the rest of the people. He didn't have much time to think, as it looked like a stampede was headed his way.

In order to keep from getting trampled, Mikado put all his effort to hobble to the side as fast as he could.

He would have made it to the side, (or at least that was what he wanted to think, but he knew too well that even without his physical disability, he probably wouldn't be able to make it anyway) if it weren't for a hand that pulled him back into the stream of people.

"There you are Mikado-kun!~ I was wondering how to get to you, but what luck to find you right here in front of me." Mikado turned to find a smirking Izaya behind him.

"Ah- h-hello, Izaya-san." Mikado said, still unsure of what to make of the man.

"Hmm, what's with that greeting? Not shy are you? After all, we did meet twice now, shouldn't we be acquaintances?"

"But Izaya-san…I barely know you." Mikado nervously remarked

"Ah, that's right!" Izaya said before putting his hands on the teen's shoulders, pushing him away from the direction he came from.

"But that makes it all the more reasonable to get to know each other isn't it?"

"…" Mikado wasn't sure how to answer. But he didn't need to as the man continued to talk anyway.

"I remember our first meeting was short and our second was rudely interrupted. Come to think of it… did I really lose Shizu-chan that easily?"

A street sign flew between them, thoroughly embedding itself in the concrete in front of them, causing the crowd around them to scatter. Mikado stumbled foreword in surprise.

"Speak of the devil…" Mikado heard Izaya mutter as he turned to see the man with a dark expression on his face for the slightest moment.

That expression was replaced quickly with a smile as the man turned to talk with the violent one staring at them from a distance.

"Ah, Shizu-chan, was it you who brought him here?" Izaya said grabbing onto Mikado again.

"…" Shizuo stayed silent clenching his hand even further. Unsure of what Izaya would do to Mikado if he said yes.

But against his hope, the flea's mouth continued to grow wider.

"I should really thank you." Izaya said with a grin. "But- Mikado and I have a lot of catching up to do so we'll be going now."

And with that the man sprinted off, pulling Mikado with him.

The pull was sudden, causing the boy to fall from his crutches.

"Uwwaah!" he said in surprise.

"HEY!" Shizuo started, trying to get through the crowd.

Izaya turned around in time to save Mikado's head from hitting the concrete.

"Whoops, seems like I forgot about your leg. I'm sorry that Shizu-chan did such a thing to you. He can be quite the monster you see."

"Umm… I-I don't think-" Mikado started.

"You don't think we can get away in time? That's fine. I can just do this."

"Wait, that's not what I - " Before he can finish his sentence, he was lifted into the air to find himself on the shoulder of the one known as Orihara Izaya.

"Let's go now shall we?~"

Mikado stayed silent as he had a feeling that even if he said something he would be ignored again. Not that even had words to say. At the moment he wasn't sure just who exactly was saving him.

Was it Shizuo saving him from being currently kidnapped(?) by this odd stranger that goes by the name Orihara Izaya?

Or was Izaya actually carrying him to safety from the raging, therefore dangerous Shizuo who was currently throwing a man in the air.

Or perhaps, his friend was actually correct about the two and that he was in great trouble?

Either way, he couldn't do a thing about the current situation. So with these things in mind, he had no choice other than to be carried like a sack of potatoes by Izaya as they disappeared deeper into the sea of people.

*Remember, even if Mikado knew about the movies he doesn't know Kasuka's real name, due to how the public knows him as Yuuhei Hanajima.

*A Japanese proverb that means: Maturity brings humility and respect for others.

And there we have it! I've been working on this on my spare time for the last 4 months whenever I had free time, (which wasn't a lot mind you). Anyhoo, since it took so long, I can't say that I'll update soon, since I said that last time and you know how that went… -_-;

So! I'm just promising that I will update it, eventually…

(I'll start right away, but who knows when I'll finish? T-T )

Ah, yes I'm considering writing another durarara fic called Gakuen Heaven (for obvious reasons of course ' . ) in the later (hopefully not that much later) future. Yet, since I'm having trouble even updating my current story, I'm just putting that idea on hold for now. I've got great ideas that are stuck in my head for it yet… writing it on the other hand, takes quite a bit of time.